o5. Behind You.

The Hepburn Syndrome

Three days was the soonest Yeye could manage, and over those three days Lynn didn’t do much. Tao came over, sometimes with Jongdae in tow (who’d insist on speaking Korean to ‘improve her listening and speaking skills!’ as well as watching some historical Korean drama that Lynn couldn’t follow with all that was on her mind). It was obvious something was up with her, and Tao voiced his concern several times.

“Are you sure it’s nothing, jiejie? You just seem… off.” He mentioned, his eyes never leaving her figure as she uncorked a bottle of wine to go with their food. While she can’t cook, Minseok and Jongdae could, and while Luhan and Yixing were off closing the store, she had invited them over for dinner. 
“I’m… fine, really, darling. You’re sweet for your worry, though. I’ll be fine after tomorrow.” She sighed, untwisting the cork from the screw and pouring four glasses of wine, passing them to Tao so he could place them on the table.

“If you say so.” She knew Tao well enough by now to realize that he wasn’t convinced, and to be honest, neither was she. The job with Mr. Wang had gone way too smoothly, and while some would be nonchalant about the situation, saying he had just been gathering funds, she wasn’t so sure. She had done the math, and it just didn’t add up to the amount of time he had been working, if he was working for the salary she had presumed he was receiving. Yeye would hopefully bring some answers, but her caution wouldn’t rest until a solid answer was given.

“Lynn?” She blinked, looking over at the sound of Minseok’s voice. “We’re done… You okay?” Minseok carefully switched over to Korean, just in case Tao was trying to eavesdrop. 
“A lot on my mind.” Lynn hesitantly answered, “I have a lot of questions and not many answers, I’m not sure when there will be any.” She felt horrible keeping her precious friend out of the loop, but Tao was just so young and didn’t need the dark troubles of Lynn’s world tainting his worldview. Minseok was older, he knew that the world could be dark and unfair and scary. While she wouldn’t divulge the entire story, she could count on him to at least give an understanding ear. 

“I gotcha. Just… We’re here if you need it okay? Let’s get some food in you.” Minseok switched over to Chinese at the last part, taking the bottle from her hands and leading her to the rarely used dining table. Since she’d been friends with the boys across the hall, she’s found that her kitchen and dining area had been more used and felt more at home than ever. She can’t say she wanted that to change anytime soon.

She took her place by Jongdae, letting everyone serve themselves before helping herself to the delicious meal. It smelled heavenly, and she couldn’t wait to dig in. 
Leftovers of the dinner were split evenly after everyone finished, so Lynn would ‘keep her healthy figure’ (the boys were glad that she liked to eat and were always concerned when she was off, thinking she wouldn’t eat and lose weight) and that Luhan and Yixing could also have something to eat once they got home. 

“Really, I’d come over and watch another episode,” Lynn was at the door with the boys, their arms full of food, “But I have an early morning appointment that I simply can not be late for.” They didn’t seem very bothered; after all they’d grown accustomed to her strange schedule for work or ‘social requirements’ that she’d disappear for. 
Jongdae wiggled his arms, unable to properly wave but trying all the same, “Bye Lynn! Hopefully we’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll be at the coffee shop in the later morning, I’m sure of it.” Lynn nodded, “Good night, everyone.” She waved as the boys took their short journey to the opposite end of the hall, closing the door and letting out a long, full sigh. 

She glanced at the clock, “I really must be getting to bed. Fei Mao, come on, it’ll be a very long day tomorrow and I truly dread it.”

For once, Lynn didn’t look nor feel like a spoiled rich girl when walking into the restaurant that morning, exactly ten minutes and 14 seconds before the arranged meeting time. Her anxiety had sent her into the worst whirlwind she’s had in awhile, and she did not sleep well. Her hair was up in a bun, her makeup barely concealing her dark circles from the lack of sleep, and she simply wore a long sleeved blouse, high waisted pants, and a pair of flats. While some would still think that she looked upscale (after all, her clothes weren’t cheap) anyone who really knew Li Lynn would understand that this Lynn was not a good thing. 

Which explained her Yeye’s concern when he saw her. “My child, what’s the matter?” His brow furrowed, his wrinkles deepening with nothing but concern for his granddaughter after taking in her appearance. She gave him a tired smile.

“Oh, I’m fine, really, Yeye, I’m just…oh, here.” She slid the envelope over that had the debt collection with it. “This is what I’m so affright about.”

He handed the envelope to one of his men, his attention never leaving her, “Please, explain.”

