
Obviously Oblivious

“Heeeeeey Sooooo! Do you know what this Kaisoo thing on twitter is? It’s even all over on Instagram!” Chanyeol yelled from the living room.

“It’s Kai plus (Kyung)Soo, dummy.” Baekhyun wacked Chanyeol’s head. “Aaaand, Kyungie is still asleep, FYI.”

“I-I knew that.”

“Hyung, do you think Jongin confessed already?” Sehun walked in, a piece of toasted bread hanging from his lips.

“Sssssh ssssshh! Jongin doesn’t even know that we know!” Baekhyun said as he waved his hands frantically signaling the maknae to stop.

“Lay! NO! We do not put the banana in the oven to warm it up.” Voices from the kitchen began to rise.

“But it’s cold. Who would put bananas in the fridge anyway?” Lay defended himself.

“I would. I like my fruits cold.” Chen said as he grabbed one from the fridge.

“Then maybe you should put half of em in the fridge and leave half on the counter.” Lay reprimanded.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Chen shot back.

“That’s ‘hyung’ to you, mister!”

The two boys started bickering which eventually turned into a full-blown food fight.


The 12 boys were having a break from their busy schedules and they’ve decided to just stay in their dorm since they went out last night for Kyungsoo’s birthday. Kyungsoo was the last one to wake up since he had been nailed last night. With the boys forcing him to drink, to say that he was drunk as was the understatement of the century.

“Guys, guys, can you please keep it down? My head is pounding.” Kyungsoo whined as he entered the kitchen still in his pajamas. Lay and Chen apologized and greeted him before they left the mess of a kitchen.

“Not like the way Jongin wishes to pou--- mmmffff” Sehun started to say before Baekhyun elbowed him hard.

“What was that, Sehun?” Kyungsoo proceeded to grab juice and bread from the counter.

“No-nothing, hyung.”

“Sorry I slept in.” Kyungsoo apologized.

“You should be. We had to endure Suho’s cooking because of you!” Chanyeol faked fainted on the kitchen counter. “It was poison!”

“Yah Park Chanyeol! You begged me to cook since you couldn’t afford to wake up Kyungsoo.” Suho jabbed Chanyeol in the ribs.

“And why is that?” Kyungsoo asked.

“You don’t remember the last time I woke you up to make me breakfast?” Chanyeol exclaimed. “I had to walk around with a black eye for the rest of the day!”

“Oops. Sorry, Yeol.” Kyungsoo chuckled before taking a drink. “By the way, where’s Jongin?”

“In your heart.” Sehun quietly said as he, Baekhyun and Chanyeol stifled a laugh.

“You said something again, Sehun?”

“You must be hearing things, hyung.” Sehun stood up and ruffled Kyungsoo’s already messed up hair.

“Yah! You do not do that to your hyung!” Sehun just chuckled and said he’d go back to his room.

“Hey Kyungie, look at what’s trending~” Baekhyun said in a sing-song voice as he shoved Chanyeol’s phone up Kyungsoo’s nose.








Wait. Happy Kaisoo Day?!???!?!!!

Kyungsoo’s eyes nearly fell off their sockets and he also nearly choked on his drink. “Wha-wha-what is this?”

“Apparently the fans made it a part of your three-day celebration.”

“Three-day celebration?” Kyungsoo asked exasperated.

“Yeah. Like how it was your birthday yesterday, KaiSoo day today and Jongin’s birthday tomorrow!” Chanyeol casually explained.

“B-b-but. I-I-I didn’t” Kyungsoo stuttered.

“When will you tell him, Kyungie? It’s been almost a year.” Baekhyun chided.

“Yeah. You better make a move, Soo or else someone’s gonna take him away.” Suho commented.

“Y-you knew too?” Kyungsoo gasped. “Who doesn’t?” Suho smiled.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol left, saying they needed to finish a videogame they were playing, leaving a stunned, shocked and speechless Kyungsoo with Suho.

“Jongin went out for a walk, if you’re wondering. Should be home any minute.” Suho pointed out.

“Oh.” Kyungsoo played with his slice of toast. Jongin has been moody lately. He and Kyungsoo used to spend a lot of time together back when they were promoting MAMA. They would sneak out to watch movies together, go bike riding, take long walks in the park, they even attempted to go to the mall, just the two of them (in which the fans and sasaengs successfully recognized them and chased them all around the mall). They had just debuted a few weeks ago and with their busy schedules, Kyungsoo never even thought he’d be able to spend time with Jongin again. But despite all of that, Jongin still managed to make time for him. And that made Kyungsoo’s heart warm and tingly.  Now after all the promoting and the tiring events, they had their long awaited break. A break that Kyungsoo was looking forward to spending with Jongin. Last night, at the party the others threw for him, Jongin was about to say something to him. And he was about to confess to Jongin that night as well. 




