Cut off

Cut off

Snip. Snip. Snip. 
There goes three.. 

Snip, another, snip..
she barely feels the tug on the other end anymore when she grasps firm hold of the strings to cut it off. The less strings she has on her the easier it is to snip the rest off. 

hmmm.. this one's trickier.. tougher.. she tries again. 

her last pair of scissors gone blunt. She looked down at her third pair of scissors and the frayed string, then at the rest of the strings on herself..

Hmm.. I'll need something sharper for the rest anyways. Up comes a blade.. 

this time the string snaps off and falls to the floor, joining the rest around her feet a multitude of what once was multicolored with bright and soft and pretty hues, now slowly fading one by one to gray, indicating it's too late. She smiles, it's been some time so it made feel awkward. She continues.. 

Swish, swish..
the strings are harder to pull off her for her to cut now, and getting thicker and and harder to cut. 

Slash, slash, slas-
oops she got too close this time. She looks as the warm liquid drips down her arm, shrugs, and continues anyways. Closer they are wrapped and tougher they become. She changes tools one by one, each more and more deadlier. Dagger, sword, saw.. she ignores the tiny "drip, drip"s trickling to a pool at her feet, dyeing the previously gray dull strings all into red.
She continues to work at cutting, not stopping to eat or rest. Her movements get more and more clumsy and sluggish, missing more rather than chopping off the cables. The now cables draw tighter and tighter, she cuts faster and faster.
She finally finished the last one, smiling weakly as it fell from her fingers. She looked around her. All around her in tatters were the pretty strings she once had, but then faded and turned red from the crimson leaking down from every part of her body.

It hurts, honestly. But at least there aren't anymore strings around her.

There isn't any connection between her and anything else anymore.

She isn't connected to anything anymore. Nothing to hold her to anything anymore.

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Chapter 1: Hmmmmm. Actually a very good dark angsty story that I interpret about releasing all the bothersome emotional baggage and stress we carry around with us as we live our lives (and accrue those strings as a girl, young woman, adult woman & mature woman). I really love the symbolism here, author-nim! I would imagine this was a very freeing experience to write this story (I hope it was anyway). Looking forward to reading more of your works! Fighting! BIG HUGS! :) <3