Love is a Game
Sorry for my lovely subscribers.. I will take hiatus 'till May or june.. I have an national exams and a test to enter Universty.. I have to study more... Soo.. I'm sorry guys ㅠㅠ I'll continue this story after all of the test is done. *if you still want me to
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i need more
ELF154ever #2
Chapter 1: Niice! Hope u can update soon!
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 1: i could sense the drama starting to begin.. like this square love haha.. good starting!! can't wait for the next updates:)
Chapter 1: nice start, good luck with future updates :)
classy-llama #5
Chapter 1: That's messed up about how jin and jungkook treat jimin.
damnit ! i just cant wait for the next one ! keep write keep write until the story end kay ? kay ? i'll wait ya !
damnit ! i just cant wait for the next one ! keep write keep write until the story end kay ? kay ? i'll wait ya !
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
interesting foreword, i look forward for the real chapter:)