Jongin pulled him aside. Just the two of them.

“Kyungsoo –“

“Jongin – “ They started.

“You go first.” Kyungsoo stated.

“Kyungsoo, I…” Jongin stuttered. “I. I love…. I love what you’re wearing. You should advise me on fashion tips some time.” Jongin awkwardly smiled.




Kyungsoo swore Jongin was about to say something else but brushed it aside. He noticed that Jongin hasn’t been himself lately, Kyungsoo wondered if it was something he’d done. Or if Jongin had possibly known.

“What about the others? Tao, Kris hyung, Luhan hyung and Minseok hyung?”

“They went for a bike ride down at Han River. I’m going to join them in a while. Wanna come with?” Suho finished washing the dishes and were putting them in the dryer.

“No thanks, hyung. I’ll just- I’ll just stay here and maybe think about what to do for Jongin’s birthday tomorrow.”

“Alright then. If you need anything, call any one of us, okay?”

“Yes, hyung. Will do.”

“Oh, and Kyungsoo, don’t be too down. Jongin will come around. I know you’ve been wanting to spend more time with him. Just. Wait for a little while.” Kyungsoo just sighed and left the kitchen.

Does Jongin possibly know? How could I be so stupid? I shouldn’t have been too close to him during fan events, even if it is for fanservice. “Grrrrrrrruuuuuughhh.” Kyungsoo flopped face down on the couch.

Just then, the front door closed. “Hyuuuung. What’s the matter?”

Kyungsoo’s ears perked up. It was Jongin.

“Nothing. Go away.” Oh great, I’m pushing him away although I clearly want to spend time with him.

He felt Jongin sit on the armrest of the couch.

“Oh hey Jongin! You’re back. There’s still breakfast leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry. I’ll be out with Luhan and the others. See you in a while.” Suho greeted him and rushed out of the house.

“That was…..weird.” Jongin commented. Jongin shifted in his seat and faced Kyungsoo “Hyung, we need to talk.”

Kyungsoo stiffened as he heard those five words. Oh my god. He knows.








It was 4 in the morning and Jongin was already awake. He should be sleeping since Kyungsoo’s party ended just a few hours ago. He should be tired and drunk since they had partied and drank a little alcohol. Well, okay, a lot of alcohol. But Jongin just doesn’t seem to be able to tame his mind. He laid there tossing and turning in his bed causing an occasional grumble from Sehun about him moving too much and making a lot of noise. Thinking it was hopeless, Jongin got up and decided to move to the living room. He slowly made his way out and carefully closed the door of their room behind him. As he was about to make his way to the living room, he paused in front of a certain door. A door he’d knocked on for about a billion times. A door which leads to the room of the person he’s been in love with since day one of his trainee days.

He carefully opened it, revealing three sleeping figures in three separate beds. The room was dark, but of course, he could easily tell which one Kyungsoo was since his small hyung has always been sleeping curling up into a ball. A pained smile made its way to Jongin’s face. He’d been a coward, a scaredy-cat, a quitter. It was Kyungsoo’s birthday the day before and he had planned for days and days on end on how he’d confess. He planned on doing it on that day. Telling Kyungsoo everything. How at first, those big eyes and intimidating stares of his scared Jongin, how easily that scared feeling began slipping away as Kyungsoo learned how to smile and be comfortable around him, how Jongin always looked forward on a new dance routine so that he can teach Kyungsoo who was always asking for help, how Jongin finally realized that he had loved him for so long and how he finally decided that he wanted Kyungsoo by his side forever. But he failed. Backed out at the last second because he was afraid.

Afraid that Kyungsoo might not feel the same way. Afraid that he’d lose a dear friend all because he selfishly put his feelings first. But no matter how much Jongin drank that night, he still couldn’t get the thought out of his mind.


Coward. What are you so afraid of? It’s just Kyungsoo. Tell him everything and everything that you’ve always wanted will come true.

No! what if he doesn’t like me like that? I would be ruining our friendship.

Not unless you try.

All these thoughts swimming in his head. Jongin decided to drown them all.




