The journey to the palace

House of geishas


In the morning Key woke up with full of fear and anxiety. Kevin get up with him and helped him in packing. The chariot arrived soon and they put in tall the bags. Key entered the boys room for the last time.

-Umma you really need to go? – asked a small voice from the corner of the room. Key turned in his direction and saw one of his little child

-Aigoo Taeminnie. – He walked up to him and hugged him. – We’ll meet again soon. Don’t be afraid Kevinnie will take good care of you.

-I know but… - he couldnt finish.

-Just one week. Kevin will definitely let you have fun and the time will pass so fast that you woke up next time you will be lying in a room of the palace. – tried to soothe the sobbing kis. – Be a good boy. I want to be proud of you  - and he gave him a goodbye kiss.


He took a last glance at his house and with the little Yoogeun in his arm he got onto the chariot. He had tears in his eyes and remembered how he built up the geisha house.


Flash back

Key pov

I was sitting in a carriage walk approaching Busan where I’d need to found the Geisha house. The Japanese Emperor sent me back to Korea to build up the house as the symbol of the two empires friendship. They had set me a bigger house in which I’ll teach the geisha students I applied for my friend’s Kevin company. He will arrive in a week or so.

-We have arrived Lady. – said one of the guards.

-Thanks. – and I stepped out of the walking chariot with the help of a how to behave I’d have opened my mouth in awe. It looked so fascinating. ‘’My house’’ I thought and I entered. It was a bit dusty everywhere and spider webs were in some corners. Okay it was very dirty, but it was all mine.

-Lady, the mandarins had spread the words about the house around nobles. – said one of my servant.

-Thanks, but could you also spread it among peasants and other low levels? – I asked politely.

-Bu..But why? I’m sure the emperor… - mumbled the servant.

-It’s not the Korean emperor’s decision but the Japanese, and he didn’t gave me any restriction about the students’ families. – I explained.

-Sorry Lady for my impudence. – bowed and lead me to the only livable room which will be mine. They told me they would stay in the quest house and I can have a rest after the long journey. I explored the mandion once more before I’d go to sleep.

I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep all night. I curled up under the blanket and thought about tomorrow. I’ll have a lot of tasks.

Next morning I shot out of the bed and dressed in a simple kimono. I made my breakfast and looked for some cleaning supplies. After mopping up the whole mansion and getting rid of the spider webs and dusting the shelves it got evening before I’d even noticed it. I even forgot about having my lunch and dinner.

On the following day I received a letter about having a visit in the palace as soon as I can go. They want to talk to me in person before let me start the school. I need to look alluring and I need to reassure them about its coming success. I hope they will agree with me about everything. I have already planned everything. I don’t want to change it under their pressure.

I chose my best kimono to look extremely gorgeous and did a light make up. As I checked myself in a mirror I found out I was in my best beauty to meet the high levels. After knocking on the door of the guest room a guardian came out.

-I got ready. – I told him.

-I see lady. We can leave in no time. – and he lead me out to the chariot. I got in and waited for them to leave. Some fear was in me, meeting with Korean nobles was a new thing to me. I had connections with Japanese lords, but what if the mandarins wont like me. I have been wondering about it the whole time. I didn’t even noticed how fast we got here. Two maids greeted me who took me to the garden where I waited for the mandarin to come to me. While I was waiting I admired the beauty of this garden. It showed royalty, yet it was natural, with full of colorful flowers and shaped bushes. A small pond was also in the middle of the park.

I dindt have much time to wonder around as the mandarin came.

-Annyeonghaseyo Key-shi. – he greated me with a bow. – My name is Kim Jonghwa. – he introduced himself. – Thanks for your coming.

-Annyeonghaseyo – I bowed to – Its my pleasure that you let me have a visit here. – I smiled kindly.

-Sorry for my impolite question but, aren’t you too young to handle such a big task? – he asked with a bit of worry in his eyes.

-I understand your point. But my sensei didn’t chose me for nothing. Despite my young age, I reached several things which is just a dream for many of my older sisters. – I explained in a low tone.

-I see. Then I hope there wont be any mistake in your work. Though you need to know how important your task is. This will be a symbol of the two kingdoms friendship. So if there might be any confliction, or just a bit disorder, it can ruin a well built system. – he stated with firm words.

-I got it. I can assure you nothing will happen that might prevent this friendship from the successful cooperation.