“He was complacent.” She stated, pulling her thoughts together before continuing, “Honestly, it was like he… he was expecting me to appear, to scare him, and that sum of money… the numbers don’t add up. He got that from somewhere and it wasn’t from putting in extra hours at work. I had to count everything to be sure, but I don’t think he caught on.” If possible, her grandfather’s brow furrowed further, which was never a good sign.

“This isn’t good. I have my own news, my dear. We had a meeting recently, and—“

“Is everyone okay? Is Mingi okay?” She immediately shot forward, eyes alert and her body starting to shake. Her nerves were shot and Yeye mentioning a meeting with a prompt of suspicious activity couldn’t be good –

“We are all okay. Just… shaken, I believe. I see that it’s starting to affect all of the Li representatives, not just you.” He didn’t seem pleased, “But as I was saying. Our meeting recently did not go well.”

Lynn was quiet and attentive as he continued, “The Songs are unhappy with our family at the current time. Song Qian has recently begun her transitional period, and apparently the underling families from our side have been less than cooperative. We’ve agreed to push back Mingi’s instatement as Duizhang until the New Year, to allow proper time for us to put our families in their places. But it’s strange. None of the families seem to be happy.” He sighed, pausing as a waiter placed the tea in front of them. Lynn worried her bottom lip in-between her teeth. This wasn’t good. 

“Jia-Er recently approached us separately, and I know he’s a kind boy. Ruthless in business, but kind, much like his father—“ Yeye continued, “But he’s been angry recently. He doesn’t think our business is being done fairly.”

“The Wangs think we’re cheating the Triad out of money?” Lynn restated, making sure she had heard right. Never had the Lis ever done anything in her knowledge of their history of being the Duizhang family to be called cheaters. They were more than fair in their dealings, their lendings, even their fighting was done fair. The Lis played by the rules. 

Yeye nodded, “Yes. No one is happy right now, and that’s why we’re going to halt business for a while, my dear. I only need you to gather Guo’s remaining debt.”

“Is it safe?” Lynn never backed away from a challenge, but when all of this was going on, she couldn’t help but worry about her safety and others. Going into a deal when they’re supposed to be on halt to negotiate and investigate was dangerous. 

“I already asked Qian and Jia-Er, and they agreed that all debt collections should be completed before negotiations. All collections or remaining collections should be done by an approved list of workers. You were on the list, my dear. I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise.” Yeye explained. Lynn nodded. It was nice that she was trusted by the families under the guise of an Li associate, but that didn’t make her next job any less dangerous.

“I give you full permission to use force and bring anything you need to feel safe. I just need the money and you to get out safely.” Yeye reached out and held her hand, noticing the bruising was almost gone. His grip tightened ever so gently.

“But always put yourself first if it’s too dangerous. You are always first priority.” He reminded her. Lynn nodded. 

“When do I need to have the money by?” 

Yeye’s hesitance only made her anxiety jump higher into . 

“I need it in three day’s time.” She gave a slow nod as he spoke. That was really soon. Too soon. She needed to find Guo and fast. She’d have to give Fan a ring immediately when this was over. 

“And after that, what happens?”

“I’m afraid that means our meetings and visit plans will have to be paused for the time being.” Yeye seemed more upset about this than anything else he had revealed to her, and Lynn swallowed a lump in .

“How long?” She asked.

“I’m not sure,” The old man admitted, “I can assure you your allowance will not change or alter in any way, but you’ll have to live more modestly spending wise. I know that will not be a problem for you.” Lynn nodded. While she enjoyed splurging and buying things, she took finances and numbers very seriously. If Yeye told her to watch her money and to be modest, then she would be. She always listened to him. 

“I’ll do whatever it takes. Since this is the last meeting for a while…” She smiled, “I love you, Yeye.”

“And I love you, my dear.” His tone was fond and held nothing but love for the girl in front of him. “Please be careful. Although I am old, you know I still have many enemies lurking in this business. Remember my priorities for you.” He squeezed her hand, letting it slip out  of his grasp and onto the table. 

“I’ll go first in case I was followed.” He stated, standing up and making a ringing gesture with his hand. “Call me when you have the money. I’ll send a Wang representative to pick it up so they know it was done properly and cleanly.” She nodded, blinking back tears as he exited. 

Once alone, she shuddered as she tried to keep in sobs. Lynn hated crying, but this news just about broke her. She’s never gone without seeing her grandfather for more than a few weeks at a time. Take Mingi away, take anyone away, and she’d find a way to make it through with a stiff upper lip. But Yeye… He was her rock. And she had no idea when she’d see him again. Lynn swallowed hard, tilting her head up to keep the tears back and checking her watch. It’d been a sufficient amount of time that if Yeye was followed, the ones doing so would’ve followed or figured he was here alone. If they had come in and asked, the staff knew to set up a table with his usual things that was, according to the books, his usual table and he was always by himself. The head of the Li family took no chances. 