Jongin sighed and closed the door gently, leaving Kyungsoo still in slumber. He then went to the living room and laid there. Not soon after, he fell into a dreamless sleep.


Jongin groggily sat up, dusting the sleep from his eyes.

“What are you doing down here?” It was Suho.

“Hyung. Couldn’t sleep. Decided to come down here.” Jongin yawned.

“Do you want breakfast? I’ll make you some.” Suho asked as he opened the fridge taking out some eggs.

Jongin looked at the clock hanging by the wall.  It was 6:15. Still way too early to be awake.

“No thanks, hyung. I think I’ll go for a walk instead.” Jongin got up. He hastily changed his clothes and brushed his teeth.

“Don’t forget to wear your coat!” Suho reminded as Jongin was about to leave.

“Okay hyung. Thanks!”

Time to get some fresh air and think about what to do with Kyungsoo. Jongin thought.


Jongin was never one to walk around the city alone but this time, he was willing to give it a try. With his hood up and scarf wrapped around his neck, no one is gonna recognize him, right? He started heading towards the Han River. He always liked it there. Sometimes he’d go on bike rides with Kyungsoo. The though made him smile, but only for a moment. What was he going to do?

Jongin sat down on the edge of the road.  There weren’t any cars passing by anyway. Jongin placed his head in between his knees. What to do now? Just as Jongin was about to shout in frustration, someone sat beside him. Startled, Jongin scrambled to get up.

“Now that’s rude.” The voice sounded familiar.

“That isn’t a good way to greet your hyung, Jongin.” The man chuckled.

“Oh. Hyung!” It was Luhan and Minseok. They came by whilst riding their bikes.

“Looks like you’ve got something on your mind. You didn’t even hear us approaching, did you?” Luhan asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been thinking lately.”

“It’s about Kyungsoo, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Wait. What?” Jongin asked confused. “You guys knew?”

“Who doesn’t?” Minseok laughed.

“Waaaaait. WHAT?” Jongin asked once more with a raised voice as the thought sunk in.

“Oh dear, innocent, naïve Jongin.” Luhan patted his head.

“Going back.” Luhan continued. “Jongin, just tell him.”

“But, hyung, I might be ruining our friendship! Kyungsoo might not like me back, he would avoid me thinking I’m weird, he wouldn’t want to talk to me….” Jongin started rambling.

“Jongin.” Luhan sternly said.

“Maybe he’d start ignoring me, he’d say, “Jongin, we’re better off as strangers. I don’t love you.” And then I’d be depressed and….”

“Jongin.” Luhan tried again.

“And I’d drop out of EXO and I would have to live off the streets and…”

“JONGIN!” This time Minseok shouted. “Breathe, that’s it, deep breaths. Calm down.”

“I know that feeling all too well, Jongin. How would you know unless you’ve tried? Unless you’ve taken that chance? How do you think I got Sehun?” Luhan wiggled his eyebrows.

“That’s because Sehun already liked you even before you knew.” Jongin sighed.

“And how do you know Kyungsoo doesn’t like you back?” Minseok piped up.

“I just know, okay?” Jongin said annoyed.

Luhan and Minseok looked taken aback. Jongin suddenly felt a rush of guilt. “Sorry hyung.”

“Don’t worry, Jongin. We’re hoping for the best.” Luhan smiled.

“And hopefully you’d confess already!” Xiumin added.

“Confess?” A voice asked.

“To Kyungsoo?” Another one chimed in. Tao and Kris had just arrived carrying a plastic of steamed buns.

“Does everybody in the dorm know????” Jongin cried.

“You guys are as obvious as Minseok trying to sneak in his candy stash in his room.” Kris said as he took a seat beside Minseok.

“You knew about that?” Minseok gaped, mouthful of baozi.

“Anyways, in my opinion, I think Kyungsoo hyung is just waiting for you Jongin.” Tao commented.

“What do you mean?” Tao’s comment perked an interest in Jongin.

“Kyungsoo hyung’s just waiting for you, Jongin.” Tao repeated.

“He’s literally just waiting for you.” Kris reiterated for the last time.

“Dude! Come on. You guys are, I repeat, very obvious. Especially Kyungsoo hyung.”

“The what? Skinship? Kyungsoo’s doing it for fanservice! I’m sure of it.” Jongin explained, his voice wavering a little in the end.

“Are you sure it’s JUST for fanservice?” Kris asked as he handed Jongin a steamed bun.

