
Just Friends

"The name's Taehyung," a male says as he stands in front of another student's desk, "Kim Taehyung." He smiles brightly.

The male in his seat looks up and blinks a couple of times, "Park Jimin." He introduces himself, as his eyes suddenly begin to disappear while a grin that shows his pearly white teeth appears.

(Taehyung's heart sort of does this thing where it beats faster when he sees the latter smile and begin a conversation so naturally with him.)

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Jimin was 15 when a kid moved to his high school in Seoul from Daegu. He introduced himself as Taehyung, and Jimin doesn't remember why he gave the kid his name with a smile, doesn't remember why he began a conversation with him. Jimin supposes that it is because his mother raised him to have manners, but it's because of those manners that he was taught that Jimin finds himself in this predicament.

Taehyung is younger than Jimin by a few months and has dyed his hair one too many times for Jimin to remember. Jimin doesn't remember ever being taller than Taehyung, they were always just the same height, but somehow, Jimin finds himself having to raise his eyes and tilt his head upwards slightly just to be able to have eye contact with Taehyung while they talk to each other. Taehyung is slim but has a squishy exterior and is excellent for whenever Jimin needs someone to cuddle with.

They're both 19 now, and have been friends for 4 years. If one were to ask Jimin if his best friend is Taehyung, he would say "of course he is, what kind of question is that?!" without hesitation. Jimin smiles whenever he recalls him and Taehyung fighting over trivial things, Jimin's Busan accent would start to appear while Taehyung his Daegu accent. When they would have nothing else to say in their argument, they would look at each other before bursting into fits of laughter because they knew that nothing would wreck their friendship.

But this definitely will, Jimin thinks as he tosses his pen onto his desk and ruffles his head, unable to concentrate on his drawing.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"PARK JIMIN!" Said male jumps, nearly letting go of his grocery bags. 

He glares at the figure beside him, "Tae! I nearly dropped my precious food!" 

The younger just snickers michieviously, and Jimin doesn't do anything but roll his eyes as a smile appears on his face.

Taehyung begins to talk animatedly about something, and Jimin isn't really listening (he learned how to block out Taehung a long time ago) but instead he just stares at the latter and nods every once in a while. The sun that shines brightly is shining beautifully on Taehyung and Jimin's stomach begins to feel weird, because the more he looks at Taehyung, the more his heart beats faster and his hands begin to feel all clammy.

"-you should have seen his fa- hey, are you okay?" Jimin gulps and averts his eyes from Taehyung as he tries to think of some sort of an excuse, "oh," Taehyung smiles, "you must be tired right? Here I'll carry these for you." He then takes the grocery bags from Jimin's hands easily as the older watches him with a dumbfounded look. Taehyung holds the bags in his left hand and places an arm around Jimin's shoulder as he continues speaking animatedly once again.

Jimin tries to ignore how his heart begins to pound louder and how he tries to fight off a blush thay's threatening to creep up into his cheeks.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"You know what," Jimin lifts his eyebrows slightly as Taehyung starts to talk, "I think we've reached the stage in our friendship in which I can call you a cute nickname."

The older male looks at him with a cofused look, "what do you mean? I already call you Tae, I think that that's a pretty good nickname."

Taehyung gives him a look, "some kid in middle school gave me that nickname, be more creative like, for example, I'm gonna call you Jimin Baby from now on." Jimin chokes on his saliva as Taehyung is smiling proudly at himself, "so think of a nickname for me too 'kay?~"

Jimin barely lets out a nod before Taehyung drags him to the restaurant where they are going to meet up with some old friends.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   

"You two haven't changed one bit," Yoongi, their underground rapper friend, says before he puts a medium rare steak into his mouth, "you're both as stupid as ever."

Jimin pouts while Taehyung scowls, "am not!" They deny simultaneously.

Their other friends Hoseok, Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook laugh heartily at them while Yoongi just smiles behind his glass of wine as Jimin and Taehyung try to explain how they're not stupid at the same time, voices clashing into each other. 