And neither did she. Lynn pushed her chair back, pushing it back in as she tracked down a waiter. “I need to go out the back way and find a cab.” Without even speaking, the waiter nodded and whizzed off, bringing back another waiter that she recognized as their usual, and he immediately jumped into action when she repeated her request. As well known as she was, Lynn was immediately taken through the kitchen and the storage rooms, out the big wooden door and a few minutes later, ducking into a cab. 

“Where to, miss?” The driver asked, glancing in the rearview mirror. She sighed, giving him the address two streets away from her complex. Never take chances, she reminded herself, pulling out her phone and texting Fan instead of calling her. She’d understand.

Fan, I need you to find someone. This will be the last time for a while. Think you can do it?

        Of course Li. I’ve been made aware of the situation within the Triad. Who and what’s my time limit?

Guo Houzhou. 36 hours.

      I’ll do it in less than 20. I’ll ring when I find him. 

Lynn sighed through her nose, tucking her phone back into her purse and pulling out exact change for the fare amount as she started to recognize the buildings and area they were entering. 

It took her 36 minutes, 23 seconds to get back to her complex including the cab ride. Her feet were swollen from walking, her eyes probably rimmed red with fighting tears, and she just didn’t feel like herself. 

She probably wouldn’t until this was all over. 

“Oh Lynn!” She froze as she went up the steps, catching the voice from above her. Jongdae. 

“Yes, darling?” She was surprised that her own voice was so stable at the point. Her body went into the motions of going up the stairs, pulling out her keys, her phone and making it look like she was texting someone. As long as he didn’t see her face, she’d be in the clear. She could lie through her teeth, but never her face. 

“Just wondering if you were up for the historical drama tonight! You bring the wine and cat and I’ll supply the ice cream and Tao will supply the classic Tao commentary that comes completely free!” She could imagine his wide curved smile and his dramatic motions. Lynn fumbled with her keys a bit as she reached the last step, seeing his ratty old shoes from the edge of her phone. 

“You know, I’d --” She stopped herself from declining, thinking about it. She needed normalcy, something to keep her going and to occupy her time. These boys had done that and more, and they could be just what the doctor ordered. 

“I’d love to Jongdae. I’ll be there at 6 on the dot. It’s a bottles kind of night too.” She mentioned, and hearing his laugh, she knew she did it right. 

“Great! Tao will be so happy, and I might drag Minseok in as well, even the other two -- ah…” He paused, thinking back to the last conversation she had had with Luhan. 

She took a deep breath, glancing over her shoulder as she opened her door, “Darling, please, don’t trouble yourself. He lives there, and if he decides to join, you shouldn’t banish him from doing so. It’s fine, I insist. Now, I simply must wash this morning’s conversation off of me, oh not with you, with someone else, so I’ll be there at six with Fei Mao. See you!” And with that, she had closed the door and leaned against it heavily, letting out a long, shaky breath. Fei Mao was curled up on his bed under the coffee table, unaware of his owner’s peril. 

“I can’t bother you with everything, can I dear one?” She quietly asked, looking over at the cat sadly. 

“I’ll really need you… and everyone… They just can’t know.” 

Lynn looked at the clock, barely closing in on ten. “I’ll just relax myself and enjoy my last job before I begin to have ample amounts of this free time in the evenings.” She told herself. The pit in her stomach deepened at the thought of collecting Guo’s debt, but she shook it off. Surely it was because of the last time she had encountered Guo. She’d be better supplied and armed this time around.

But now wasn’t the time for such plans, she was going to join her friends across the hall to attempt to see what her future would be like without late nights running out, excusing herself from own apartment without any explanation to take a call or to run an ‘errand’ for a connection. Lynn picked up her bathrobe and headed straight for the bathroom. 

Hello everyone! It's been a while, I've had a bit of a creative writing slump recently and needed to take time off to figure a few things out. I'm back now, hopefully for more than just a couple updates, and I hope you enjoy what I have so far. Let me know your thoughts, theories, etc. down in the comments below! In summary of this chapter: Lynn's life is getting hectic and her emotions are very much in the uneven balanced side of things. Happy Reading and Happy Tuesday!
~ Rye

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12/20: DOUBLE UPDATE! Happy Holidays!


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dawnsun #1
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update. It looks like she has good neighbours. Can't wait for Yifan's appearance.
dawnsun #2
Chapter 2: Love it!! Thanks for updating.
kellykeyes #3
Chapter 2: I like reading stories about the Triads. So I expect to get hooked on this one. Looking forward to learning more about Lynn.