Jongin thought about it. Kyungsoo always asking for help while practicing. Kyungsoo always staying by his side even after practicing. Kyungsoo always worrying about Jongin pushing himself too hard during practices. Kyungsoo sticking himself to Jongin every time they go out and the fans and paparazzi start swarming them. Kyungsoo holding Jongin’s hand when the fans aren’t looking. Kyungsoo making Jongin lunch boxes every day on their days off. Kyungsoo always opting to sit near Jongin during conferences, interviews and even when at home. How could Jongin possibly not notice these little things?

“You guys are right,” Jongin said while standing up.

“Where are you going?” Minseok asked, working his way on his third steamed bun.

“To Kyungsoo. Where else?” Luhan answered and gave Jongin a grin. “We’ll be expecting KaiSoo action when we get hoooome~” Luhan added.

“Kai what?” Jongin asked.

“You and Kyungsoo. KaiSoo. That’s your ship name.” Tao said a-matter-of-factly.

“You seriously don’t know about that?” Minseok asked.

“And again, does everybody know about this?” Jongin threw his arms up.

“Well yeah?” Kris gave him ‘duh’ look. Jongin rolle his eyes at his hyungs.

“Blame the fans. Not us. Although they really make good fan art and awesome fanfiction about you and Kyungsoo and your edited pictures are sooooo adorable!” Luhan gushed and let out a girlish scream. The other four boys looked at him as if he grew a second head. “What?”

“And you know all of this because?” Jongin asked.

“I get bored, okay? And the fans make me feel better.” Luhan pouted.

“Aigooo. Lulu you’re so cute~” Minseok pinched Luhan’s cheeks.

“I think I’m going to vomit.” Kris commented.

“Well, what are you standing there for? Go to Kyungsoo now!” Tao pushed Jongin which pulled him out of his trance.

“Oh yeah. Right. See you all back home!” Jongin waved goodbye and started jogging home. This time, he was determined to make Kyungsoo his.



Jongin opened the door to their dorm and found Kyungsoo looking annoyed and grumbling under his breath. “Grrrrrrrruuuuuughhh.” Kyungsoo then proceeded to flop himself on the couch lying faced down.

Jongin chuckled to himself, trying not to squeal because Kyungsoo looked so adorable when he’s annoyed (yes, even if he is lying faced down, Jongin finds him cute).

“Hyuuuung. What’s the matter?” Jongin asked trying to sound cute concerned.

He saw Kyungsoo’s body tense up. “Nothing. Go away,” the elder replied. Oh my god. Maybe he knows already. Jongin panicked at the thought

Jongin sighed and sat on the couch’s armrest. He then saw Suho grabbing a coat from the rack.

“Oh hey Jongin! You’re back. There’s still breakfast leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry. I’ll be out with Luhan and the others. See you in a while.” Suho greeted him and rushed out of the house.

“That was…..weird.” Jongin commented. Jongin felt a little tense as well. He began shifting in his seat and decided that it was now or never.

 “Hyung, we need to talk.”


As soon as he said those words, Kyungsoo shot straight up from the couch.

“Okay look, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry I get a little too clingy and..” Kyungsoo started explaining.

“Hyung.” Jongin interjected.

“I’m sorry for always sticking next to you. God you must think I’m weird and obsessed and…” Kyungsoo continued rambling. Are those tears in his eyes? Jongin thought.

“Kyungsoo hyung..” Jongin tried once more.

“Oh my god you know and you don’t want to be friends with me anymore…” So this is how Luhan hyung must have felt when I started rambling. How could I have been so stupid? Jongin laughed at his realization.

“ and everything is going to be awkward and oh my god you’re laughing at me.” By this time, Kyungsoo was already crying.

 “Do Kyungsoo.” Jongin said sternly. “Stop rambling. Stop crying.”

Kyungsoo sniffled, a tear falling now and then. He held Kyungsoo’s hand and said, “I should have told you this a long time ago.”


 “I’m sorry for being such a coward. I’m sorry for making you wait. I should be the one who’s sorry for not noticing all the kind things you’ve done for me. I promise, this time around, I’ll be the one to take care of you. I love you, Do Kyungsoo. Always have. Always will.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. Jongin hugged Kyungsoo and asked, “Do you love me too?”




At that moment, Kyungsoo couldn’t feel any happier than he already was.

“I love you too, Kim Jongin,” he whispered. “I have loved you ever since.”

