Game Night

I Will Trust You
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In the time after visiting the psychic's house, Jin and Minjoo wouldn't stop hounding me to tell them what I thought about her and what she told me. I refused to tell them every time other than how good the cookies were, but it didn't stop them from trying to guess.    Minjoo and Jin lead us around the village until we arrived at the courtyard. I bought a commemorative charm bracelet and Minjoo and Jin bought couple rings for each other. Is it wrong that part of me wanted to brag about my wedding ring then? Meh. I digress.   Namjoon still seemed pretty sulky so I bought us some street food, which he ate appreciatively. By the time we had scoped out all the stands, the sun was starting to set and we decided to head back.   "CAN YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT UP?!" We heard a very angry Suga yell when we stepped in the front door. The four of us stood awkwardly in the foyer watching the argument in front of us like a tennis match.   "NO I WILL NOT JUST SHUT UP!" Eunmi shouted back. I gulped. An angry Eunmi was never a good thing.   A slightly pale Taehyung crawled out of the hallway and edged around the fighting couple before coming over to stand with us.   I leaned over, "What the hell happened?" I asked him under my breath.    "Let's just say our lazy friend here got his genders confused for a bit there," he snickered and I eyed him.   "What's that supposed to mean?" I squinted at him.   He looked over, amusement dancing in his eyes, "He walked into the wrong spring," he said and I gasped.   "Oh no," I breathed.   "Oh, yes," he grinned and we returned our attention back to our mini WWIII.    "Look, I didn't mean to! It just happened and I'm sorry!" Suga pleaded.   "It still happened, though, even if you didn't mean for it to! You saw me and now you have to pay the price!" Eunmi fired back and I heard stifled giggling from Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin.   "He did this once before in middle school at a public bath. I'm pretty sure he's having flashbacks," Taehyung commented.    "Ah," I nodded.   "I-I'm sorry! I'll forget it I promise! And it's not like there was much to see anyway," Suga whined and Eunmi's face became bright red.   "Y-y-you ert! You're disgusting!" She cried and I was about to interject when Taehyung beat me to it.   "Alright, kids-"   "I'm older than you," Suga growled and Taehyung rolled his eyes.   "Sorry. Alright, kid and hyung, why don't we settle this with a nice friendly game, huh?" Taehyung said. Wrapping his arms around Suga and Eunmi's shoulders. They both glared at him and I exchanged an amused glance with Namjoon.   "What do you mean?" Eunmi growled.   "I mean, after dinner, let's have a good, old fashioned game night! I guarantee all will be forgotten by the time your head hits the pillow tonight. You trust me, right?" He grinned and both Suga and Eunmi scoffed.   "I'd trust you as far as I could throw you!" Eunmi jeered.   "Well, Miss Soo-ssi, I'd trust me a bit more if I were you," he paused and his face was filled with a Cheshire grin, "You know, for the sake of your friend," he cooed and I stiffened. Eunmi's eyes flickered over to mine and I gave her a "he does have a good point, you know" look in return.   Suga scoffed, "What is that suppose to mean?"    Taehyung smiled and I saw him turn into his signature 6 year old boy. "I don't know, hyung! But let's play, okay?" He stuck out a thumbs up and I fought off the strong urge to give him a bucket of ice cream and some stuffed animals.   Suga rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Tae."   "Yay, so you'll play?" He jumped up and down expectantly, looking between Enumi and Suga.   "Yeah, sure," Eunmi sighed and Taehyung spun around in a circle, shouting something about the gods smiling upon him.   ~   "Never have I ever tripped over a tree stump," Jimin teased and I let out a loud groan.   "You'll never let me live that down, will you?" I glared, knowing I was the only one who had to take a shot.   Not a real shot, just FYI. Not only were the girls and I against it, but we couldn't find any alcohol in the house. So we all settled for nasty mixtures of vinegar and grape juice which, in any case, seemed to give off the same effect of delirium and drunkenness that alcohol did.    *Ahem*   I held my nose and downed the shot like the strong independent woman I was, and promptly felt light headed. Ugh this stuff was nasty.   "Never have I ever accidentally almost showed someone my abs," I jeered back at Jimin and now it was his turn to groan and drink. I smirked as he downed it and Jungkook started whining.   "Stop flirting and let all of us participate!" He complained and Jimin and I laughed.   "Ooh I have one!" Minjoo spoke up, "Never have I ever walked in on someone in the wrong hot spring!" She squealed and everyone erupted in laughter.   "Seriously? You guys are horrible," Suga buried his face in his hands, grabbing the drink and forcing it down in one gulp.   "Let's play for real now. Never have I ever had my first kiss," Suga said and we were all surprised. Nevertheless, I remembered the small kiss from Taehyung at our wedding and blushed as I realized that was my first kiss. I shuddered at the thought but drank the fake shot anyway.   "Woah, Jinhee-ssi! No way!" J-Hope shouted at my empty glass, which I promptly filled back up with more of the mixture in preparation for the next round.   "Who was it? Anyone we know?" Namjoon grinned, and I supposed he was feeling better by now, since he was able to joke along with everyone else.   I gulped.    Yeah, and he's sitting right next to you.   "It was someone from our middle school," Eunmi said quickly before I could get a word in, "Some loser who thought it was a good idea to play around with her heart," She said and my eyes grew round. Did she really just say that?   I glanced over at Taehyung who looked like he was about the smash the glass he was holding. I made a mental note to tell Eunmi she probably shouldn't say stuff like that in the future.   "Oh, well. Sorry," Namjoon said in reply to her explanation. I waved my hand to dismiss the conversation and quickly the game was resumed.   "Never have I ever liked someone at this table," J-Hope said, and my blood ran cold.   I watched as Jin, Minjoo, Jungkook and Nana all take their drinks without hesitating, but for the rest of us it was a bit... awkward. I saw Namjoon and Eunmi take their drinks rather quickly, and then Taehyung and Suga did so reluctantly, but after that ten pairs of eyes were on me.    I stared at the drink in front of me. I knew eight out of ten of them were wondering if I actually did liked Namjoon. Did I like him?    No, not as much as I...   Wait, what? What was at the end of that thought?    I suddenly thought of what the psychic had told me- about letting people in. Had I let him in unconsciously?    Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and looked up to see Eunmi staring between me and the drink, as if she were saying, "Drink it, !"   My eyes slid from her back to the drink, too scared to look anywhere else. There was one time when I was seven that I was slightly crushing on Taehyung, thinking that we could amount to something, but I realized it would never work out. If only my seven-year-old self could see me now.    Before I could think about it anymore, I grit my teeth and took the drink, downing it in one gulp. I prayed to God no one would get any mixed signals. Everything was in the past and J-Hope hadn't phrased it in the present tense.    Those ten pairs of eyes blinked back at me when I out the glass down and I ducked my head, stealing a glance at Taehyung. His face held a mix of confusion, hurt, and curiosity, and I bit my lip.    "...Oooookay," Nana broke the awkward tension, "Um. Never have I ever been to a concert."   There were several loud groans as nearly everyone took a shot.    "Never have I ever watched a chick flick!" Suga shouted. We all laughed as Jin and Jungkook winced in remembrance, taking their shots with their girlfriends.   The game continued on like that, without anymore awkward questions, for another half hour. By the end, Minjoo, Jin, J-Hope, and Eunmi had thrown up from the vinegar and grape juice mix. I was still holding strong but I was on the verge of breaking when we suddenly change games.   "Can we play truth or dare now?" Taehyung whined, his mischievous gaze directed at Suga and Eunmi. We all somewhat guessed he'd unleash his mystery tactics of love and friendship on them now.   We all agreed to stop playing with the vile shots and move on.   "Alright, let's go in a circle, ok? That way no one gets left out this time," Namjoon suggested and we all sat, legs crissed-crossed, some lying down, some leaning back into the furniture- but all I knew was that I was smushed in between Eunmi and Suga this time. It was like they were trying to be close to each other without actually being next to each other. Ugh.    If I ever act like this with a guy, someone just shoot me.   "Alright, umm," Nana began the round, "I choose... Jungkook-ie! Truth or dare, babe?" A collective groan filled the air. The amount of couples on this trip was about to make me sick.   "Truth,"
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Chapter 30: OMG!!!
So glad i came across this fic. I love it, thanks for writing!
Chapter 13: damn i love this chapter
Chapter 2: cold tae...
HoesGotNothingOnMe #4
Chapter 30: YASSSSS Alright. That definitely was not the best fic ever. I definitely did not read it in one go. I definitely did not embarrass myself by laughing in public. I definitely did not freaking love this. I definitely did not use any sarcasm.
And that's it for my rant. Conclusion: that was the best.
I think I'll leave before I start spasming again on how amazingly written this isssss ok bye :) keke
HoesGotNothingOnMe #5
Chapter 25: "Do you need me to scare off the ARMY over there" Oh my gawd you just made me snort with laughter in a friggin public bus lololol
best1view #6
Chapter 1: I just finished chapter one and I can already tell that I'll probably spend the whole night reading the following chapters ㅎㅎㅎ
It's so sad though that it starts with losing one's parents...ㅠㅠ
kimgaeun96 #7
Chapter 30: Authornim~ This is the y *ahem* fluffy story I've read. I totally can't separated my soul with Taetae's story cause authornim, it's so damn addicting! Tae is so whipped with Jinhee and he doesn't even know it! Thumbs up to you authornim and hwaiting~
Chocoholic_Exo-L #8
Chapter 29: TaeTae is the sweetest! That's legit the funniest reason I've ever heard.
Eunmi-Suga is super sweet too. Namjoon was sweet too.
I liked that Jinhee had some sass and bite in her!
KrystalsarangEXO #9
Chapter 30: I KENNOTTT!! I'm literally grinding from ear to ear the whole stories !!!! LOVE IT JAXBJSBZBAJ
Chapter 1: Only the first chapter but you got me intrigued to read more!