I Do

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Mark could swear he dreamt her to life. She was the girl he never knew he wanted until he found himself married to her in some strange twist of fate. Loving her, he thought, was like water falling in the deep; recklessly, and then rippling through. Theirs is not a love story. It's a story about love, in reverse.


          She was right, it was a reversal. If you think about it, it's funny how they basically started being married and worked their way from there. Of course, you would have to come into my life in a whirlwind, he thought. There isn't any other way. With a girl like that, nothing's ever a pit-a-pat, it's always a storm and you just have to muster up the courage to run through it.
         "Did I just get demoted from being your wife to being your girlfriend?" She teased, frowning. But her tone and the smile on her face is not showing any sign of disappointment at all.
         "I guess you did." Mark set his phone aside and smugly replied, the corner of his lips tugged in a smirk. He opened his arms for her, pouting, smile still not fading. She sat on his lap, something that she hasn't done before. Maybe labels do change some things. "Hi." Mark spoke quietly, slidding his arm between hers wrapped around his neck. They were even softer than he's imagined. The whole time his thumb was across her lips, all he could think of was kissing her. His girlfriend.
         "You know you can kiss me, right? Since I'm your girlfriend, and all, now." They both giggled. Even as they kissed, lips pressed against each other, they were still giggling. They just can't stop. God you're so freaking cute, he wanted to tell her. But she was holding his face and placing kisses all over his face, his lips most of all, and he didn't want her to stop.
         Mark thought he was just thinking it. "One day, I will make you my wife. Again." But when it came out as a mumble, just when she paused and stared back at him, he realised he'd said it out loud. "You're just too darn cute, I would just have to marry you." The way he was holding her said he was serious. Arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. "For real this time."
         It was quiet for a while, not even sounds of cicadas could be heard. It was the start of winter so everthing seems to be in hibernation. All the windows were closed too, so the atmosphere in the room was as still as it could get. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, Mark thought to himself. After all, being a someone's girlfriend and being someone wife are two completely different titles. It's also probably too early on in their relationship to be talking about things such as marriage.
         The silence was starting to make Mark nervous, until she loudly let out a breath and smiled her 1000 megawatt smile and finally replied, "You better."

Author Personal Message Time!
Apologies for the corny af description and an even cheesier foreword. I'm just trying to officially start this before I get lazy again and not even put this out at all. I've had this idea for several weeks now and it's starting to frustrate me how I just get lazier and lazier with writing it as time goes by so yeah, here's my poor attempt at writing a foreword. Hopefully I didn't give too many things away (you know, just like most movie trailers nowadays lol you won't even need to see the movie just watch the trailer). I will try to update every week for this one but don't count on it too much. I'm notorious for forgetting things a lot. Please be patient with me. Thanks for reading by the way. I'd really appreciate it if you left a comment (◡‿◡✿)


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xmalik #1
:-( I hope you are still doing fine! I guess you school work is still taking your time? If so then Fighting!! <3 Anyhow I miss this story. I still look everyday if it has a update! Please, even if it is a small chapter, update if you can! ^^
xmalik #2
Chapter 4: Hey, I hope you are doing fine. Are you on a hiatus? If so then please take your time with updating ok? I check everyday if you have updated because I really truly miss this story. So again take your time and I'll be waiting <333
Afahxi #3
Chapter 4: update pls pls hehe ^.^
Goldie #4
Chapter 3: Awwww I LOVE IT!!!
mainbaebts #5
Subscribed <3 I'll be reading this when I'm not busy anymore it seems nice! :) e u e /killsschool no just kidding OTL
Afahxi #6
Chapter 2: wow i really love this long chapter! Haha cant wait for chapter 3 haha update soon authornim ^^
SDamarys #7
Chapter 2: This is rely cute! Keep up the great work and update soon!
Afahxi #8
Chapter 1: hihi ure welcome! Wow i cant wait for the next chapter! update soon!^.^
Afahxi #9
wow cant wait!^^v