"My statement is correct." Yoongi says as he smiles smugly before gulping down some wine.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

To : Jimin Baby ♥♡♥

Let's go watch a film today, I heard that The Maze Runner is good~ C'mon, I'll pay~ (*^﹏^*)

Jimin looks at the text that Taehyung has just sent him. Is he asking me out on a date? He thinks, heart beating fast at the thought, but then he shakes his head wildly, no, we're friends. What the hell are you thinking Park Jimin? Taehyung is your friend!

"Are you okay honey?" Jimin looks up at his mother who is looking at him in worry.

"Yeah, just thinking." His mother gives him a look that says that she knows that that wasn't why he had that look on his face, but she says nothing and just nods.

To : Tae 👽🐵👽

Hm, okay!~ Meet you at the cinema, you're buying the snacks too right?~ ≧﹏≦

Taehyung grabs his phone from the desk by his bed and smiles before texting a reply, grin never leaving his face.

To : Jimin Baby ♥♡♥

Whatever you want~ (*^﹏^*)

The latter then jumps off of his bed and walks over to his closet, opens it and stare at the lumps that are his clothes. "What should I wear?" Taehyung mumbles to himself while he grabs some random piece of clothing that he presumes is a crewneck.

To : Tae 👽🐵👽

I'll meet you there in 30 minutes, my mom just asked me to do something ::>_<::

Jimin doesn't think that him telling Taehyung a small, in fact, miniscule lie would hurt the latter. He will meet Taehyung in 30 minutes, it'd just that it isn't because his mom told him to do something. Oh no, it'd because Jimin has no clue as to what he will wear.

To : Jimin Baby ♥♡♥

Sure thing~ Ttyl~ >3<

Taehyung thinks that he should wear something that looks amazing yet casual as if he hadn't taken 20 minutes to pick it. He wants to wear something simple, yet effective. Taehyung frowns as he still cannot find the navy colored shirt that has small random designs printed on it, which he bought weeks ago (when he was going to ask Jimin to date him, but didn't because the older seemed to be a little too interested in Jungkook).

"Praise the lord!" Taehyung exclaims as he finally spots the shirt under a pile of clothes in the abyss called his closet. He finds a pair of dark washed jeans and puts them on, he walks out of his room to the kitchen. 

"Oppa, why are you not wearing a shirt?" Teahyung look at his little sister and smiles somewhat sheepishly.

"I need to iron this," He explains as he lifts up the shirt in his hand, "do you know where mom left the ironing equipment?" His sister points at the living room and Taehyung smiles at her, "thanks bud."

Taehyung irons his shirt carefully, keeping his eye on the clock. When he's done, he puts the ironing board and the iron back in their place and rushes up the stairs. He walks into his room and places his freshly ironed shirt on his bed before going back to his closet to look for a thin black vest top that he knows he has, somewhere.

Once he finds it, he puts it on before rushing to his bed to pick up his shirt and put it on. He grabs his comb that's placed on the small desk near his bed and rushes to the mirror in the corner of his room.

He glances at his watch and decides that he has no time to style his hair, so he brushes his fingers through it and hopes for the best. Grabbing his pre-prepared black faux leather backpack, he walks out of his room. 

"I'm meeting Jimin, I'll see you later mom!" He says hurriedly as he places a kiss on her cheek.

"Have fun!"

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Taehyung shakes his foot impatiently as he waits for Jimin, he checks his watch for the nth time. It's been 5 minutes since Jimin said he'd meet him and he hasn't turned up yet. Taehyung puffs his cheeks and looks around before checking his watch again.

"S-sorry I'm late!" A panting voice suddenly says, making Taehyung look up. 

Taehyung's lips part as he soaks in the sight of Jimin. The latter is wearing a white bomber jacket, accompanied by a plain black t-shirt and black shirt, black Timberlands, completed by a white snapback that he wears backwards and a backpack that matches Taehyung's own backpack.