They stayed hugging each other for a while. Kyungsoo enjoying the feeling of Jongin holding him. Finally.




“YESSSSSSSSS! Where’s my $10, Yeollie?” A battle cry pierced their defining moment. Kyungsoo let go of Jongin and turned to see a happy Baekhyun doing the running man.

“Did Jongin already confess?” Sehun, Lay and Chen stuck their heads in the living room.

The rascals were hiding in the kitchen listening in to their conversation. This did not make a happy Kyungsoo.

“Did Jongin do it already?” Suddenly the front door burst open revealing a pink faced Luhan. Behind him were  4 others, looking as if they ran a marathon.

“We’re. So. Sorry. For. Barging. In. Like. This.” Kris sputtered out in between deep breaths.

“When Suho told Luhan that Jongin might probably in the tiniest sense be confessing to Kyungsoo, he rushed here on his bike like a madman,” Minseok said, catching his breath as well.

“Guys….” Jongin intervened. Kyungsoo was awfully quiet. This was not a good sign.

“Well I didn’t expect him to confess so soon! I thought he was going to do it later or tomorrow! I didn’t want to miss the action!” Luhan pouted once more.

“Uhm Guys……” Jongin tried once more while looking at Kyungsoo. Is that smoke coming from Kyungsoo’s ears?

“Lucky for you we caught it all on tape! It was so cheesy! And romantic! And so short though.” Chen exclaimed.

“Guys. Hyung!” Jongin said with conviction but to no avail.

“And ohmygod today’s the 13th right? KAISOO DAY! The day they confessed their love for each other! So romantic~” Baekhyun started fanboying in a corner.

“We should celebrate this every year! Just like the fans said! A three-day celebration!” Chanyeol chimed in. Were we the only ones who do now know about this Kaisoo thing? Jongin thought. All of the rambling was hurting Jongin’s head and Kyungsoo, he was sure, wasn’t very happy as well.

“GUYS!” Jongin finally yelled catching everyone’s attention.


Kyungsoo summoned his inner satan. This was not a good sign.

 “Come on Jongin, I’m treating you out today.” Kyungsoo casually took hold of Jongin’s hand and led him away from his nosy members.

“He isn’t serious, right? Right?” Chanyeol asked breaking the silence.



“You all better learn how to cook to survive if you depend solely on my cooking.” Kyungsoo scoffed as he made his way to the kitchen. He was all dressed up, waiting for Jongin to finish so that they could go. It was Jongin’s birthday today. He was treating the younger to lunch and a movie.

“We already said we’re sorry for about a million times already, Soo!” Baekhyun whined and gave him a hug.

“Hey. Hey. Hey. No hugging, my baby Soo. He’s mine.” Jongin butted in dragging Kyungsoo away from Baekhyun’s clutches and pecking the smaller boy on the cheek.

“Will they be doing that all the time? I don’t think I can handle it.” Lay commented.

“And it’s only been a day.” Tao pointed out.

“I regret giving Jongin advice.” Luhan pounded his head on the table.

“Kyungie, we won’t survive long on Suho hyung’s cooking!” Baekhyun complained.

“You should have thought twice before butting into someone’s conversation and being nosy with someone’s private affairs, especially their love life!” Kyungsoo shot back.

“Now Kyungie, let’s be nice to them. They won’t do it again, right?” Jongin asked.

The 10 others nodded their heads like their lives depended on it.

“See?” Jongin smiled.

“All right then.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Only Jongin has that effect on Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo heard someone whisper.

“Do you guys want me to change my mind?” he threatened.

“NO!” they all screamed.

“Good. Well, Jongin and I should get going. Goodluck with Suho hyung’s cooking!” Kyungsoo smirked.

“YAH!” he heard Suho yell before they walked out the front door



Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand as they walked down the street. Never did he imagine that he would be able to do this. Jongin intertwined their fingers together. He looked at Kyungsoo and smiled.

“Best. Birthday. Gift. Ever.”

“Yep.” Kyungsoo agreed. “Best. Belated. Birthday. Gift. Ever.”















(Yaaaaaaah ~(@_@)~  Jongin wins at life for being able to hold Kyungie's hand and heart. oh ho ho ho. did you guys have an amazing Kaisoo day? I hope you did! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KIM MOTHAFREAKING JONGIN! STAY Y, LOVE!  Kyungsoo sends his love mwha mwah mwah!)






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akared #1
Chapter 1: indeed! the best gift ever!!!