Chapter 20

Wendy's Peter Pan

When I think about what Luhan said I think he has a point. Everything is up to me. Since I was the one that made a mistake then I should be the one to correct it. Unconsciously I have been putting my pride first that’s why I couldn’t think of a way to settle things.


Today I decided that I will try to settle things. I woke up early and made lunch for the three of us. When one of us is celebrating their birthday that person would cook the lunch. And today sadly is my birthday but the only real friends I have doesn’t want to talk to me.


But I should try.


When I reached the school I put the lunch that I made on their lockers. I’m glad that they haven’t changed their password. Then I placed a letter for each one of them.


I hope that they will read it even if they will just throw it away. At least they know my side.


And at least I tried.


I clutched the last letter in my hand. I am hesitating if I should give this to him or not. Honestly I don’t know what is happening to us. We have a good relationship but all of a sudden it collapsed. But the worst part is that he does not love me. It really looks like I’m the Tinkerbell in this story not the Wendy.


I’m at the back of the auditorium sitting in the bench. I wanted to think about things. I’m sure that by now they have read my letter. And I think of going home after eating my lunch. Call me a coward but I don’t like to see their reaction to my letter.


I’m not sure if they will react to it well.


I slowly opened my lunchbox. I’m about to sing a birthday song to me when I felt someone is behind me. I turned around and saw Joohyun and Hayoung holding the lunchbox that I made. And on the other hand is the opened letter.


My eyes began tearing. Then I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks.


Then they ran towards me and embraced me tightly. I hugged them also tightly and cried so hard. Soon the three of us are crying so hard. That is all we need to settle things. Words are not needed to ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness.


And I am so thankful because of that.


After the three of us are calmed we all sat down in the bench and started eating our lunch. While eating we were just smiling and then laughing. There are no words spoken. Just the smiles are enough to make things okay.


After out reconciliation we decided to cut classes and go to our favorite restaurant to celebrate.


“I’m really sorry guys. This is all my fault. I know I shouldn’t have done what I did. I swear if I can turn back time I would do the opposite.”


Both of them smiled and hold my hand.


“It’s okay now Seunghwan-ah. We forgive you already. Don’t be sad about it anymore, ok?”


“Ok. I’m just so glad that you’re here with me. I can’t believe that you’ve already forgiven me. I don’t think I deserved it.”


“Yah! Stop that. What are friends for?”


“Right. Do you really think that we’re that heartless to not forgive you ever? And besides it’s just a man Seunghwan. Our friendship is more important than anything else.”


My eyes teared again. What did I do to deserve these kind of amazing friends?


“So you and Myungsoo still aren’t talking to each other?”


“We talked yesterday and this morning.”


“Yeah, he talked to you to pass his papers and that’s it. Seriously do you even call that a conversation?”


The three of us are at the back of the gymnasium. It’s been over a week since we reconciled and we decided to do what we used to do during high school, making out own lunch and eating at the bench under the tree.


And they have been asking me questions about what happened between me and Myungsoo. Honestly, I don’t know. I really have no idea why we became like this. It’s not like I’m super angry at him or what but... Okay I’m angry with him. But it’s just because he stopped talking to me. He doesn’t even look at me when we see each other in the corridor and he’s been hanging out a lot with Bomi lately.

And I’m super jealous.


“Did you explain everything to him?”


“I don’t know.”


I took a deep breath.


“You’re my friend but I really don’t know what to do with you.”


“Why don’t you try to talk to him? I mean if you guys are gonna have a contest on who has the highest pride in the universe, I’m telling you nobody’s gonna win because in that game everyone’s a loser. Wanna know the reason? Because it’s like pushing the other person farther away from you.”


“I think he’s angry at me and I don’t know why?”


“That’s why you should ask him. How can you know what he feel when you didn’t even talk except for the Ms. Son can you pass my paper conversation?”


“What should I say to him?”


“The truth is we both don’t know. Because you’re the only one who clearly knows about the situation so you can’t really ask about your status.”


“I also don’t know. One day we were fine and then the next day he’s super angry at me and he’s not talking to me. Then he flirts with other girls. Although I don’t care about it.”


“That is because you’re both crazy.”


“What if he’s really mad at me and he doesn’t even want to talk to me?”


Hayoung and Joohyun just rolled their eyes and gave me an annoyed expression.


The next day I tried to muster all my courage and talk to L. I was debating on myself whether to talk to him or give him a letter. Before I went to school I was so sure that I would like to personally talk to him but when I saw him in the corridor I just decided to give him the letter that I made.


