
My Nanny


"I'm sorry," someone keept on saying. "I'm very truly sorry." i heard again.

I open my eyes and looked around and saw no one. What i saw was the most beautiful place on earth. The grass as green as ever, the sky is clear blue, and the river with pure clear flowing water. It was BEAUTIFUL! Beyond beautiful.

I turn around and saw the most gorgeous field of flowers i have ever seen in my life, but that was not what caught my full attention.

Sitting there, with her hair flowing in the light breeze in a beautiful blue dress, was a women who seem so familiar to my mom.

"Mom? Is that you?" I said quietly and walked closer to her.

"My daughter, I have been waiting for you." she said as she turn around. 

"What am I doing here? What is this place? What happen to me? Why are you here?" i question all at once.

"Honey, you're dead, I came to take you with me." She smiled sweetly. A little to sweetly.

Something felt off, she looks like my mother but she doesn't seem like her at all. 

All of a sudden the field of flowers were on fire, the grass that was so green became as black as night, the sky covered with gray clouds and the clear pure river was flowing with water as red as blood.

I look around horrified. I then notice marks on my arms and legs and they looked like whip marks. I don't remember how I got it though.

I turned around and the women that looked like my mom wasn't my mom anymore; let alone a women. It was him. That a******. The one who killed my mom from the inside.

My father...................



Sorry that this is just a preview, this is all i can pretty much do for now. My laptop hasn't been fix and I havent have time to write on my phone. I'm in class and we have free time so this is all i can do. Im sorry very sorry😟

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sorryi f u guys wanted a real update lol but i was excited while writing and wanted to share so just be a little bit patient. im working on it


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Chapter 36: This story is kind of messy with all those povs, but once you get used to it is really nice. And the plot is kinda interesting too. I can't wait for the next chapter!
200th subscriber~~~ do i get anything special ?! LOL JK.
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #3
Chapter 36: Finally you are back... We will be waiting ....
LynTheRetard #4
Chapter 35: pretty please update with chap 27! hehe Mark finally found out and i need them to get together ^^
Chapter 35: Tskk ... Markkk ∆∆ Bwoyaaa ...
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #6
Chapter 35: Yesss.... After ages you have comeback.... Welcome back(?)
Vwansha #7
Chapter 35: Thank you for the update! Good luck on the next chapters. Have a wonderful holiday break.
sylvia15 #8
Chapter 35: I know ur feeling!!!my brother just did it yesterday!!!& all my hard work just flow away...
crystal7 #9
Chapter 34: You cliffhangered us for so long... ㅠㅠ but at least you're back now!! Enjoy your holidays and hope to see you (and your updates xD) soon!!!
Chapter 34: Yeahhhh .... I been waiting to know what happen to jinyoung and min ... Huhuhu authornim fighting ^^