"You look great." Taehyung compliments.

Jimin gives him his famous eyesmile, "thanks, you do too."

Taehyung jumps up from the bench that he was sitting on, "let's go~!"

 The duo walk into the cinema, "I'll go buy the tickets."

Jimin nods, "I'm gonna go check the snacks," he then leans into Taehyung (whose eyes widen as his heart begins drumming loudly) "I bought some of my own too so, you know, we don't have to spend loads on snacks." Jimin whispers quietly into Taehyung's ear as he eyes the people who check the tickets.

He then leans back and skips away to the snack area, leaving Taehyung watching him skip with a hand placed where his heart is as he inhales and exhales. He shakes his head as he walks over to the ticket machines, to purchase their tickets.

It ends up taking Taehyung longer than he expected because the machine kind of hates him and was sort of lagging. When Taehyung finally has the tickets, he spins around and blinks a couple of times when he spots Jimin talking to someone.

As Taehyung walks closer, he notices that the person that Jimin is talking to is around his [Jimin's] height, and is slightly tan with ashy blonde hair. Taehyung's eyebrows furrow as he wonders how the pair know each other, because Taehyung definitely does not this guy.

"Taehyung!" Jimin greets brightly. Taehyung nods stiffly as he eyes the smiling male who is standing beside Jimin, kind of too close for comfort if yoy ask Taehyung.

"Hi! I'm Daehyun!" The latter introduces himself as he lifts up his arm towards Taehyung.

Taehyung forces a smile onto his face, "Nice to meet you, I'm Taehyung." He takes Daehyun's hand into his own and shakes it, "how do you know Jimin?" He asks, not missing a beat.

"Oh we-"

"Hyung was my neighbour back in Busan." Jimin answers with a smile.

Daehyun nods, "Jimin told me that you guys are gonna watch The Maze Runner which coincidentally, I'm watching that too!"

Taehyung lets out the most fakest chuckle that he can before turning to look at Jimin, "did you pick what snacks you wanted?"

"Hyung already bought them for me."

Taehyung bites the inside of his cheek harshly as he tries not to say anything that would possibly make Jimin not speak to him for a while.

"We should head inside, the movie will begin soon." Daehyun tells them with a smile. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Jimin watches Daehyun and Taehyung somewhat uncomfortably. The pair have somehow become really friendly with each other, and are currently having an animated conversation. The 3 of them are in a diner, Jimin is sitting by himself in one side of the booth while Daehyun and Taehyung are on the other side. 

To be honest, Jimin is feeling really excluded and his mind is constantly telling him that he wanted the both of them to be friends anyway and that he shouldn't be feeling the ache that his heart is producing. He swirls the straw of his chocolate milkshake half heartedly. Thankfully his phone rings, he answers immediately.

"Hi Hyung."

"You okay Park Jiminnie? You sound a little sad."

The said male inhales as he continues to ignore the jealousy that's beginning to arise in his stomach, "no, I'm fine, I just-"

"Save me the bull Jimin," Yoongi says before continuing with a gentle, "tell me why you sound sad."

Jimin shrugs, "there's nothing to tell." He sniffs before clearing his throat, "what did you call me for?" 

"Oh, yeah," Yoongi says after a moment of silence, "I need to sing for one of my mixtapes."

"I can go right now if you want."

"Sure, you know where I am."

Jimin tells him that he'll be there soon before hanging up. "Hey guys, I need to go."

"Huh?" Taehyung looks at Jimin who's exiting the booth, "oh yeah, I'll text you later."

Daehyung smiles at him and waves, "bye."

*   *   *   *   *   *   * 

"Good work Jimin." Yoongi says as the younger walks into the room, he gives Yoongi a half hearted smile. "So, you wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asks as he removes his headphones.

Jimin shrugs as he casts his eyes downwards.

Yoongi sighs, "is it because of Taehyung?"

The younger whips his head upwards, "no!" He hotly denies. Yoongi laughs at his reaction, "ah Hyung," Jimin whines as he shakes Yoongi arm. 

