
The Knight in the Darkness

The car ride was silent. Not a word was exchanged. He drove just like usual, but a strange aura lurked around him, positive energy into a blackhole and leaving the tension heavy and dark. 

It was over, we both knew it. Today is a somber funeral for us. But there was no casket, there was no dark clothing worn and there was no tears. Today is the day our dream dies. For years, we've fantasized about holding hand publicly and not having to hide our affection for each other. We both knew it was impossible to achieve, but we lied to ourselves and lingered on. Finally, the cold water is splashed as we awakened to reality. 

Jaebum is my childhood friend, my first crush, and my only love. Nothing can replace him. As I thought the only thing that can separate us is death, I soon realized there are more things that can separate us and even put Jaebun's life in jeopardy. 

When grandfather was still healthy and lively, he brought home a male child from the streets. The legal document stated that grandpa has legal custody over the child until he is 18 of age, when he could choose to leave or stay. I remember that day like it happened yesterday. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. I gazed at the scene, hiding behind a huge vase. The boy had dark brown hair, brown eyes that are stormy and dark, and a lifeless expression that contrasts his merely 10 years of age. I was only 9 at that time. I stared into his marble eyes. They were beautiful, but they were clouded by years of fear, depression, and betrayal. I pitied him. Grandfather introduced me to him and ordered us to be friends. I was an annoying and hyper kid. I spoke and spoke and spoke and spoke until my mouth went dry. He didn't utter a sound. He stared at me with his glass eyes, impassive. On the fifth day, he managed to smile. His eyes formed curving crescents and his white pearls glistened in the sun. It was full of joy and beauty. It was like he was a complete different person than what I have meet on that spring day. That moment caused me to fall in love. From that day on, we were like partners in crime, but only there was no crime of course. We talked, played, and spent every moment possible together. When grandfather questioned him about his future, to my joy, he said he would stay, serving the Yang family until he dies. When he was old enough to drive, he became my chauffeur, which I was pretty content with since we could spend more time together. I wanted to be with him badly and I wanted to be his only. Soon after, he declared his love for me and I accepted it, yearning for the day we can be together freely. Years went by as we dated in secrecy, I figured out I have burdened both of us in the process of being a selfish fool in love.

I reached for the outstretched handkerchief and dabbed my fallen tears.

"Miss Kangmi, please refrain from crying. It is windy outside." He chokes out in his husky voice. As much as he wanted to, he could not hide the disappointment and depression in his voice. It was the end of our dream. It was the end of us

I stare at him. Something in me snapped at the moment, his words sounded so annoying at the moment, but at the same time desperate. His eyes are clouded with anger, fear, desperation. The moon shined and the stars flickered. Their presence at the wound because they brought out Jaebum's eyes. The ones that shown so much love and greed for me now appear lifeless and sorrowful. I have hurt him. It was my fault. I even brought up a suggestion that hurt both his pride and his emotions. 

I snuck out of my room and into the garden, where Jaebum and I always met during late hours. When I arrived, his knuckles were bloody from punching an innocent nearby tree and his face was full of anger. I built up walls and applied layers of concrete when I received the news. However, they suddenly broke as I'm faced with a horrid image of the person I love. A lump formed at my throat as I choke on my own tears, streaming down my face like a waterfall. He didn't turn to look at me even though he heard the sound of tears. "We can go through this." I cried, "we have passed many challenges, this is only -"

"Only another obstacle?" He turned to face me. His eyes are puffy and red. "This obstacle cannot be passed!"

"it's just like any other!"

"Any other?" He yelled, "Kangmi, you are getting married for goodness sake! The man is not me!"

"I know I am! I am against this as much as you are! It's for family sake! We can still be together!"

He gazed at me with hurt eyes. As I stammered to correct my mistake in words, he shook his head with an insane laughter. 

"You know better than anyone, Yang Kangmi. I am a man of pride and dignity. I will not make you cheat on your husband with me, even if you don't love him." He glared, "I don't want to be hurt or hurt you anymore." 

"Let's end this right now." I blurted out. "I'm sorry I've hurt you these years. We were idiots. Stupid. Thinking that it might work out. I'm sorry." 

Before waiting for his response, I became the coward. I ran away.

