CORDIAL — affrp; coming soon; hiring! the countdown is now up. ♥




it's simple;
come if you want, join if you'd please. just know, no matter which choice you make, we, here at cordial, are always going to be here for you. caring, loving and wishing you well. activity is the key to making memories worth a life time. are you willing to try?

xoxoxo — awaiting cordial family ♥


♡ : our new year resolution;

to be happy.

2014 wasn't the best year. there was the good moments, and definitely the bad, but that's life. the only thing we can do, is move forward. as long as you have someone, it can be hundred people or even just one, as long as you have that one person by your side, you can get through anything. together, we can look forward to a bright year full of laughter, love and accomplishment. as 2014's chapter closes, be thankful for everything that's happened, because it's made you a stronger person. 2015's chapter has just started. all 365 blank pages are ready to be filled with future memories that we make together. we wish anyone who read this to be healthy and happy in this next year, and hope to see you here someday to celebrate a new year; a new life.

so tell us, what is your new year resolution? 


accepting admin applications until 9:00pm (gmt-8) 01.03
currently only looking for two male admins

                                                       ADMIN APPICATION : LINK OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN                                                                                                      


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seulgi reporting for duty! ♡
megamax #2
Applied as admin! ^ ^
i've applied, love! ♡
i've applied
wishing the best for the rp as well as a happy new year ♥
I applied ♡♡
wishing you and your roleplay and everyone else who sees this, a happy 2015 (kst)
i've applied! happy new year ♡
hello, i've applied!
wishing all the best to this roleplay. < 3