Once the older stops laughing he stares at Jimin, "what did the idiot do?" Jimin doesn't respond, "that bad? Do I need to beat him up?"

"NO!" Yoongi lifts his right eyebrow as Jimin sighs, "he didn't do anything bad okay? So don't worry."

Yoongi nods, "fine, but where is that idiot anyway? Aren't you two like, super-super glued together or something?"

"He"s with one of my old friends, but he said that he'd text me later."

Yoongi gives him a disbelieving look which goes unnoticed because Jimin is too focused on his phone, waiting for his message tone to ring. He kind of pities Jimin, and decides to pat him on the knee, "wanna sleep at my place? We can watch movies and hate on Taehyung."

Jimin lifts his eyes to meet Yoongi's worrying ones as he musters a smile, "sure."

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Yoongi notices Jimin try to fight sleep away from the corner of his eyes, Yoongi's dark orbs travel downwards towards Jimin's hand, inwardly sighing when he sees that the latter is clutching his phone tightly, as if his life is depending on it.

"Ay, you should sleep if you're tired. That idiot will probably text you in the morning or something." 

"What are you talking about? I'm not even tired Hyung." But his lie is given away when he yawns widely so that Yoongi can see all of his teeth, and the back of his throat.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up when he texts you."


Yoongi looks at Jimin's tired albeit sad eyes which remind him of a little pup being ignored among everything else, "yeah, I promise." He smiles gently.

Jimin nods and immediately shuts his eyes, lifting the duvet up higher so that it covers from his cupids bow downwards. Yoongi sighs as he shuts down his laptop and closes it, he lays back down on his bed and stares at the ceiling. 

That idiot better not break Jimin's sensitive, little heart, Yoongi thinks as he turns his head to look at Jimin's sleeping figure. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Yoongi wakes up surprisingly early. He stays in bed before deciding to cook breakfast because Jimin will probably be hungry when he wakes up.


The older looks up towards the door as he places the plate of pancakes on the table, "hey Jimin."

"You didn't wake me up!"

Yoongi nearly asks what he's talking about, but then the gears in his mind work properly for him and he looks at the younger tenderly, "he didn't text you Jiminnie." He immediately regrets it when he tells Jimin that Taehyung didn't text him because Jimin makes this kicked puppy look, and his eyes look like they're beginning to water.


Yoongi feels like the most horrible human being in the entire universe when Jimin takes a seat and looks at the food prepared lifelessly before meeting Yoongi's eyes and mumbling a small thanks before putting food on his plate. Ah , look at what you did Taehying, Yoongi thinks as he begins to plot his demise.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"I'll return your clothes some other time." Jimin says quietly.

Yoongi musters a smile for him, "we both know that that won't happen for a while." He tries to chuckle when he finishes his sentence, but Jimin doesn't join and so he stops, "I'll pick you up later, we can have lunch together or something."

Jimin just nods, "I'll see you later then." He turns around and begins to walk away and Yoongi is pretty sure that this is the saddest Jimin that he has ever seen, and he will never forgive Taehyung if he doesn't fix the kid.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"I'm home!" Jimin yells as he enters his house before closing the door and rushing up the stairs to go into his room. He jumps on top of his bed before removing his shoes and burying himself like a burrito in his duvet.

"Stupid Kim Taehyung," he mumbles into his pillow.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Your phone's ringing." Yoongi says as Jimin's phone blares out 2NE1's Hate You. Jimin just glares at it before picking it up and shutting it off. "It's been two days Jimin, I'm sure Taehyung really wants to see you."

"Yeah? Well you know what Taehying can fu-"

"Oh hey guys!"

Jimin freezes, that's Daehyun. And if Daehyun's here, that must mean that Taehyung is here too because both of them have been together a lot for the past 2 days, if the photos on Taehyung's Twitter and Daehyun's Instagram say anything.

