Chapter 2

I don't believe in love





Sehun's POV


I alarmed my phone at exactly 4:00 am in the morning and we were told to go to the court to gather with our groupmates so we can start our funwalk. I followed our leader and walked behind him together with the other members but as we were getting away from the venue we all splitted up so I was walking together with Chen instead of our groupmates. We were talking nonsense things when suddenly a voice startled me causing me to trip and I was expecting to fall face flat onto the ground but nothing happened.


I opened my eyes only to stare at two pair of brown eyes looking directly at me...OH MY GASH! His face is sooooo close! and who the hell is this?!


"Uhm..are you okay?" the voice snapped me out of my self talking sessions. "Uhm, yeah" Then we keep on looking at each other's eyes.... actually he's really handsome up close, he had a defined jawline and a pointy nose and his skin is flawless..


"Kris, you can let go now, people are staring"  I think one of his friends said. When he said that I was kinda confused on what he meant of letting go...then I looked down and saw his arms wrapped around my waist. I blushed and he instantly let go and blushed too. I  saw his friends chuckling while Chen had this amused looked on his face "What?" I said "Nothing...we should go back to walking cause we're a litlle bit far now" Then we continued.


We were walking side by side and our friends aren't helping either. They would "accidentally" nudge our sides causing us to bump against each other. I would glare at Chen but he would just give me the "what-i didn't-do-anything" look. I shooked my head,this troll is really...


"I'm Yixing but you can call me Lay" the unicorn guy said out of nowhere. "Luhan,and this grumpy looking guy is Kris" the deer faced guy said and pointed at the dragon his name is Kris? a foreigner? maybe?

"I'm Chen and this is Sehun"  they nodded in acknowledgement then after that was pure silence but Chen was talking rather loudly trying to lighten up the awkward silence. He would tell jokes or something funny just to keep us entertained, while we were walking and Chen talking I can see Lay glancing at Chen and then he smiled..Oh~ I think he likes Chen..oh~ but let's just see, it's bad to be assuming things.


When we got back at the court we were told to form our lines then we had this zumba. Chen was beside my while Luhan was infront of me then Lay was behind Chen and Kris at my back. The zumba was really fun, sometimes Chen and I would do our own routine instead of following the instructor and the other guys would also join but we try to keep it low without getting caught. The zumba lasted for about 3 hours and clearly others were exhausted. Lay and Luhan didn't seem to look tired then Chen was panting a little then I looked behind me and saw Kris sweating profusely. I admit he looked really damn hot and y I looked away when he looked up at me.


Thank heavens! It's done, time for breakfast, we seperated ways and went back to our rooms to take a bath. When I finished my bath I waited for Chen to finished so we could grabbed our breakfast together. I was sitting outside our room, trying to connect to the WiFi signal then someone tapped my shoulder then I looked up and saw Minseok hyung smiling at me.

"Hi" he sat down beside me. "Hi, hyung" I greeted back "How's college life?" I asked him "Nothing special, really just some annoying guy hitting on me" "Really? Is he handsome?" "Really? Sehun? You're really asking me that?" "Just answer me" Minseok sighed "Well, he is handsome but he's really persuasive you know? and he won't leave me alone and it's getting on my nerves, that sometimes I had to control myself from punching him" I laughed at my hyung's misery..MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I met Minseok hyung when I was in my third year in highschool. He used to be my tutor in my research. He helped me a lot not just in my studies but also in my personal life, he became my advisor, big brother that I can depend on and a friend I can trust. He and Chen are the only friends that I can really trust and depend on and I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world.


"Oh, hi hyung" Chen greeted him "Hello, so should we get something to eat?" Minseok hyung said and we nodded. We went to grabbed our breakfast when we happened to passed by Kris and his friends.

"You're going to the cafeteria?" He asked me and I nodded "We should go together, we're going there too" I simply smiled at him. We continued walking towards the cafeteria then I noticed Minseok hyung was getting uncomfortable  when Luhan hyung was beside him. He walked ahead of us and I noticed Luhan hyung pouting when he did that. I ran to catch up with Minseok hyung.


"What's going on back there?" I said quietly so only the two of us can hear." He's the one"

"What about him?"

"He's the guy I've been talking about earlier"

"The one that's hitting on you?"




That was unexpected, well anyways it's okay with me as long as he doesn't do anything bad to Minseok hyung or else Imma kill him with my bare hands...just joking, don't take it seriously.


We ate in silence, the only ones that was talking was Chen and Lay hyung. Well they don't have problems with each other or they don't have to be awkward while the rest of us are trying to break the awkwardness. Minseok hyung was clearly avoiding Luhan, then we have Kris hyung who doesn't talk much like I do. When we finished up we walked around the campus to passed our remaining time before we go out of the school later. We found a huge oak tree at the back of the campus, a few feet away. 


The others started playing soccer, since they found a ball awhile age, they insisted that I should join but I wasn't on the mood same with Kris. We both just watched the others playing while we just sat under the tree. We didn't talk that much, he would ask questions and I would answer him.


"You know, I think we'll get along pretty well" He said 

"How?" I asked without looking at him, I was looking at Minseok hyung who was in Luhan's arms. Actually they started playing tag awhile ago. Luhan hyung got caught because of Lay hyung and now he's clearly trying to catch Minseok hyung and he did. Minseok hyung was laughing and he didn't seem to mind Luhan hyung's arms around him.

"We both don't talk much but we can understand each other just by looking you know" and I know what he means.


"Say...I'm kinda curious about you"


"When I look at you...there's something about you that keeps on alluring me towards you, like you're seducing me without even trying!"

"Wow, seriously? I have that kind of effect on you?"


"Well, you won't like on what I'm going to say"

"Try me" 

I looked at him, raising my eyebrow then I sighed, I turn around and he did the same so we were facing each other.

"Well...when I was 11 my parents got divorce then when I was 13 my older brother committed suicide because of me and my mom blamed me, even my other relatives blamed me then....a year after that I met a guy who I thought that would really love me but it turns out he just used me..." I didn't notice that tears were starting to spill from my eyes " Then when I was 16 I was diagnosed with cancer and my family didn't care they left me to die..., good thing Chen was there and helped me get through then I was also diagnosed that I was suffering of depression for a long time..even until now and...and .and-" I can't continue and started sobbing. 


My life was perfect, I was contented on what I have but ever since my parents got divorce everything else started to fall apart and went downhill. I don't...I can't understand why was it happening to me? to my family? why does it have to be me?


I cried and I actually don't care what Kris hyung thinks about me...I don't care if he's going to leave like the others..I don't care anymore..because too much pain caused my heart to be like be cold-hearted...

Then I didn't expect the next thing that happened .....


Kris hyung....



















To be continued...

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KoalaSoo02 #1
Chapter 2: whuttttt??? please update juseyoooooo
yulitacassie #2
Chapter 2: wooaahh..kris kissing hunhun????
anneai #3
Chapter 2: Emm why complete? I hope it is a mistake from authornim..
Sherrie #4
Chapter 1: Uhhh... is this complete? I hope its just a mistake. Well, good story and now I want more. Hope youwill update this story.. thanks~
Chapter 1: Update soon please
chubbymorie #6
Chapter 1: Why does it say that's its completed?
Anyway this is so lovely I. To know more,
Hope to read from you soon.
Chapter 1: Please update soon...i'm so curious abaut how sehun fall in love with kris
Reema2000 #8
Chapter 1: Is it finished?? Huh ok I like it by the way fighting!!