
Wishful Thoughts

Fix It or Move On (Word Count: 2,697)




Jimin laid his head on the table, staring at his empty soju glass, pondering over the past weeks. He shivered as the dreadful memories of the past weeks started to become too real for him to bare. Jimin needed to drown away the memories he once thought were dreams which now caused hurt and sorrow in his heart. 


Jimin sat up properly in his seat and began to pour another shot of soju. His arm trembled as he clumsily tipped the bottle into his glass. Soju began to pour out of the glass but didn't care whether he was being messy and wasteful, his mind was already full with negative emotions of sorrow, hurt and hopelessness. A careful hand held the soju glass for him and helped Jimin pour the liquid into the glass. He looked up to his worried friend, Seokjin, who was kind enough to accompany him to the nearest restaurant that sold alcohol while he drowned his sorrow with it and support if he passed out being too drunk.


Memory after memory, glass after glass, bottle after bottle, Jimin just wanted to fill his empty heart. He passed out yet again for the nth time since his dramatic break up with Jungkook.




Jimin abruptly woke up in his bed as he felt bile coming upwards. He quickly scrambled into his bathroom and held onto the rim of his sink as he began to throw up. He removed as much of the waste in his stomach as he could. He wanted to completely remove everything out of his body, even his sorrow, hurt and hopelessness, but he knew it wouldn't make any effect. 


Jimin felt disgusting and it was to the point he was showering in scorching water. He walked out of the bathroom in a sober mood and wearing fresh clothes. He didn't feel like sleeping again after that and honestly, he couldn't sleep properly since the last night he and Jungkook were together. Jimin proceeded to the kitchen of his small apartment and noticed a plastic wrapped tray of congee and sides on the dining table. There was a pink sticky note on top and Jimin picked it up and read it:


You passed out again and I decided to prepare some food for you after you wake up. Make sure to microwave the congee if it's cold. In your sober mood, I hope you build up your strength and solve this problem, From Seokjin.


He sighed heavily and laid the note beside the tray of food. Jimin removed the plastic wrapping and moved it aside as he grabbed the bowl of congee and put it into the microwave. After, he placed the warm food down onto the table and began to eat his food while trying to remember what happened while he was drunk. He couldn't remember what happened while he was drunk. He couldn't remember anything, all the memories of last night was unclear, and it was probably the same thing he'd done almost every night he drowned himself in alcohol. It was just the occasional sobbing, ranting and mood swings.


 Jimin slouched in his couch while flicking through the channels on the television with a coffee in his hand. He heard the doorbell ring and he placed his coffee cup on the coffee table and walked to the door. He looked at the security monitor beside the door and saw the camera recording of his friend Hoseok.


Jimin unlocked the door and invited him in. "What's made you come over today?" Jimin asked as he sat next to Hoseok on the couch. "Just checking on you," Hoseok replied. "Want a drink?" Jimin ignored his friend's reply as he was tired of everyone checking on him over and over again. He could easily take care of himself. Hoseok frowned at his ignorance and spoke slowly, "Do you remember what you did last night?" Jimin froze at the question as he began to feel anxious. Hoseok asked him a question with an obvious answer but something else happened and he knew it wasn't something he'd done before when he was drunk. "No... Why?" Jimin asked in confusion. Hoseok looked at him in the eye and expressed tiredness. "Jungkook texted me last night that you called him and he wanted me to check on you," he picked his words slowly after a great silence. 


Jimin shuddered at what he had stupidly done while he wasn't in his right mind. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "... what did I say to him?" Jimin asked. Hoseok cracked a small smile and said, "Go find out yourself, you need to fix this yourself." Jimin stayed silent. Did he want to meet him again? He yearned for his presence since their break up and it made him nervous at the sime time. Hoseok noticed Jimin in deep thought and smiled sadly. "Anyway, since you look fine, I'll be leaving and I'll tell Jungkook to stop worrying," Hoseok announced and walked to the door with Jimin following. "He has a life of his own, you know... see you later, okay?" Jimin didn't reply and opened the door for him and bid goodbye.


