Chapter 15

My Nanny

No One POV

It has been about 1 month since Got7 has been there and everyday it was full of laughter and fun. Mark and you still have that unidentified relationship and JR and Min has something going on, while Jackson and Jaden have a bittersweet relationship. Jackson is exactly like a child, always bickering with Jaden; while Jaden has found his new favorite uncles, BamBam, Youngjae, and Yugyeom.

However everything changed after that month.  Min and Mark suddenly started dating.

Your POV


You and Min were working while chatting and just enjoying talking, until Min brought up the topic you wanted to avoid.

“Unnie, do you like Mark? Yes or No, this is the last chance I’m going to give you to answer truthfully since we were interrupted at the beach,” Min said seriously to you.

“I……….. I don’t know Min,” you replied confused although your heart knows the answer.

“Okay then………… so would it be okay if I go for Mark then?” Min said with hope in her eyes.

“WHAT!.......... I mean how come? I thought you and Jinyoung had something,” you said surprisingly.

“Me and Jinyoung?!?! Hahaha Unnie, you’re so funny, we are only good friends, but I actually really like Mark he is so kind and charming. I know you have a past with him; that was why I asked if you still like him but you said no, and he doesn’t remember who you are, so is it okay if I try for him?” Min asked for the second time.

“I guess……. I mean I don’t own him so go ahead.” You tried to tell her cheerfully.

“Thanks Unnie! You are the best!!!!,” Min said happily. “I’m going to go talk to him now since it looks liked he arrived, bye!” She waved enthusiastically.

You waved back with a smile on your face trying to not get hurt at the fact that your best friend, no more like sister, likes the guy you love. No he was someone you used to love; you tried to tell yourself that.

You left your station to get your stuff and walked towards where Min and Mark was as your guys shift had ended.

End of Flashback

Everyone was over at Jessica place hanging out and the new couple was already in their own world. Jinyoung notice that you started to drift off again.

“Noona? Are you okay?” Jinyoung asked you.

“Uh, yeah it’s just I can’t believe it, it happened all so fast; I didn’t think it would be that quick, I couldn’t really believe she would back stab me like that,” you said to Jinyoung.

You felt hurt that she was able to have Mark, but what hurt the most was that she lied to get Mark. She used yours and Mark story, so now he thinks Min is Baby Boo.   

“She is just one of those lying B****, playing with people and don’t care about anybody, I hate her so much,” he said angrily.”

“You really liked her didn’t you; you don’t hate her but felt betrayed,” you said to the younger boy in pain.

“It’s just that, I thought she really liked me too, we had a weird start but at the end everything turned out okay. This isn’t her, that was what I thought at first when her and Mark announced their relationship. I even went to her house and asked, but all she did was laugh when I told her we had something, it hurts, it really hurts,” he said closing his eyes…….


Jinyoung POV

Everybody was doing their own thing when Mark and Min suddenly appeared announcing their relationship. Everyone was shocked especially me and ________. The first person to break the awkward atmosphere was Jackson. He congratulated then soon everyone else joined.

That smile she used when everyone was congratulating them hurts me, but knowing her for a month was like knowing her for a year and that smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her eyes told me a different story. She seems troubled and lost.

“Mark can I talk to Min?” I asked as politely as possible.”Don’t worry I won’t be long, I just need to clarify something.” I said pleadingly.

“Sure go ahead, I think you need an explanation, but don’t try anything funny because she is mine now.” Mark said seriously.

I grabbed her hand and took her to the backyard.

“What’s wrong tell me?” I said as calmly as possible.

“Nothing is wrong oppa.” She said in a confused tone. “If you thought I liked you, I’m sorry if I kind of led you on, but the one I like is Mark, so I beg you to not ruin this for me. I’m sorry that I lied to you and I understand if you’re mad at me but I really like him.”

“You’re lying! This isn’t you, you wouldn’t do this!” I said pleadingly.”You wouldn’t hurt your Unnie, you’re not selfish and…….” I ranted on desperately.

“Jinyoung! Enough, I told you that I’m sorry that I led you on, but people change when they are in love, it makes you do selfish things. Unnie already said she didn’t like Mark, I gave her a chance to tell me and if she did I would have backed off, but she didn’t. Please I beg you, just give us your blessing.” She said painfully.

“You’re lying, this is all lies……..” I said trying to not cry.

“Baby Boo, what is taking so long,” Marked called out.

I looked at her with a shocked face. “Baby Boo” was someone important in Mark past and we all know who it is beside Mark. Jessica told us not to tell him and let him figure it all on his own.

“You lied to him?!?!” I said unbelievable.

Before she could answer, Mark came out. All I could do was to start hating her, so I wouldn’t feel pain. I couldn’t stand being their anymore. If I saw her any longer I was going to burst, so I ran inside the house grabbed my wallet and left to the bar. All I wanted to do was let this pain disappear. That night I drank till I passed out, till I felt numb and I couldn’t think, till she was off my mind, but she wouldn’t leave my thoughts, not even when I passed out. Ever since then I’ve been drinking.

