
light stretch

     jimin grabbed onto namjoon's foot and very lightly pushed namjoon's extended leg towards namjoon's body. the comfortable silence of the dance room only lasted a few seconds because namjoon didn't hesitate to hold back his manly screech. namjoon's hand clobbered down on the leg that remained on the floor as he tried to endure the pain jimin was forcing him to experience. he couldn't take it any longer. "STOP STRETCHING MY DAMN LEG!" jimin let namjoon's leg free fall onto the practice room's floor.  namjoon continued to feel the burning in his leg muscles. he rubbed the back of his knee and his thigh until the fire numbed down to a mere tingle.

     "bro, it's only a light stretching. it shouldn't be this painful," jimin stood in front of namjoon, arms crossed and eyes full of annoyance.  honestly, he had kind of been expecting this from namjoon, but this guy was taking his reactions to a whole new level. it was true that namjoon tended to be inexplicably loud and strange (borderline insane), but nobody had ever heard him be this moronic and unneccessarily loud. 

     "light stretching?!" namjoon sat up at lightning speed, his face distorted into in an expression of disbelief.  jimin raised an eyebrow and nodded towards his left. there seokjin rested on the ground, his left leg lying straight on the floor, and his right leg lifted up into the air. taehyung's fingertips rested on seokjin's ankle, moving seokjin's leg slowly towards seokjin's body. his leg didn't make it very close to his body, but seokjin remained quiet during the stretch and let taehyung push the limits until seokjin calmly told taehyung to pull back. they stretched comfortably like this, doing their best to ignore namjoon's howls and flailing limbs.

     "why can't you just do it like them?" jimin sighed. namjoon scrunched his face into an unpleasant frown.

     "you know what, you're bad at this. go stretch with hoseok or something," namjoon waved jimin away, who was actually kind of relieved and felt liberated as he bounced over to hoseok who was twisting his mid section. "YOONGI! come here and stretch with me!" namjoon figured that since yoongi was so against any kind of physical movement, stretching with him would be a breeze.

     yoongi had been sitting in front of the mirror, legs curled under him, and his phone resting in his hands as he zoned out and totally avoided the task of stretching before the dance practice. at the sound of namjoon's voice, he lowered his phone and shot namjoon an annoyed glare. "you want me to stretch with you?" he asked for confirmation. 

     "yeah, come here. just do what taehyung's doing to seokjin," at that time seokjin had gotten warmed up and taehyung was stretching seokjin's leg much farther back. seokjin was enduring it quite well and almost seemed at ease. namjoon only pointed in their direction and didn't see what was actually happening. yoongi, however, absorbed the situation and smirked happily. 

     "okay," he responded quickly and cheerfully. namjoon flashed a dimply smile and a thumbs up and lowered himself onto his back once more. yoongi neared namjoon and picked up namjoon's leg by the ankle. "ready?" namjoon nodded as best as he could and closed his eyes.

     yoongi namjoon's leg back relentlessly and held it there. 

     namjoon's scream pierced through the air and startled everyone, causing them to twist their heads in his direction, cover their ears or both. "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET GO OF MY LEG!" namjoon squirmed wildly and finally released himself from yoongi's grasp. he crawled away madly, panting and sweating. 

     "oops," yoongi shrugged his shoulders and smirked to himself when he turned away from namjoon. the door to the dance room opened and their choreographer made his way into the room. the boys called out their greetings and began preparing themselves for the dance practice by gathering in the center of the room and looking at the teacher for intructions. namjoon looked as if he had been thrown into the corner of the room. he didn't even try to get up and greet his teacher. he continued to lay there, sobbing on the inside over how much pain he was in.

     the choreographer wasn't made aware of namjoon's current state and began the practice only to get interrupted seconds later by namjoon who was already begging for a break. 



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mainbaebts #1
Chapter 1: hope you'll continue :)
hopefool #2
this was really funny, dear goodness. ><