I step out of the vehicle. I will be attending the enagement party, standing there like a trophy and a mannequin. I avoided his gaze and tried to keep myself steady as I headed to the company with 5 inch heels and a turquoise coctail dress

I feel my knees giving away. A pair of gentle hands embraced my arms, pulling me into a lean tall chest.  There was warmth radiating from his body. My covered my mouth with my hand and weeped silently. 
"Stop it! Stop making me regret my words! Stop making me feel things that I shouldn't feel!" I pushed him away from me. He grips my wrist as I struck him and pulls me into a tight embrace. 
His breath lands near my ear as I involuntarily hugged back. His breathing sounds heavy and hitched like he's about to cry. "I never loved anyone more than I love you. I'm a selfish bastard, therefore I can never let you go." He whispers in a genuine voice, "I'm a lovesick fool because of you. Why do you have to be so gorgeous and angelic in every way? Run away with me, Kangmi. Be with me. Please. I beg you." 
I wanted to hear those words from the moment we were together. Why couldn't you tell me sooner, Jaebum? How badly would I have sacrificed everything for you. However, even my grandfather, our grandfather, has begged me to accept this marriage. What should I do? I'm going insane. 
At that point, I am hysterically crying. "I-I can't." I whimper softly, "I just can't."
"Why not? Take my hand, what is there to lose?" 

I pull away and stare into his chocolate eyes. "Everything, Jaebum." I reply, "Even you."

His eyes clouded and his warm, shaking hands left my waist. Collecting his broken pieces, he straightens and avoids eye contact with me. My heart has broken and shattered. I just can't be that selfish person.

"I'm moving to America." He says, "Today is my last day."

My heart twisted. I felt like death was eating me into pieces. I stay silent. He grit his teeth. "Kangmi, beg me to stay. Stop me. Tell me you love me." 

Words got caught up in my throat. I wanted to scream, cry, and beg him to stay by my side. I want to tell him I'm willing to give up everything in life to be with him. "I love you." I smile, despite the salty, dry trail of tears sticking on my face. "That's why I'm letting you go." 

He sniffs and nods silently. His red tongue swiped over his dry lips quickly. He steps toward me and buttons the top button of my coat. "It's cold out, Mimi. When can you ever learn to take good care of yourself? " He chokes out as a single tear gracefully drops down his cheeks. I have seen him cry multiple times, but this time feels worse than death. He smiles the same smile he did 12 years ago. "I love you more than anything else in the world." 

Slowly leaning down, he pressed a chaste, loving kiss onto my lips. It lasted for a brief 2 minutes, but I wanted it to be eternal. I slowly backed up as our hands connected and slowly his grip slipped away. He got into the car and sent me one last mischievous and loving glance as he backed the car out. I watched him drive away. Is he really gone from my life? Is it for good or bad? "Jaebum," I find myself whispering, "good luck."

As I got to the entrance, grandfather was there waiting for me in his disabled state in a wheelchair. I smiled and nodded slightly as I was about to enter the building. 

"You do understand that having an affair with a chauffeur when you are someone's fiancée is an issue the media could use to ruin our reputation, Mrs. Song Kangmi." Grandfather mutters to me. He was always a wise and all-knowing person. You can never hide anything from him. 

"I broke it off. You don't have to worry about unnecessary things. He called quits anyway." I replied briefly. 

"If you were wondering, it wasn't he that wanted to leave. I suggested it." 

"As expected from the wise master." I said with sarcasm lining through. 

"Don't be so stubborn. I had him start his own business there." Grandfather glared. 

"Fine. Just leave him alone from now on." I ended the conversation and entered the building.

The hall was decorated in beautiful white and blue. It was filled with laughter, conversation, music, and joy. I definitely came to the wrong place because I am the only joyless one. Mother was busy accepting congratutory presents and compliments. Her cheeks flushed with pride, greed, and the champagne was evident. I wonder how her reaction would be if I told her I wanted to marry Jaebum. Father fooled around with a few women and some of his money-digging friends. I stood alone in the corner. My "husband" is walking around eyeing some ladies and drowning in his own group of useless friends. Even after the Song and Yang company combined, the money-wasting bastard would bankrupt both the companies. My whole family is insane, crazed by the greed of money, power, and fame that they could care less about anything else. Me? I'll just have to be the heroine that saves their sorry asses from their biggest mistake ever. 