"Hey Taehyung and uhm,"


"Right, Daehyun," Yoongi looks at Jimin who is clearly avoiding the pair, "Jimin and I just got here, you could join us, if you want?" Jimin kicks Yoongi under the table making the older wince, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he stands up and sits in the booth that Jimin is in.

"Oh yeah sure, I heard that the cheesecake here is amazing, that's why we came." Daehyun answers happily as he takes a seat in the booth that Yoongi was previously in.

Taehyung doesn't say anything, but Jimin can feel his gaze burning on him as he continues to avoid him.

"You know, Jimin, I haven't seen you in ages." Daehyun says, completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere between Taehyung and Jimin.

The said male manages a small smile as he answers, "I've been busy with Yoongi Hyung." Jimin sneaks a peak towards Taehyung, but he immediately looks away when their eyes meet for the first time in 2 days.

"Oh, well, Taehyung's been really great company you know, he's really funny and kind, you're pretty fortunate that he-OW!"

Yoongi and Jimin look at the pair in front of them weirdly, "it's gonna be a long day." Yoongi whispers into Jimin's ear. The younher nods in agreement as Daehyun complain about his shin hurting whioe Taehyung just stick his tongue out at him.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Get home safely!" Daehyun yells at Yoongi and Jimin.

"We will thanks! You too!" Jimin yells back as he watches Daehyun and Taehyung walk away from them with pain making its way into his heart.

"You know Jiminnie, it's not bad if you like Taehyung." 

"What!? Why do you think I like Taehyung? I do not like Taehyung, Taehyung's my best friend, why would I loke Taehyung?"

Yoongi blinks, "do you know how many times you said his name just now?" Jimin stays silent. "Well anyways, you should tell him, y'know?"

"I do not like Taehyung."

"Alright, fine. But lets say that you do like Taehyung, I think that you should just tell him because you can never be too sure about the outcome."

"But I don't like him, so can you please just drop it?"

Yoongi lifts his hands in mock surrender, "alright but I'm just saying." He sing-songs as they reach Jimin's home.

"Well thank you for the advice Dr.Min, but I do not like Taehyung."

"Think about what I said!" Yoongi yells as Jimin enters his home. He then makes his own way home, he shakes his head before sighing, "these kids." 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

This isn't possible, Jimin thinks as he paces around in his room, ready to pull out all his hair. 

It's been, like, a week since Jimin and Taehyung spoke. And Jimin decided to come clean about his feelings about Taehyung to himself. It took a few minutes and a couple of 'how do I know if I like someone' videos before he came to the conclusion that, yes, he like Taehyung. But he heard somewhere that if someone likes a person for over three months, that they love that person. So the question is, how long has Jimin liked Taehyung for?

Jimin continues pacing, but then suddenly his phone rings and he jumps about 50 feet in the air.


"Meet me at my house in twenty minutes." Taehyung says before hanging up, without letting Jimin answer.

Jimin lowers his phone from his ear and stares at it blankly for a few minutes, "oh crap."

He sits on his bed slowly, as thoughts swirl in his mind. Taehyung sounded really serious, which is quite rare since he usually loud and energetic. Before Jimin knows it, nearly 15 minutes have passed, so he jumps off of his bed and rushes downstairs.

"I need to meet Taehyung! See you guys later!"

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"I can't do this." Jimin mumbles as he approaches Taehyung's house in a hesitating manner. He nearly starts walking backwards, but Taehyung steps out suddenly and Jimin knows that there's no going back now.

"Come in." Taehyung commands as he steps to the side so that Jimin can enter his home.

There's a slightly awkward silence as they make their way to Taehyung's room. When they enter, Jimin is slightly surprised the it's not as messy as it was the last time he was here. Other than the cleanliness, nothing had really changed, Jimin would be lying if he said that he doesn't miss being in Taehyung's bedroom.

