It Hurts

Drabbles Oneshots


His body now full of sweats. It wasn’t he was under the sunlight, but he was in pain. He held the pain that through his whole body.


He shut his eyes so tightly, holding back the tears that threatened to fall down as held back the pain at down there.

His body shook uncontrollably, shaking like mad. Then, he clenched his fist as he griped the younger shoulder with his nail. Hell, it hurt like hell! He thought.


“Are you okay, hyung?” asked the younger as he wiped the sweats from the older’s forehead. Asked permission to continue for what he had done now.


The older one just nodded his head tiredly, unable to spoke out.


With these, the younger continued his action to the older’s tight slowly, didn’t want to hurt him any father.


The touch from the younger’s gentle palms that caressed his tight, just felt so …good, yet it still felt hurt! He let out a soft moan under the touch. He let his tears fell down, unable to hold this sensation, hurt yet good.


Seeing the single tear at the older’s cheek, he immediately wiped that away. Smiled gently as he grabbed the older’s chin to looked directly at his gaze, “Are you sure you are really okay, hyung?” he asked as he stopped his action.


The older looked at him with teary eyes. “I’m okay, Minho-yah. You can continue it,” smiled back. “It still hurt, but it’s okay. Because it feels…good now?” he said with sheepishly smile.

Minho nodded his head and continued it.


With this and that touch, he let out moans, but now sounded more pain. He couldn’t hold it back now. It, it was just hurt like hell!


Minho started to panicking, he immediately stopping his action and wiped the tears away. He knew the older one was in pain, but he couldn’t help but must to do so, it was for the older’s goodness.


“I’m sorry, hyung,” he apologized.


“What are you apologizing for?” he said as he hit Minho’s shoulder lightly. “It was my fault, not yours. No need to be sorry,”


Held the older’s hand, “But, Hyung…”


“Just continue it, Minho-yah…” he smiled. Gripped Minho’s shoulder again as he felt the throbbing pain at his down there. “Damn, it hurts…” he said in pain.


The younger sighed. “Of course, it is, you fell so hard back then,” looked up, “Why did you run like that after you fell so hard,” he said with angry tone and worried looking. “Look, now your knee is bleeding again and your tight, ankles began to emerge bruised,” he scolded. “It getting worse, you know?”


Looked down, “I’m sorry….” He mumbled. Yes, he shouldn’t have to run like that after fell so hard back then, he knew it! But… “But… I want to run, run and run…” he said stubbornly.


Minho took a deep sigh. It hard to fight with the older’s stubbornness, “But, just promised me, next time you will not do something like that again,” he said.


Smiled childishly, “I promise!!”


With that, Minho continued to treate his hyung gentely. Well, he knows that Jinki would fall again and again and again even though he had promised him, oh, how many promises he had made before to not fall again, but just like before, it would happen again. His clumsiness and clueless would never disappeared. That’s why he’s Onew, Onew sangtae…



ㅍ_ㅍ ♥ ^▽^


A/N : Finally~~~~~~~~~!!! I can post it~!!!

Blah, blah, blah... I dont know what to say cuz I'm sleepy now~~~~!!

But, hope you enjoy it!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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I haven't started reading yet because its pretty late right now..but I totally will first thing in the morning!!!
Just wanted to say your background is awesome!!!
I'm going to find that picture lol XD
Ankhou #2
I liked this drabbles ^^ Thanks for writing.
i cant believe i anticipated something to happen at chapter 5 0.o<br />
gii... ur turning me into an onho shipper...
the background!!!! 0.o<br />
(josh, ur a jongyu shipper, remember that!)<br />
so cute @.@<br />
(no! josh! ur a loyal jongyu fan girl remember?!)<br />
Minho just asked you to and his fingers without any reasons and you did it just like that? Awww~ you like those fingers so much jinki? Well, I do too ^^
taeshid #6
Hey I agree with you...I love Minho's hand...XDDDDD
SnHiromi #7
Chapter 9: seriously?? LOL!! hehehe i don't understand the chapter well i do but is weird XD but i like it hehehe >w<
I like the 'let's wrap the gift' sooooooo much! It's soo jinki! Minho is so sweet too TT <br />
I want that gift with jinki in it one pleaseeee~<br />
<br />
Naughty jinki is the best! I bet he looks soo cute when he's doodling minho's face =3
it will be perfect if you add some maybe... *ert me ^^<br />
anyway, this is cute!! minho sure will make a pretty girl~