Jimin sat back on the couch and stared his phone screen. It was Jungkook's and he was battling with himself whether he should or not. It made him butterflies in his stomach and he didn't know what to say if he did call him. He knew it would be different now. Jungkook probably moved on. He was likely doing better than Jimin and it made Jimin question himself. What has he done for himself to feel better and move on? He felt selfish for holding Jungkook back.


Love would only go so far for him and Jungkook. Jimin and Jungkook had been together for almost two years. Jimin had let him live in his small rented apartment to be together during their university years. But it didn't last. They both fought a lot after a year. They had been so optimistic about their future together, especially Jimin, however they never envisioned the financial problems to this. Their busy love life and university life took a toll on them and earning money was a difficult problem. They were blinded in love to deal with this and that was the reason why Jungkook left him.


Jimin stared at his phone screen again. He needed to be strong and ask him himself. He needed to fix this and he didn't mind if they didn't want to see each other ever again after this, even though he wanted another chance to be with Jungkook. Jimin exhaled and inhaled deeply and slowly pressed the call button. He put his phone against his ear and listened to ringing noise until the line connected. "Hello?" Jungkook quietly answered. Jimin's heart stopped and he was sweating nervously. He removed the phone from his ear to clear his throat and brought the phone to his ear again. “Hey,” Jimin spoke quietly. There was a short silence until Jimin spoke again but much stronger. “So, apparently I called you last night,” he said, “Can I ask. What did I say to you?” Jimin slowly became weaker every second of silence. He hoped that Jungkook would answer him and not hang up.


“You said you missed me,” Jungkook finally replied with a hint of sigh at the end. Jimin blinked multiple times. Why did he say that while he was drunk? Why did he say that, oh, just why? He wanted to sink into the Earth and never come up again after what he had said last night. “Oh,” he finally said. “Yeah… Oh,” Jungkook whispered. Jimin hanged up and placed the phone down and stared into blank space.



After his first call with Jungkook since their break up, he never dared to call him again. He drank with Seokjin but this time leaving his phone at home so he couldn't do anything stupid again. This time, Jimin drank more heavily. Maybe, it was because he realised how much he still missed Jungkook and he must admit that his drunk self was telling the damn truth. However,, it hurt that maybe Jungkook really wanted to move on without him. He drank, ranted, cried and finally passed out. For once, he really wanted to sleep forever.

When Jimin passed out , Seokjin decided to stay over to help him feel better. Jimin repeated the same morning routine like yesterday, except Seokjin was making freshly cooked breakfast. Jimin walked to the kitchen where Seokjin was cooking bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Jimin his lips in hunger and waited for the breakfast to be all cooked.

Jimin and Seokjin sat together on the dining table busily eating their food. "Do you like the food?" Seokjin asked. "It's amazing, thanks for staying over," Jimin smiled and thanked him. He was so appreciative. "That's good to hear but I want to say, I just invited Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung over," he casually announced. "You what?" Jimin blurted. "Yeah, apparently we are doing some intervention to make your life in top shape after a break up, quoted by Taehyung," Seokjin explained. Jimin gave him a questioning look. "Taehyung's been watching chick flicks, so let's clean up and wait for them," Seokjin simply said and picked up his plate and walked to the sink.



"Dude, you look terrible!" Taehyung commented as all of Jimin's friend sat together in the living room. "Thanks," Jimin sarcastically replied and rolled his eyes. "Jimin, you need to get better and live a happier life!" Namjoon advised. "We don't want you to drinking all the time, it worries us," Yoongi commented with a worried expression. "You need to start getting better and it starts now!" Hoseok encouraged with a smile. "And first, you need to go back to university or your performing arts school," Seokjin announced. 

Taehyung's idea of an intervention was suprisingly comfortable and helpful for Jimin. He felt better than before and he felt so happy that he was able to spend time with his friends. Seokjin forced him to apply to his old performing arts school, majoring in dance and vocals, while studying his unfinished degree in economics at university. Hoseok and Taehyung brought him to the mall to buy some new clothes and to get a new haircut. Namjoon and Yoongi helped him change the interior of his apartment. All of his friends and himself cleaned everything in his house. They watched movies and ate fried chicken. It was the best time of his life.