During lunch Joohyun and Hayoung said that they’re both busy so they can’t join me. It felt awkward eating in the cafeteria alone so I called Luhan and I’m glad that he’s available.


“It’s been along time since we ate together.”


“Yeah. Almost a month. By the way, so how are you doing?”


“I guess I’m fine. Hayoung and Joohyun are talking to me and we’re back to being friends so yeah we’re fine. And I would like to really thank you about the advice. I couldn’t have done it without you.”


“Welcome. That’s what friends are for. Anyway where are they?”


“They said they’re busy about something that they didn’t tell me.”


He chuckled and continued eating. I did the same. I looked around the cafeteria and I saw Bomi but L is not with her. Instead she is with Chanyeol.


I wonder where he is right now.


“Why don’t you just call him?”


“What if he won’t answer his phone?”


“Seunghwan don’t take this too hard but I think the problem with you is that you’re afraid to take risks. You’re afraid to make the first move. That won’t take you to anywhere. This is life, you have to attack first so that something will happen to you. You can’t just sit around waiting for something to happen because it’s not going to happen unless you make the first move. You... You understand me right?”


He’s right. Everything in my life I just sat waiting for something to happen to me. I’m too scared to take risks. I always wait for someone out there to make the first move. And when they do I don’t really appreciate it that much.




There’s just silence on the other line.


“Hello? M-Myungsoo?”


I looked at my phone and see if I dialed the right number. This is his number but why isn’t no one answering.






“Can- can we talk?”

Author's *nonsense* Note:

Tomorrow is my first long exam in one of my subjects and I just knew about it :'(


Anyway, this is the second to the last chapter before this fanfics ends. Thank you to my new subscriber kpopper_99 ^^

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cleopatra123 #1
Chapter 17: This chapter is tooooooo short!
And Myungsoo done something bad, goshhhh!!!
He misunderstand and made Wendy's heartbroken
Now I'm gonna go to Luhan side~ *crying* cuz i'm so mad at Myungsoooooo~
cleopatra123 #2
Chapter 16: Is Luhan indirect confession to Wendy?
Because previous chapters seem like he likes her
by the way, Myungsoo ignore Wendy becuase he saw her with Luhan right?
And I mad at him for not follow Wendy at those moment urgggg!!!
And also Ren! What does he want from her, please leave her and take care of Joohyun
So curious what will happen next! Update soon Authornim , Love <3
xoxopeterpan #3
Chapter 16: Luhan likes wendy??
cleopatra123 #4
Chapter 15: Ohhhh~ my poor Wendy ;________;
Luhan came in a right time, if he likes Wendy, I'm gonna cheering him
Chapter 15: Why luhan care about wendy?
Maybe he likes her?
cleopatra123 #6
Chapter 14: Finally, Wendy admit her feeling~
But she got wrong about Myungsoo, he doesn't love Joohyun, Wan-ah, he love you!
By the way I miss Luhan, lol
cleopatra123 #7
Chapter 12: You so kind, author-nim <3
I really happy to see this story update everyday kekeke
this chapter make me scream, Wendy so jjang fight with Soojung
i see your note that Soojung not that type of girl (I think you mean she not that mean, right?)
I'm so satisfy with your note because I also love my Soojung and I don't want to hate her :(
But at the moment, Wendy and Soojung are now enemy of each other right?
Hopefully that L will protect Wendy for Soojung's harm
Ohhhhh~ I'm so curious what will happened next!!

Please update sooon~ :)
cleopatra123 #8
Ohhhh~ Author nim, I'm so addicted your story
Keep waiting for chapter 12~
By the way I would like to ask you, do you like Winner, the rookie boyband from YG?
I think it would be nice if you put some of them into this story kekeke
Please don't mind me, I'm just saying (:
cleopatra123 #9
Chapter 11: Thanks again for you dedicated for me and for everyone who read your story
Poor my baby, she feel some pain because of Myungsoo's lied
I'm pretty sure that he lied to her because he get jealous seeing Wendy with Luhan
By the way, Luhan's ridiculously I'm immediately laugh at the part that he eats Wendy foods lol
Really love Luhan's character!
cleopatra123 #10
Chapter 10: Wowww~ author nim Your dedicated so touchable~ *sob*
I will read your story until the end and I'll keep reading your story, everyyyyyy story, I promise!

But what will my wannie do when she got caught by both of Myungsoo and Bomi