We were walking through the garden while he was telling me the basics of my tasks apart from being the teacher of the geishas. He told me sometimes I’ll greet the ambassadors, and I’ll need to write reports about the school, and send them every month. He told me to stay in the palace for a few days before I’d return. I said goodbye and left with a maid who showed me my room. It was a lot bigger than the room in the mansion. It was a lot lighter and filled with pretty wardrobes and shelves, a mirror and a huge bed. The room was fascinating but my curiosity about the palace was bigger. I left the room trying to memorize its location. While wandering around the palace, walking through the long corridors, I finaly found a way to another garden. It was much bigger, but as pretty as the one I was in with the mandarin. I crossed it till I found a small wood in it. I was freely exploring it, all of its beauty. After the strict walls of the palace this little freedom is ten times alluring then in normal cases. I have not been in a wood since I was seven. I was always in the school mansion. My eyes were brightened up as I saw a few birds flying over my head chasing each other. Walking further there was a small lake surrounded with trees and buches, except for a little part which was meant to be the entrance. It was paved with rocks and smaller stones. As I approached it I felt strong temptation to touch the water. I just wanted to know, wanted to feel the warmth of it. The temptation grew bigger in me, which made me take off my clothes and enter the lake. As I got to used to the water around me I tried to swam a little. I have never done something like this so I was a bit afraid of the pure water around me. I become over confident and sawm further and further till I reached a place where my foot didn’t touched the bottom of the lake. I got scared and my body went limp, firstly I tried to swim back, but it had no use. A weak scream escaped my mouth, till struggle in the water, trying to get out. If I have knew that swimming in the water is so difficult I’d have never tried it. I felt my body sink, washing my mind over with the thought of drowning here. But it didn’t take too long time as a helping hand cought my waist and pulled me up to the surface. I breathed in and filled my lung with fresh air. My mysterious savior hold my body firmly in his arms. He turned my body so I was facing him. He smiled at me like I just wasn’t about to die here due to my stupidity.

-I have never thought in my entire life, that I’ll ever save an angel from this lake. – he said in a kind tone and it made me blush slightly.

-Khukuhu… - I coughed when I first tried to talk. – I’m not.. not an angel – Key why are you stuttering with a stranger like him. But when I looked in his dark brown eyes I just melted in its depth and pureness.

-Then what are you? You cant be a mermaid, you have legs. – stated like it was natural to tell someone he is a magical creature. He pulled me towards the shore and he was about to put me onto one of the bigger rocks there, when I came back to reality from his statement before.

-No no  no… - I stopped him from taking me off the lake.

-Why? – he asked with doe eyes.

-I’m just… I’m – I stuttered trying to tell him I was completely .

-Oh, sorry sweet lady. I’ll get out off here and let you dress up. – he got to his mind, and jumped out of the water.

-Could you turn around? – I asked him as he was still staring at me with those incredibly huge eyes. I’m not eve sure if he is Korean.

-Is it really necessary? – he pleaded. I looked at him in disbelieve. He must be really dumb.

-I want to put on my clothes, please turn around. – I told him once more and he obeyed. I get out of the lake with shaking legs, and walked up to my neatly folded kimono. As I reached for the yukata to put it on, I heard a barely audible gasp behind me.

-You look so enchanting. – he said and I screamed in surprise. I turned around and yanked up my yukata from the ground to hide my body. I felt tears in my eyes as I realized that he might know that I’m a boy. My lips were trembling just like my whole body was shaking from horror.

-Ah sorry I know you told me not to look at you, but I just couldn’t stop myself. – his eyes were wandering on my body. – please don’t hide yourself, you are too hot. – he asked with bright eyes.

-Huh? – I couldn’t understand him, how comes he isn’t disgusted with me, or he isn’t try to hurt me for doing such a shameful thing.

-It hard to live with a terrible secret in your whole life, especially when it is against ethical standards. – he looked down for a moment, like it was a bad memory to him. – its just too good of a dream to be true, I’m sure you will leave the palace in a few days and I will stay behind. – It didn’t take me too much time anymore to find out that he was homoual. I felt slightly relieved. He approached me with a serious expression this time. I didn’t dare to look into his eyes anymore they were too fierce. I didn’t even recognize that he had already stood right in front of me. A warm huge palm caressed my cheeks wiping off my tears while his eyes burnt a hole into my body. As I dared to look up at him, he leaned in for a light kiss. My face turned into a nice shade of pink, and my hands were trembling, I totally gave in to the sensual kiss.


End of flash back

Third pov

-Key sshi we have arrived. – called a servant, and helped her out of the walking carriage. A few guard lead her to a smaller meeting room. They told her to stay there till the mandarins came. She just sat down and waited for the ministers to tell her the future of his geisha house.


A/N: I hope you liket it, and I'll answer the comments in the next chapter sorry, I'm too tired >< but one thing still dont forget that Key and Kevin are not girls, they are just known as girls. Thats why I use she/her on them. 

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Update soon. ^_^
Sounds good. so key and kevin are an item?
I cannot wait until each chapter is updated :o this sounds interesting !