Jimin was walking to the nearest cafe, where he bought his usual café macchiato every day. He's changed for the better after the intervention. He went to his dance and vocal classes and at the same time studied at university. He went out often with his friends and new found friends. It was his day off today and he was going to do volunteering work with Taehyung and after spend dinner at Seokjin's house with all his friends. Jimin walked into cafe and proceeded to the counter to order his drink. 

Jimin sat down on the nearest table with his drink and a piece of fruit cake because of a discount offer which he couldn't pass due to having a student budget. He slowly drank and ate his food. He wore his headphones and started to hum to a song playing. The bell on the door rang due to a new customer entering and his heart stopped. He stared at the familiar figure walking to order. It was Jungkook. The one he wanted to move on without.

Jimin knew deep inside that he still couldn’t remove him in his heart. Even though, he changed his life for a new start, he still couldn’t think about leaving him. His heart started to crumble inside. He felt hopeless again and he swore to stop and grow strong. Jimin started to distract himself by eating his cake and do anything to stop thinking about his presence. But it was no longer effective, when Jungkook noticed him and walked to his table with his drink.

Jungkook sat down on the opposite seat and Jimin just stared at him in shock and confusion. Why was he casually walking up to him like that? “Hey, it’s nice to see you,” Jungkook greeted with a small smile. “Hi,” Jimin managed to say. “Why are you here?” Jimin asked as he sipped his coffee. “Heard the coffee is good here, I’m going shopping near here with a friend later,” Jungkook replied. “Oh,” Jimin simply said. There was a long silence.

“I heard from Hoseok that you’re going back to dancing and vocals, that’s great,” Jungkook finally said with a small smile. “Yeah, I’m finishing my economics degree too,” Jimin added. “Oh, that’s good too,” Jungkook commented. “I miss you,” Jimin randomly blurted out. He wished he could take that back after the expression Jungkook made. Jungkook stared down at the table blankly. “I want another chance,” Jimin quietly added. “You know we can’t… We’ll end up fighting again,” Jungkook whispered. Jimin was expressionless, his heart just broke into a million pieces, and he wanted to cry but he knew he couldn’t do it in public and especially in front of Jungkook. “We won’t, I’ll change for you. I’ll make it work,” he was suddenly desperate. “I don’t know… I need to go, see you,” Jungkook sighed and grabbed his drink and walked out the café.

Jimin heavily sighed and silent tears strolled down his cheeks. He quickly rubbed them away but the tears kept going. Jimin needed to go. He quickly got his things and ran home. He kept sobbing in his room. He hated how he still wanted him back. He and his friends were doing so well to keep him in track. Taehyung had ringed the doorbell and he had forgotten that Taehyung was meant to pick him up from his house. Jimin quickly washed his face and breathed in and out slowly. He didn’t want his friend to know he still was broken.

Jimin calmly opened the door and welcomed him in. Taehyung looked at him in concern and asked, “Is there something wrong?” Jimin was shocked that his friend could discover something wrong. “No…” he hesitantly lied. “Liar, tell me,” he retorted. Jimin sighed and told him the event of this morning. Taehyung tried to cheer him up and said that it wasn’t the end. “You tried, Jimin, I’m proud of you and plus, Jungkook said ‘I don’t know’ so that means something!” Taehyung pointed out happily. “Yeah it is…” Jimin smiled weakly. “Now, get your off the couch and let’s go to work!” Taehyung encouraged and forced him to hurry.