My restless body leaned back on a wall. 6 and a half years of party attending, yet I'm still not used to it. The clock stuck 11:50. The proposal is at 12 o'clock. I stare out the window and the dark night greeted me. The stars blinked and the moon shined and I still can't let go my feelings. Just what if Jaebum was never an orphan, never my chauffeur, and never a poor man. Could fate have changed? Could we have been together, forever? My last 10 minutes of freedom, independence, and sanity. 

A high-pitched bell sound rang out. It was Song Janggeun. "May I have all your attention please." He smiles in a gentlemanly way. If everyone could know he's a wild beast in a gentleman's body, I wouldn't have to marry him. 

Mother and aunt grip my arms and lead me to the center. "You better not screw up this, you hear me? Just marry and be a good girl, you little brat." I hear her mutter into my ear. Before I manage to reply, mother gave me a little push and I stumbled next to him. I glanced at my watch. It's 11:55. 

"May I present to you, my beautiful lady Yang Kangmi." Janggeun says while feigning a loving gaze at me. I didn't show any emotion. "If you think my lady is not happy about this, you all are wrong! She's a serious woman. I know she is leaping with joy inside." 

I see him move his lips, telling lies of how much he loves me and how much he needs me in his life. However, I couldn't hear a thing. It was like I became deaf at the moment. The watch says 11:58. Janggeun gets down on one knee and pulls out a box. He opens it and a dazzling ring appears. He grasps my left hand. It's 11:59. 

"Yang Kangmi..." 

Ten more seconds till 12 o'clock. 

"Will you..."




"...do me the honor..."




"...and become..."




"...my loving wife?"


The clock chimes and I open my mouth. I have to say the word "yes". 

Suddenly, I found myself shaking my head. "No, no, I-, no." I stammer and jerk my hand violently away from him. His eyes flashed with anger. The crowd murmurs silently. Grandfather stares at me and smiles. Why is he smiling? I just screwed up. 

The doors fly open. The cold wind swirls in and goosebumps lined along my uncovered arms. A tall man strolls in along with 6 others behind him. He head bows low. "Sorry to interrupt you all with my presence." He says. Something is familiar about his voice. Jaebum. He lifts his head and his handsome face is revealed, but he looks like a different person. 

Voices murmured, "Isn't that Miss Kangmi's old chauffeur? Didn't he quit and moved to America?" 

Grandfather appeared next to him. They exchange a glance of approval. "Mr. Im had a little traffic during his way here." He announces, "Mr. Im is the founder and CEO of the Advance Technology Corporation in American, South Korea, North Korea, and Japan."

There were soft whispers and murmurs. Janggeun smiles and approaches Jaebum. "It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Im. I am Song Janggeun of the Song Company. Today is my engagement party with Miss Yang Kangmi. You are welcomed to join us at this festive day." He smiles haughtily and extends his hand for Jaebum to shake. Jaebum eyes his hand and him for awhile. He rolls his eyes and walks to me. Janggeun fumes with fury. 

"Miss Kangmi," he smiles and kisses my hand. "Your grandfather has told me so much about you. You are even more beautiful in person." 

I realized what has happened. During a period of time, he was constantly absent. His passport had stamps of North Korea, Japan, America, Thailand, and other countries. He always said he was helping grandfather run some errands, but it was his own corporation business he had to handle. He did it all for me. He had ask me to run away with him because he didn't want to use this method. I wouldn't lose my rightful inheritance and ruin my reputation. All these years when I thought I was trying my hardest for him, he did most of the work. 

The man in front of me is not chauffeur Jaebum, it's just Mr. Im Jaebum, the man I love. "You came back for me." I whisper. 

"I told you I love you more than anything." He winks, "Besides, you can never take good care of yourself." 

I gave a small laugh. 

He got down on one knee and took out a small box. As he opened the box, a simple gold ring is revealed. It's simple, but it was filled with love. 

"Yang Kangmi, do your knight the honor and let me make you may queen. Please marry me." His eyes formed familiar crescents. My heart glowed with joy. 

"Yes, I will." I reply as he puts the ring through the 4th finger on my left hand. He stood up and hugged me tight. I see Janggeun being dragged outside by a red haired man and a man with a snapback. His feet kicks the air as the door closed on him. 

"Just so you were wondering, I brought the Song Company." He whispers playfully in my ear. I giggle at the mischievous man. 

We both exchange one last glance before falling into a passionate kiss. 

Tonight is the rebirth of our dream. Tonight, I am saved by a knight from the darkness. Tonight, I am his queen


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