Late Taxi's and Eye Smiles

Byun & Park

Baekyun wasn't sure how Jongin had managed to drag him out of bed and get him to school. It wasn't like he was still high but her was tired. The kind of tired that didn't go away with a good night's sleep. The kind of tired that drove people to make rash decisions. Like moving to another state, cutting off all of thier hair, or jumping off of a bridge. Baekhyun figured that Jongin probably knew this. He spent hours talking to him when they were both high out of their minds. Jongin relaxed when he got high and Baekhyun had been that way at first too. But he was tired. And tired people didn't get high the same way other stoners do. Jongin always told him he was a contridiction that he was ironic as a whole, that his entire  being was a giant question mark. He would laugh when he caught Baekhyun hacking away at an essay just hours after coming down from a high.

"You are a stoner who cares about school." He would say with a laugh. Baek always held his tounge because he wasn't supposed to know that Jongin wasn't actually failing all of his classes like he wanted everyone to believe. He probably had better grades than Baekhyun for that matter. But Baekhyun continued to let Jongin think that Baekhyun thought he was lazy. If it somehow made his best and only friend feel better her would do it.

"" Baekhhyun muttered as he stared at the long line that lead to the one thing he needed if he was going to survive one of Proffeser Lecterns lecters. Coffee Everytime he thought about it he chuckled inwardly. It was like out of all the horrible last names and horrible jobs. David  got stuck with the most horrible combination. Take that for irony.

The line was out the door and wrapped around a few of the tables that held girl's wrapped in dull scarves and the same plastic cup of coffee that they had had every day since they started school and maybe even before. Baek always complained about what needed to change but didnt actually want any of it to change not really. And so he stood in the line like he had done the last time he actually decided to attend class.

And looking Baek on it later, Baekhyun thinks that if Jongin hadn't dragged him out of bed that morning, and if he hadn't walked across campus to get coffee and if he hadn't worn his least favorite pair of shoes. Park Chanyeol never would have spoken to him.

Baek hadn't even noticed him at first. He was just another black spot in his black and white vision. He'd run out of a taxi which seemed like a clown car compared to his hieght and ran into the line, his big feet and scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. He stood right behind Baekhyun who hadn't even given the giant a second look. He didn't like tall people anyway. They made him feel more insignificant they he already felt.

"I like your shoes." He heard a deep voice say behind him. He didn't turn around because 1. How could anyone interpret the permenant scowl on his face for an invitation to talk let alone compliment him and 2. He would swear on his own grave that he was wearing the ugliest shoes on the earth. They were thick clunky and brown. Something Jongin had bought him as a joke. So he didn't turn around becasue he just knew no one was talking to him.

No further voices were heard and Baekhyun put it out of his mind. IF someone had been talking to him it was their fault they didn't get a response. They should never have spoken to him in the first place. The line edge up little by little, until Baekhyun and one person behind him had made it into the blissfully heated starbucks. Baek had been thinking about how slow the blond girl with with the freckles was moving when he'd heard the voice again.

" I really like your shoes."

This time Baekhyun turned a perfect eyebrow arched at whoever was behind him. He was just about ready to say something as scathing as the hot coffee when he was stopped dead. He stared at the giant behind him and all he could think was.

that is a bright as scarf.

He blinked a few times wondering what in the world had made the man think he could pull off a scarf as yellow as the sun when it was glommy and dark as a graveyard. Baekhyun wondered if maybe someone had strapped the guy to a chair and forced it on him becasue surely no one wore scarfs that yellow or that bright around thier neck unless they were in an 80's movie. Which they weren't. He fought the urge and check his phone to make sure. But he was sure that it would only be funny to him.

It dawned upon him that he had to respond. Otherwise he would be rude ( not that he cared much about being rude.)

"Thanks." He mustered up and just as he was about to turn around again to face the front of the line the guy spoke again. Baek resited his urge to growl or roll his eyes. Didn't his face just radiate " not intrested?" or "leave me the alone."

" I'm Park Chanyeol. What do you study?" He said and his tone clearly suggested that he was expecting an answer back.

Baek done being nice ( or his definition of it anyway) snapped.

" I study please leave me hell alone." He said.

Chanyeol to his credit didnt miss a beat. He nodded as if Baekhyun had really answered him. " Oh that sounds promising. Maybe you could minor in anti scocial tendencies."

Baekhyun wasn't expecting to chuckle but he did. He had to admit that was a point for Chanyeol but he wasnt going to give up just yet.

"I will think about it. Sounds like something I'd enjoy."

Baekhyun was thrown completley off gaurd. He knew he was looking to pick a fight with any and everyon (except Jongin) so when the giant had rolled with his punches and then side stepped him completley he wasnt sure how he was supposed to handle this now. 

Baekhyun was at the casheir now and he was looking at him expectantly. Baekhyun ordered trying to ignore the smugness radiating off the giant.

"That will be 5.69."

Baekhyun reached into his wallet and gasped. He had waited in line for 30 minutes to realize he had left his money at home. But then he thought about it harder and realized that he hadn't left it at home. He'd spent it on the blunt he'd hit the night before.

"" he mumbled under his breath for the second time that day.

"Here you go." Said Chanyeol behind him handing the guy a 10 dollar bill.

"And let me get a black coffee added to that order too."

Baekhyun gaped up at him. Not only had he ignored this guy but he had been rude to him to. And here he was buying his drink. The casheir took his money not really caring who forked up the money just that he was getting paid, and both Chanyeol and Baekhyun moved out of the way to wait for their drinks.

"Thank you." Baekhyun sad after a momment and Chanyeol smiled then. A large almost frightning smile that Baekhyun didn't hate.

"Your welcome guy with the nice shoes and a degree in leave me the hell alone."

Baekhyun felt his face turn red. Since when did he get embarresed.

"I'm sorry aboout that." He half mumbled.

"Dont worry about it. Besides, I had my own agenda when I bought your drink."

"whats that?" Baek asked supprised that he almost sounded... friendly.

"I was hoping it would guilt trip you into sitting down and having coffee with me."

Chanyeol pointed to an empty table with an eyebrow raised. Baek but his lip nervously watching the workers making his drink. He really wanted that coffee. And besides what would be the worse thing that could happen? He could always walk away and never see the guy for the rest of his life.

And so he nodded and Chanyeol's face lit up again and Baekhyun noticed how his eyes smile even before his mouth did.

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Roseyrose #1
Chanbaek! Yayyyyyyy!!! Please update...don't abandon ..