Chapter 2

L.B. 626

Within seconds, their flying jet, otherwise known as Optimus by Nichkhun, arrives on the rocky mountain terrain.

They set out a search party until they came across a disturbed area where the snow was completely melted and drag marks of an object crash landing were evident.

The endpoint of those marks stopped was surprisingly covered up in a mound of snow that apparently didn’t melt as if the object was no longer hot.

Victoria, without much thought stepped forward and tried to inch closer before Nichkhun instinctively blocked her when a sudden force field formed and bounced the both of them off until they hit their bodies on the frozen ground with a loud UMPH sound.

When they finally overcame their initial shock, to her embarrassment, Victoria found herself mounting Nichkhun in a questionable fashion which led to his gorgeous purple orbs to stare right into her amber orbs. She screamed in her head because they recently had special chips inserted into a section of their brain for telepathic reasons. They could read each other’s thoughts.

Victoria, I-I-I…? Nichkhun stuttered through his stern gaze.

Heat rushed to her freckled cheeks, ASTEROIDS NO! Victoria slapped Nichkhun’s muscular arms and got up, her body language awkward. Nichkhun titled his head away so that he wouldn’t get a perfect view of her vivacious figure.

After they got over that little situation, they approached the now present force field which gave off an uneasy feeling, something that just pulled them further and stirred their minds with curiosity.

Nichkhun turned to Victoria, “Get Quantum out of the rucksack,” he ordered as he circulated the area, the gears within his brain working fast and hard to figure out what and why this was here.

Victoria sauntered over to Bruno who had the supplies snuggly attached to his body, “You have more pet names for your gadgets than you do girlfriends,” she chuckled.

“Shut up. I’m married to my research.” he responded.



The pair used their force field deactivator and it immediately vaporized the barrier leaving a faint scent similar to petrichor. They both exchanged looks of anticipation and with their telepathic connection, they slowly walked over to the mound of snow and quickly dug out the object underneath the icy blanket.

What they found left them speechless but their moment was soon ruined as they hunched over and dropped to the ground as vertigo crashed against them in powerful waves, a piercing ringing sound echoed through their ears and it felt like energy surged from the epicenter.

It took every bit of willpower and strength for them to pull themselves together when the episode passed. They both looked exhausted and drained but their excited faces were still evident as they approached the object.

It seemed like the object was not inanimate as they initially thought because to their shock, sound, perhaps music? Started to come out from its core and it sounded beautiful.

So beautiful that it was almost uncomprehensive, it spoke words that weren’t in any established vernacular but emotionally the pair understood every rhythm and percussion it produced.

It was like the object was giving a grand welcoming to them similar in fashion to the rush you get when you enter a vast auditorium that had booming music that filled you with euphoria.

The object was a large as a boulder and it looked like an orb of plasma with a three digit number zapping through its circuits.

“626” Nichkhun breathed, he felt glued to his spot and a sense of amazement covered all of his being.

Victoria grinned madly, and in the heat of the moment, her dainty fingers intertwined and melded perfectly into his slender fingers, their hands formed a perfect lock.

They finally found the breakthrough of the millennia.



::: Washington D.C. – United States :::

Victoria adjusted her shiny new badge of merit on her blazer and then pressed out the creases from her pencil skirt, her usually loose ginger locks were styled up in a high bun for today and her face covered in light makeup that accentuated her exotic eyes. She smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with her appearance.

Someone whistled from behind and a familiar presence wraps his strong arms around her petite waistline. Inside the office room which smelled like old books and leather, it felt good and relaxing. Being in a room like this always eased her nerves before a major presentation.

Her eyes locked attention with a pair of alluring eyes in the shade of purple. Its long lashes fluttered gorgeously as it fixed its gazed on her.

“It’s going to take a lot to drag me away from you during the presentation.” Nichkhun planted a light kiss on Victoria’s cheek, inhaling the sweet smell of her vanilla perfume and the softness of her porcelain skin.

Victoria smiled, revealing her pearly white teeth, “I thought you were married to your research, Cosgrove?” she chuckled as she adjusted his lopsided necktie and badge of merit. She tried to hide her intention to get those three words out from his mouth.

Being the oblivious person he was, he didn’t notice it.

Nichkhun arched an eyebrow, “That’s true, but then again, what else isn’t weird in this millennia?”

She nods, “I could point out a bunch of things but that has to wait till later, the assembly of government officials is waiting for us. Let’s go.”


The pair entered the executive conference hall, the smell of freshly washed carpet attacked their nostrils for a few seconds before it subsided, they then took in their surroundings; the room was fairly lit with light seeping through the opened curtains, inclined leather chairs surrounded an oval burgundy table with respected people in them. In the farthest corner was a lone filing cabinet, suspiciously locked and coated in a light layer of dust.

Victoria started the presentation in a charismatic manner, going through holograms of the data and reports they had made during their research.

Nichkhun then took over when it came to the part about their discovery, he mentioned that they named the object L.B. 626. It stood for Little Boulder 626 because it reminded them of a boulder when they found it.

All seemed to go smoothly and as planned until a cynical official from the military sector cleared his throat and eerily inclined forward, his black eyes glinted with sinister intentions.

Victoria and Nichkhun both cursed in their telepathic connection.

Lieutenant Czar, rubbed his burly mustache while he eyed the hologram of L.B. 626, “If I’m correct, you recounted that this…object casted a force field and when it vaporized it attacked you causing you to be immobilized?”

Victoria told Nichkhun that she wanted to flick this man’s forehead in telepathy but Nichkhun dismissed it, “Yes, that’s correct, Lieutenant Czar.”

The man snickered, “I think I speak for every representative here when I say that we should experiment on this thing and utilize it for our military!” he persuaded, “Just think of what we could do!” he raised his fist into the air.

To the pair’s horror, the representatives all murmured in agreement and crossed their arms in executive fashion.

Victoria stepped forward, her bun bobbed slightly causing a few strands to get loose, “Gentlemen, please, let us not come into rash decisions just because we are approaching a new millennia, I suggest that we rather study L.B. 626, it’s not a thing, it has intelligence!” she urges with her best effort.

To their relief, the men agreed with Victoria under the condition that the pair don’t experiment or do anything to L.B. 626 without the government’s knowledge.

As the pair left the government building, Nichkhun praised Victoria and promised to grab her favorite latte for her on the way home, she winked flirtatiously at him whilst protectively holding her briefcase which housed L.B. 626 inside it, they previously found out that L.B 626 could fit into any space which made it incredibly portable.

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