Deja Vu?

Second Chance

"Yuna, I'm leaving!" Ishouted and Yuna rushed out of the room. She scanned me head to toe. I was wearing a royal blue high necked sleeveless dress  which had plaits around the waist.  "I'd show more cleavage.But still 10 out of 10 would bang you." she said and I laughed shaking my head. I went out of our apartment.
Today was Super Juniors official party for thei success over their seventh album. And of course, I was invited. It was in the same club we had our pevious party, but I was going alone somewhere for the first time. I always nagged Yuna into coming along and if she didn't go, i wouldn't either. Maybe it was because Kyuhyun was there...?
No. No. No. 
I shook my head. Kyuhyun is a celebrity. A very famous celebrity. A famous and handsome celebrity. A famous, handsome yet adorable celebrity. I shook my head again.
"Stop dreaming." I told myself as I sat in the ca and started the engine. "Lets just have a good time." I smiled to myself 

"You look like you're waiting for someone?" smilled Eunhyuk and I shrugged "Not particularly." I lied. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Okay man. Whatever you say."
I kept lookingat the door t open and for he to enter. What would she be wearing?
Red? Pink? Purple? Black?
The possibilities were too many. But she'd look perfect in them all.
"Hello Cho." I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see...her, of course.
She was wearing a simple blue dress, her hair tied up in a messy bun and dark makeup around her eyes.
She looked better than I had expected. She looked gorgeous.
"Oh um hi um.." I stammered and she smiled. She met the rest of the members,and Donghae hugged her. She hesitated a bit but then hugged back. I glared at Donghae. That bastard. 
"So how's the party going?"she started a conversation and everyone started talking. Soon they started dispersing around as the guest arrived. And finally it was just me, Ryeowook, and her. 
"I have to make Ryeowook go away." I thought as she looked around. She might leave.
"Hey hyung, can you get me a glass of wine?" I blinked innocently at Ryeowook who eyed me
"Hyung? You never call me hyung? Is there something you want?" he asked skeptically
Yes, for you to get lost thank you very much.
"Yes, I want some wine. Would you like some too?" I asked her and she shook her head "I don't drink. I'll go bring it for you though, if you want." I shook my head.
No, that would be so embarrassing!
"No no Hyung will go!" I said trying to push Ryeowook but he stood there
"Nuh uh! You always bully me. No fair!" he said and I stared at Ryeowook. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?!
"I do not! You just feel like you're getting bullied. I treat everyone the same way!" I said
"Nawwwww! You bully me especially!" he protested
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do!"
"Kyuhyun?" I heard something less shrill then Ryeowooks voice and saw her carrying a glass of wine
"Here," she handed me the glass.I flushed. "I'm going over to meet my friends now, see you around." she smiled and walked away. I clutched the glass and glared at Ryeowook.
"Thanks a hell lot." I muttered and he smiled as if he had achieved victory.
This was so embarrassing.
You look lovely, Wendy!" I said and she whirled her dress around "Thanks babe! You look delicious yourself!" we laughed and talked more. But there was something else in my mind right now.
Kyuhyun looked so good. So good.
That leather jacket should not have been allowed to be set on his body. He looked so good I wanted to touch him so bad. Good thing I moved away from him because I was starting to feel .
Also, he looked so hot when he was angry and shouting. I was imagining all the wrong things now.
"Hey!!" I turned around to see Eunhyuk running towards me "Have you seen Donghae? I can't find him." I shook my head
"Help me find him"! Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me. Well, okay.

"Dude, you're drinking too much." ssaid Siwon and I rolled my eyes. Shut up. All of you.
"Kyuhyun, Donghae's calling you!" said Sungmin running over to our table. I groaned but got up
"You guys are so annoying." I said and got up and followed Sungmin. I was muttering all kinds of curse words for these idiots when suddenly we reached a dark alley.
"Sungmin?" I squeaked when suddenly I wasnt still sure what was happening when all of a sudden someone pushed me inside a room.
I looked up to see her standing frowning at me.
Deja Vu?

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Chapter 10: just found out about this story now n i love it..too bad reading this.won't get any updates but if u read this.pls do update :)
I rarely read super junior as super junior fics, but I'll give exception for this because I didn't find it boring.
and the fact that the heroin is not idol added bonus to this.
I would like to read the update soon.
I rarely read super junior as super junior fics, but I'll give exception for this because I didn't find it boring.
and the fact that the heroin is not idol added bonus to this.
I would like to read the update soon.
Chapter 10: Omo... they're official! Looking forward to what's next, author-nim. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 6: They really don't know Kyu...but you do. Jjang! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 5: Interesting, can't wait for the next ... Hwaiting...:-)
Chapter 5: ♡♡ Perfect match...

I hope they can light up each others lives... and suju members can see the change in Kyuhyun too. Fighting!
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwww.

they both have a sad story. i hope they can meet again and properly fall in love.
Chapter 4: Ooooo... thanks for the update! Jjang!
Chapter 2: In the meantime, I'll read your other stories ^^ Sorry, I'm really talkative...