Calm Before the Storm

I Will Trust You
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The week passed by normally as we all fell back into our normal routine. The other kids learned that even though I was hanging out with BTS, I still didn't want anything to do with popularity or clubs, and they eventually stopped hounding me to join clubs. Eunmi, although elated, had gotten sick of the constant attention, too, but every once and a while I caught her and Suga talking in between classes. They both looked like kids on the playground, completely unaware of the affection the other one had for them.    My shift at the bubble tea shop was as monotonous as ever, but every once and a while Taehyung would turn on his iPod in the kitchen and the three of us would sing along with it, against the the light pop music in the main dining room. Sometimes when no one was at the register, I'd sneak into the kitchen and make a drink for myself, taking the opportunity to annoy Taehyung. At the end of the day we'd walk home and sure enough, after we got off the bus, our arms would swing lazily by our sides and we'd go the rest of the way with our hands intertwined.    It was Friday afternoon when I was met with two new proposals. Both of which I didn't know how to feel about.   The first came from Minjoo, who entered the shop right after we opened.    "Hey, Jinhee! When you have a break, come talk to me, okay?" She called out and I nodded at her as she sat down at a table with some other girls I didn't know. Namjoon finally gave me a break after an hour and a half of my shift and I walked over to the table she was at.   "Oh, Jinhee, great!" She cooed, "I'd like you to meet the Journalism Club!" she gestured to the girls sitting around her.   "H-hello," I greeted, bowing to the table and the girls laughed.   "Aw, you told us she was cute, but not this cute!" one said and I blushed.   "Jinhee-yah, we were wondering if maybe you'd be interested in joining the Journalism Club. You said you like to write, so think about it okay?" Minjoo said cheerfully.   "Yeah, and we don't ask just anyone to join," another girl in front of me said.   "Mmhmm! Minjoo-ssi told us that you won a writing contest, so we looked it up and-"   "Ugh, it was so great!"   "The plot was so good, I never would have thought of that!"   "Oh and when the mother died! Ahhhh, my heart!"   My eyes widened as the girls at the table gushed over a piece I had written ages ago. I looked at Minjoo for help and her eyes crinkled up as she laughed, telling the girls to quiet down and stop embarrassing me.   "We want to feature you in the newspaper- in the creative writing section!" the girl next to Minjoo shouted.   "There's a creative writing section?" I tilted my head and asked. I grabbed the school newspaper every once and a while, but I was sure I had never seen a creative writing section. I would have been all over that.   "Eh, it's always been an open slot. No one's ever submitted anything for it," Minjoo shrugged.   "Do you think you could write a weekly feature?" the girl closest to me asked and I blinked at her.   "Uhhh," I drawled, "Can I think about it, please?" I begged.   The whined some more, but finally Minjoo got them to relax again and I said goodbye, returning to my shift.   The Journalism Club eventually left, never having ordered anything and I sighed. They had taken up valuable seating space.   Suddenly, there was a large crash in the kitchen, and I nearly jumped four feet in the air. Namjoon and I exchanged worried looks before running into the back.   "Is everything okay?" Namjoon shouted and flung open the door.   "...Oh my God," I breathed as we took in the scene. Taehyung and Jimin were lying on the floor, covered in what I could only guess to be taro milk tea and a bunch of ice was starting to melt on the floor beside them.   "What happened? When did Jimin get here?" Namjoon asked, immediately running to get the mop.    Taehyung groaned, "I told him not to do it! I swear!"   Jimin lay on the floor dejectedly, not moving an inch, instead just staring up at the ceiling. "Don't make the machines angry, man," he said slowly.   Taehyung sat up, the flavored milk tea dripping from him, and rolled his eyes. "Albert Einstein here wanted to see how much the machine could crank out," he sighed.   "Dear God, how much did you put in?" Namjoon asked, appalled.   "Five times the normal amount," Taehyung groaned, sending icey glares at Jimin who held up his hands in surrender.   I walked over and helped them up. Namjoon started mopping the floor and told them to get changed, but it looked like they had other plans. They shared a look and I couldn't help but flinch at the devious grin painted on both their faces.   "Jinhee-yah!" Jimin sang, "I want a hug!" He ran over to where I was standing in the corner and my eyes flew open. I tried to make a run for it, but was stopped as I turned around and ran straight into Taehyung's chest. I groaned as he wrapped his arms around me, covering me in taro milk tea. And just when I couldn't think it was worse, I felt what I could only assume was Jimin press against my back. I squirmed around, trying to get out of the hold, but it only made it worse. I looked up and Namjoon was holding his stomach in laughter.   "Wait, wait! Let me take a picture!" He shouted, pulling his phone out of his pocket.   "Noooo!" I groaned, covering my face and turning away from the camera.   "No this is great! It's a Jinhee-taro sandwich!" Jimin quipped and I turned around to glare at him. Just as I did that, the flash from Namjoon's phone went off and I grunted.   "Alright, you got your picture, now let me change!" I yelled, pushing the boys off me. They laughed as I attempted to wipe off some of the liquid, and I resorted to huffing and storming out of the kitchen. I grabbed a clean uniform and darted into the bathroom. Once I was alone, I smiled to myself. What was I going to do with these boys?   I stepped out and found the kitchen near spotless. Namjoon had gone back to man the register, so I stuck around to chat with Jimin and Taehyung a little longer.   "Oh! That's right. Jinhee," Jimin began, "There's a big party tomorrow night at Jin's house. Do you want to go? We'll all be there, plus the girls, and you can invite your friend. That is, if Yoongi hasn't already invited her."   "Yeah, right. That'd be the last thing he'd do, and then he'd secretly wish she'd show up anyway," I said and rolled my eyes.   "So will you come?" Jimin asked and I snuck a glance at Taehyung. He was leaning against the sink counter and, from where he was, Jimin couldn't see him. He shrugged, as if to tell me he didn't mind.   "Eh, I'll think about it," I told him and he grinned.   "That's just as good as a yes," he turned around to fist bump Taehyung, who complied. I laughed at their antics and returned to the register.    Now there were two things I said I'd think about, and I knew I'd probably end up being dragged into them either way.   ~   "Hey, sooo... Tae?" I sheepishly called from outside his door the next morning. I heard groaning and I stifled a laugh.   "It's like," he paused and I heard some shuffling from his room, "Seven in the morning on a Saturday. This better be good."   "It is, I promise," I said, "Can I come in?"    He grunted an affirmative and I walked in only to be met with a groggy, bed-headed Taehyung, who looked so much like an actual eight year old, I had to forcefully stop myself from running over and ruffling his hair.   "So?" he prompted and I came back to reality.   "Right, um, well..." I started, my eyes drifting to the posters on his wall as I fiddled with my fingers, "Eunmi has a ton of community service stuff she's doing today before the party and I was kind of, um, counting on her to bring me a dress 'cause I don't have one, but since she can't, I really don't know what to wear and, um, I was wondering i-if maybe, er- you may
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Chapter 30: OMG!!!
So glad i came across this fic. I love it, thanks for writing!
Chapter 13: damn i love this chapter
Chapter 2: cold tae...
HoesGotNothingOnMe #4
Chapter 30: YASSSSS Alright. That definitely was not the best fic ever. I definitely did not read it in one go. I definitely did not embarrass myself by laughing in public. I definitely did not freaking love this. I definitely did not use any sarcasm.
And that's it for my rant. Conclusion: that was the best.
I think I'll leave before I start spasming again on how amazingly written this isssss ok bye :) keke
HoesGotNothingOnMe #5
Chapter 25: "Do you need me to scare off the ARMY over there" Oh my gawd you just made me snort with laughter in a friggin public bus lololol
best1view #6
Chapter 1: I just finished chapter one and I can already tell that I'll probably spend the whole night reading the following chapters ㅎㅎㅎ
It's so sad though that it starts with losing one's parents...ㅠㅠ
kimgaeun96 #7
Chapter 30: Authornim~ This is the y *ahem* fluffy story I've read. I totally can't separated my soul with Taetae's story cause authornim, it's so damn addicting! Tae is so whipped with Jinhee and he doesn't even know it! Thumbs up to you authornim and hwaiting~
Chocoholic_Exo-L #8
Chapter 29: TaeTae is the sweetest! That's legit the funniest reason I've ever heard.
Eunmi-Suga is super sweet too. Namjoon was sweet too.
I liked that Jinhee had some sass and bite in her!
KrystalsarangEXO #9
Chapter 30: I KENNOTTT!! I'm literally grinding from ear to ear the whole stories !!!! LOVE IT JAXBJSBZBAJ
Chapter 1: Only the first chapter but you got me intrigued to read more!