chapter I

Happy Birthday






It was Joohee’s 19th birthday. She decided to celebrate it with her friends at a restaurant on a rooftop of a hotel. It was just a simple dinner, not a party. She only invited her close friends. Everyone of her invited guests was coming. The girls were there first. There were Irene, Wendy, Seulgi and Joy. Joy was the one closest to her. Because Joy was in the same age as her, and always in the same class as her. But the rest of them were still close to her, because they were in the same dance group, called Red Velvet. They got her a present which she didn't want to open it right there. And there came her boyfriend, Sehun. She had been dating him for just a couple weeks. She got up from her seat and held him like she hadn't met him for so long. He wished her a happy birthday before kissing her on her forehead.

"Happy birthday, my baby," he said and smiled brightly which made her smiled even brighter. He got seated not long after that. And there came the rest of the boys with him. Tao was the second after Sehun. He was Sehun's best friend, which was also her best friend. Tao hugged her and gave her present while smiling. Still, she didn't want to open it right away. And there was Kai, her and Sehun's second best friend. He also gave her a hug and got seated after that. The rest of the boys weren't so close to her. But because they were Sehun’s group mates, she invited them. There was Chanyeol, the happy guy, he gave her a high five before he got seated. And came the rest, Suho, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay and Chen, who just gave her a handshake before got seated.

Finally, everyone got into their seat and talked to each other. Drinks were already served for them. One for each. The place was filled with warming songs, and sometimes the electro ones. There were two long sofas, facing one to the other. Sehun sat next to her and she was clinging into him, cuddling her favorite guy among the others. Two girls sat beside her, while the other two sat in front of them. The rest of the boys sat beside Sehun and also in front of him. Right in front of Joohee was Tao. She was talking with him while clinging to Sehun.

"Our dear singer is finally getting old," Tao joked as he continued with grinning.

"Aish, don't call me a singer, you pro dancer!" Joohee also joked and laughed. She was a band singer before she found out that dancing was her life.

“Sing here, please, singer Ahn Joohee?" Tao begged and continued with laughing.

“No, please, dear dancer, I can’t sing,” she chuckled because of the jokes they both made, “why don’t you just dance here instead?”

“No, no, this is not a right place for me to dance,” joked Tao, “but this place is appropriate for you to sing, right?”

Just right after that, Sehun moved from her hold, about to talk to the girls. She didn’t bother him because she was also talking to Tao. Causing her to lean forward, as he slipped right behind her while talking.

Until then she realized it was finally bothering her, that Sehun was still seated on her back, not moving from his place for minutes. And she caught a glimpse of the girls, they were talking to either the other guys or the other girls, but not Sehun. What was Sehun doing that long?

“Hey, baby,” Joohee decided to check her favorite guy, shaking his body. But he didn’t budge. She saw foam covering his mouth. His eyes were still opened. But his heart stopped beating. And she was the first to found him laying like that, hoping for help that didn’t come. She checked his pulse. None. She shook his body one more time, this time with tears flowed from her eyes down to her cheeks. He didn’t answer. And there was a scent of almond. He was killed. He was dead. He was gone forever. Leaving his precious girlfriend alone with 8 other suspects.


That made it nine.

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