The Shadows Are Faultless

The Shadows Are Faultless

The Shadows Are Faultless

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”


The silence was the worst. More deafening than outcry and more piercing than screams, it was where the looks that said all the things that would never normally be spoken, were exchanged. It was in the silence, were hearts were broken. But never Taemin’s. He couldn’t hear a thing; therefore he never knew what it was like to be hurt verbally. When Taemin lost his ability to hear, he lost his ability to speak. He hadn’t spoken a word since he was four but of course at the age of four, his speech was limited. Taemin didn’t mind being deaf, he didn’t mind not being able to speak. He didn’t know what speech was like so how he could miss something he had never experienced. The only time he ever made any kind of noise, was when he cried. In Taemin’s world, crying was not an option because if he knew he cried. He would surely break for good. Taemin never broke down and because he never broke down, neither did Minho. Minho promised a long time ago that if Taemin was to cry, he would cry. If Taemin was to laugh, he would laugh and if Taemin was to jump from a building, he would stand at the bottom and catch him. Even if it risked his own life.

Minho hated life without Taemin, so he never wanted to live without him.

The whole world didn’t fall apart when Minho was younger. Only his world did.

Then Taemin happened and everything was indescribable.


Taemin didn’t grow up thinking being deaf was a bad thing and Minho never put him down because of it. Minho would never perform such a cruel deed. To Minho, Taemin was stunning the way he was. His blonde hair, slender body, lengthy legs and gorgeous face drew him in before he even knew the smaller boys name. Or the fact that he was deaf and mute but that wasn’t going to bother Minho. Sometimes you have to look beyond the imperfections to realise everything is perfect, Minho understood that you have to take people as they are. Minho always said their relationship was born and flourished in the shadows because people like Minho and people like Taemin, belonged there and according to the rest of the world, that’s where they were told to stay. Minho may look perfectly fine in the face but when they looked beyond his long sleeved t-shirts and jeans he continuously wore the scars of bite marks and knives linger on his arms and legs like shame. Abused as a child, unable to escape a world of torture and cruelty. Until Taemin came into his life then suddenly everything became brighter.


Taemin laid his head on Minho’s lap as the elder allowed the strands of blonde hair to seep through the gaps in his fingers. Twisting every lock with care. Taemin purred lightly and closed his eyes in contentment. This was how he wanted to stay. Minho tapped Taemin’s shoulder, indicating the petite boy to open his eyes. Minho had learned sign language ever since he met Taemin, writing and sign language were their only form of communication.

“Taemin, do you think we belong in this world?” Minho signed slowly and Taemin nodded in reply.

“I’m sorry to ask this but does it bother you that you can’t talk,” Minho asked.

Taemin shook his head. He had learned to accept it.

“Even if you could talk, you do know I would still love you just the same. Right?” Minho wondered. Taemin nodded again.

“Our love grew in the shadows and im even prepared to bring it into the light if I have to. As long as I’m happy and as long as you’re happy. Nothing else matters.”

Taemin grabbed Minho’s arm and pulled up one of his sleeves, he located one of the bite marks engraved on his arm and kissed it lightly. Minho’s skin was ridged from the scars but soft where it wasn’t damaged. Even with his scars, Taemin still thought Minho was flawless.


When Minho was younger, he was bullied and abused. When Taemin was younger he was lost and scared. They linked together easily. Minho felt that the world around him was evil, sadistic and unwilling to accept everything thrown at them and yet he continued to live. He continued to live for Taemin’s sake. He wasn’t going to leave Taemin in this world alone. Unprotected and unsafe. His love for Taemin surged through his veins like fire and that’s what kept him going, that’s what healed his scars. On the inside, in his heart.


The shadows were where they loved and where their love existed. They were both just as scared as each other to bring their relationship out of the shadows and yet a relationship so blemished by their past made everything just as faultless.


The prompt inspired me because of the 5 senses :) 1 of which Taemin doesn't have in the story :)

Incase i confused u guys and a few other reasons that i cba to explain XD Yeh i analyze the prompts.

I hope you like it :D

No silent readers >:D

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congrats on the random feature :)
Congratulations :D
eskulapka #3
Chapter 1: Mmm, really nice story.
Congrats :)
Congrats :)
PSH4t-ara #6
Congrats :D
IAmHuman #7