After the talk with Taehyung, he felt better and he was able to work through the day with a positive mood. It was finally the term full of exams. Jimin was at home with Hoseok and Namjoon studying as much as they can before their exams in two weeks. Jimin was working on his dance for examinations with Hoseok, while Namjoon just studied on his notes for music theory studies. “Did the first part look good?” Jimin asked Hoseok. Hoseok put his thumbs up and commented, “It will definitely blow your mentors away!” “Thanks Hobi!” Jimin smiled widely. “I”ll practice the whole thing again,” Jimin played the music and started to dance. While dancing Namjoon interrupted him, “Jimin, your phone is ringing!” “Oh okay, thanks,” Jimin walked to the dining table where Namjoon was sitting. He picked up his phone and saw the ID. His eyes widened and his heart stopped. It was Jungkook. “Guys… Jungkook is calling me!” he urgently announced and panicked, “What do I do?” “Answer him, idiot!” Hoseok cheered.

Jimin hesitantly answered the call and put his phone against his ear. “Hello?” he answered nervously. “Hey…” Jungkook said. He was silent for a second and then said, “Are you free today?” Jimin’s mouth was open wide and he stared at his two curious friends. He snapped back into his situation and said, “I guess I am.” “Great, do you want to go on a date tonight?” Jungkook smiled and sighed in relief. Jimin could tell Jungkook was happy with his answer and he smiled like an idiot. “7pm tonight at the café we met before,” Jungkook announced. “Okay,” was all Jimin could manage in a shocked state. “Okay, that’s great. Don’t be late, bye!” Jungkook simply said and hanged up.

Jimin placed his phone on the table and then squealed. “I have a date with Jungkook!” he shouted in joy. Namjoon and Hoseok was surprised but soon congratulated him with a friendly punch and hug. Jimin was so happy that he was able to have another chance.



At 7pm, Jimin impatiently waited outside the café for Jungkook to arrive. When he saw Jungkook come into view, he became nervous but excited. He quickly fixed himself and made a huge smile once Jungkook was in front of him. Jungkook was dressed nicely on a casual occasion which made Jimin smile a little because he knew Jungkook was dressing nicely for him. “Thanks for coming, I thought you’d decline,” Jungkook bit his lip nervously. “Of course I wouldn’t, you're my boyfriend,” Jimin chuckled. Jungkook was surprised at his answer and hugged him tightly. “I missed you too,” he confessed. Jimin hugged him back, even tighter, and took his time smelling the perfume Jungkook used when they dated. He missed his smell, his touch and basically, his everything.

The two boys let go and automatically interlaced their hands . “I’ll work things out again, I promise,” Jimin swore to keep and smiled, “I love you so much.” “I love you too,” Jungkook whispered. Jungkook leaned over and pressed his lips against Jimin’s.





Well that's finished! I hope you guys liked it. It's pretty long so I'm sorry. Anyway, look forward for more one shots and maybe I'll allow some requests and prompts! Make sure to subscribe to me (if you want to), upvote and comment!

- Erika 

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Chapter 1: awwwhmygod
i thought from the start since i read the foreword that this was going to be a sad ending all the way through so when jungkook asked jimin out again i literally went *slap hand over mouth GASP* because i didn't see it coming
i'm definitely subscribing to you as an author and pls continue to write such beautiful stories :)
can i also just say that your beautiful poster gave me a last minute boost to quickly go edit something earlier because of how pretty it was :) told me that we should put effort into everything
anyway, i wish you all the best :) great story~! made my night. /morning.
that poster. i can already see this being a great story. and we're both from australia :)
anyway, i'll get reading~!
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 1: aww, it's really great stories:) i was happy they got back together!!^.^
eyesmilegyu #4
Chapter 1: Glad they are back to okay sobs that was so cute ;;
The reason i read this story is because of jikook. <3
The reason i upvote, subscribe n comment is because ur story is nice :)
hanagoun #6
Chapter 1: That was a rollercoaster of emotions wow.
I went from crying about Jimin's situation to stuffing my face into a pillow to comtain my squeals from the happy ending.
Well, partially that's because I'm bipolar but you did good author nim! /thumbs up/
faith3_13 #7
Chapter 1: I'm glad it had a happy ending.
Simplestsk #8
Chapter 1: My heart was breaking until the last part came. Thank you for this.
jun-kiseob_b2uty #9
seems cool!! keep going:)
NatureAdvertising #10
i see you are starting this fic. fighting! :)