End of flashback

“Jinyoung ah, qewnchana?” ______ asked me politely. “Why are you crying?”

I didn’t even notice that tears were streaming down while the past came back to haunt me.

“Yeah, I was just thinking.” I said while whipping the tears away.

End of POV

Mark POV

I feel so bless to finally found my Baby Boo again! I can’t believe how lucky I am, but when Min told me I was really shocked. I thought that her and Jinyoung had a “thing” going on and when she confess to me that she miss me, I was so confused. Until she explained and showed me proof that she was Baby Boo.


We were all having fun playing at the beach and shopping around when Min suddenly asked if she could talk to me privately.

“Oppa……” she said nervously. “Ummmm I have something I need to confess to you…..” she said hesitantly.

“What is it Min ah, you can tell oppa anything,” I sad to comfort her. I thought that she was going to tell me that she liked Jinyoung and wanted my help.

“I miss you,” she suddenly said.

I was so shocked all I could do was looked at her confusingly.

“Sorry, oppa if I was being to straightforward, but I finally want to tell you who I really am. I missed you a lot and I couldn’t hide the fact anymore, but I’m Baby Boo.”

“You’re who!?!?!” I said confused and shocked. I couldn’t believe it, right in front of my eyes was the little girl I have been missing for years.

“Sorry I have been hiding it, but I just couldn’t get myself to confess, I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me because you didn’t remember my real name, so I didn’t want to make you think I was lying. Here is proof.” She said nervously and gave me a picture of us when we were younger.

 I couldn’t believe it. All my thoughts went out and I grabbed her and hugged her. I missed my Baby Boo so much and when I saw that she was telling the truth felt so happy, but for some reason it felt wrong at the same time.

End of flashback

Min and I were on the couch watching T.V. with the other members when I saw Jinyoung and _______ talking. For some reason it hurt to see _________ talking to another guy. I know that I have my Baby Boo right here but when I hold her and hug her it feels so wrong. I still remember when I woke up with her in my arms. It felt so right. I couldn’t lie to myself that I was all happy in the relationship but I wanted to make this work. I have been waiting for her for so long, I just can’t let it past.

I turned to look at Min and she was asleep. For some reason, these past few days she seems so tired, but when I asked her she would just say because of work. I then announced that I was going to take Baby Boo back home since she was tired and everyone just nods.

Ever since we have announced our relationship the atmosphere has been so awkward. My sister wouldn’t even speak to me anymore and I don’t even know why and every time I try talking to ______ she would just nod or give short answers. Jinyoung on the other hand would always avoid us and I know it was because he really liked Min, but I just couldn’t let her go.

I carried Min and took her to the car and then drove her home. As I carried her into the house and put her on her bed her phone dropped. Her screen then lit up with a text number that wasn’t from the state, but South Korea. I knew it was wrong to g through it but I couldn’t help myself when an unknown number was texting my Baby Boo. As I open the text up I notice that she has texted this number more than once,all the ious message were deleted beside the new one just now. I then opened it and read it………

I’m coming soon, so better do your job right or you know what I will do.

I was confused, and something seems off but I can’t ask her since she was asleep, so I left her phone on her desk and wrote a little note.

Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty I brought you home last night, so don’t panic when you wake up ^_^ 


I finally had time to update! I hope you guys liked this chapter ^_^ I understand you guys are probably mad, but i will try to update again tomorrow. Please comment and UPVOTE! i really love to hear opinions! Thank You again for reading my story :)


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sorryi f u guys wanted a real update lol but i was excited while writing and wanted to share so just be a little bit patient. im working on it


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Chapter 36: This story is kind of messy with all those povs, but once you get used to it is really nice. And the plot is kinda interesting too. I can't wait for the next chapter!
200th subscriber~~~ do i get anything special ?! LOL JK.
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #3
Chapter 36: Finally you are back... We will be waiting ....
LynTheRetard #4
Chapter 35: pretty please update with chap 27! hehe Mark finally found out and i need them to get together ^^
Chapter 35: Tskk ... Markkk ∆∆ Bwoyaaa ...
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #6
Chapter 35: Yesss.... After ages you have comeback.... Welcome back(?)
Vwansha #7
Chapter 35: Thank you for the update! Good luck on the next chapters. Have a wonderful holiday break.
sylvia15 #8
Chapter 35: I know ur feeling!!!my brother just did it yesterday!!!& all my hard work just flow away...
crystal7 #9
Chapter 34: You cliffhangered us for so long... ㅠㅠ but at least you're back now!! Enjoy your holidays and hope to see you (and your updates xD) soon!!!
Chapter 34: Yeahhhh .... I been waiting to know what happen to jinyoung and min ... Huhuhu authornim fighting ^^