"Look," Taehyung exhales as he slowly takes a seat on his bed beside Jimin, "I didn't mean to ignore you, but like, it just kind of happened. You know me, I can't survive without you." When Jimin doesn't say anything, Taehyung decides to continue, "I mean, I was so caught up in trying to be friends with your friend, that I sort of forgot that you were waiting. Like I swear that you were in my mind, I mean you always are, but-" 

Taehyung stops talking when Jimin opens his arms widely. He mimics him before going in for the hug. 

"You're such an idiot Tae."

The said male chuckles, "yeah I know." When they pull apart, Taehyung smiles his rectangle smile brightly, "so, I'm forgiven right?"

Jimin roles his eyes, "of course you are."

Taehyung tackles him in a hug, burying his head in the crook of Jimin's neck (making the older blush) "WOOHOO!"

"Oi, get off of me!"

"No," Taehyung beams as he lifts his head to make eye contact with Jimin. Out of nowhere, Taehyung begins laughing, "I've missed you so much Jimin Baby~!" His laugh echoes in the room, leaving Jimin to stare at the beauty that is Taehyung.

"I love you."

And with that, Taehyung immediately stops laughing, and looks at Jimin in the eye. 

Jimin doesn't know why he said it, but it felt like the right time, because Taehyung was too beautiful and Jimin couldn't help himself.

After a while Taehyung smiles his rectangle smile again and Jimin know that everything will be okay. "I know you do," Jimin pouts, that was not the response that he wanted. "I love you too, for longer than you think."

Jimin smiles and he's pretty sure that he wants to cry with joy but he doesn't of course. Jimin doesn't get to question Taehyung because the younger keeps inching closer to him. His breath hitches as Taehyung is dangerously close to his lips now, if he were to talk, Jimin thinks, he's pretty sure that their lips would meet.

Jimin's eyes flutter close naturally just as Taehyung's lips meet his own. He expected a small, innocent kiss but what he's getting instead is a kiss full of tongue and passion, and wow Jimin was not ready for this.

Taehyung pulls away to allow Jimin to breathe and moves onto Jimin's neck. He creates a hickey that Jimin knows will take forever to fade a way, but he doesn't really care at the moment. When Taehyung finishes, making sure to smile proudly at his work, he gets off of Jimin and cuddles him from behind.

"Let's take a nap Jimin Baby." Taehyung whispers.

"Sure." Jimin agrees, clearly dazed at what just happened.

And so they fall asleep, in each others arms. Just as they've always dreamed of.


Sooooooo super sorry that this is extremely late. I know you guys probably don't want my bull excuses but I want you guys to know that I was meaning to finish this, like, ages ago but I didn't have time. I just was busy trying to get projects done as well as the fact that I have rehearsals everyday after school for the upcoming musical that my year group is doing = ̄ω ̄= So I did try to make this longer y'know? But yeah, uhm, don't forget to send me prompts guys~ ≧﹏≦


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I'm nearly finished, I swear!


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Chapter 1: need more vmin
terminallySuperboy #2
Chapter 1: ... This was beautiful i mean can you make a sequel co WOW i love this pairing but no one actually loves them so much coz they sees them as bffs insteado of bfs(?) and u r super talented and ajsvakbakab PLEASEEEE
Vandjimin #3
Chapter 1: Woohoo so beautiful going to make me cry
Chapter 1: I love vmin to pieces but when i get such a caring yoongi my yoonmin bias just sails itself! but this was soo nice!
Chapter 1: oh man i was so worried right at the end that tae would reveal that he only thought of him and jimin as friends
and the parts with yoongi
i felt kinda bad that i kinda shipped yoonmin because of the caringness oh man
but nice one shot :D
jun-kiseob_b2uty #6
Chapter 1: wow, this is hella cute and sweet... seriously, full of cute moments especially the end.. can't wait to see your bext stories:)
kpopfreak88 #8
Chapter 1: was sooo cute :3
i'm dead *.*
and the jealous jimin tho <3
freysan #9
Chapter 1: this is super cute... that little appearance of daehyun is also nice... I wish I can see their interaction in real life soon... xD
yes I'm so ready for this