
JongDy (Jonghyun and Wendy) Oneshot

This is my friend geegee123 VERY late christmas present.


    One day in the practice room Wendy along with the other trainees were practicing their vocals, dancing, and rapping. As the day came to the end, one by one each trainee would leave the entertainment and go home/. The last trainee left was Wendy, she walked over to the computer and Jessie J’s song Who you are. She took out her guitar and started to sing along.

    Meanwhile, outside Jonghyun was walking past when he heard her voice. Silently through the door window he saw Wendy sitting there with her guitar singing. He was amazed by her voice. He heard her stop, looking back at her, he saw that she was packing up her guitar. Acting like he was just walking by, Wendy opened the door and almost bumped into him.

    “Oh sorry sunbaenim,” Wendy bowed.

    “It’s ok,” Jonghyun smiled. Wendy bowed again, and left to her dorm. Jonghyun sighed, he shoved his hand into the pockets and walked out of the building.

    He arrived at the dorm to see Minho and Taemin playing a soccer video game. Onew was sleeping on the couch, while Key was still out doing his schedule. Jonghyun walked into his room and laid on his bed. After laying there for a few minutes, he got some clothes and walked into the bathroom. He stepped in the shower after taking off his clothes and started showering.


30 minutes later

    He stepped out, dry himself, and put his clothes on. He walked out to see Key was home and was telling Onew to go to sleep in his room. Jonghyun walked into the kitchen and poured himself some cereal.

    “Onew hyung, isn’t going to wake up,” He said to Key, Key shrugged to left to rest after a long day.


The next day


    SHINee arrived at the SM Building for their schedule. They walked into the practice room to see Red Velvet practicing their choreography for Happiness. They noticed SHINee and suddenly bowed.

    “Hello, sunbaemins,” They smiled.

    “Hello,” SHINee bowed back.

    “Are you guys preparing for debut?” Taemin asked. They all nodded. Another trainee appeared and told them they had to leave for vocal training.

    “Ok,” They nodded. Saying goodbye to SHINee the left the room and went to the recording studio for vocal practice. Jonghyun stared at Wendy as she left.

    “Ohhhh hyung has a crush!” Taemin teased. Jonghyun glared at him and hit him up side the head.

    “What are you talking about?” He asked, blushing a bit.

    “Ha you’re blushing, Key said. Jonghyun shook head.

    “Let’s just practice,” He said.


Later that day


    After the rest of Red Velvet left Wendy went to the practice room to practice more on the dance. She didn’t realize that Jonghyun didn’t leave either and was watching her.

    “You dance nice,” He said clapping.

    “Ohh, thanks,” Wendy said bowing.

    “You're going to hurt your back by bowing so much,” Jonghyun laughed “I know from experience,”

“Oh thank you for the advice,” Wendy said bowing again. Jonghyun laughed at her.

“Oh so I heard you singing yesterday, you sound amazing,” He smiled.

“Thank you,” Wendy blushed.

“So, I have a duet song for my new solo album, I was wondering if you want to sing with me?” Jonghyun asked. Wendy stared at him with wide eyes.

“Yea, I would love to,” She agreed

“Do you want to practice?” Jonghyun asked.

“Right now?”

“If you want, are you going back to your dorm soon?” Jonghyun questioned. Wendy shook her head.

“Sure, we can practice,” She agreed. Jonghyun walked over and put on a Breathe by Him and Taeyeon.

“Do you know this song?” He asked. Wendy nodded. He smiled and gave her a mic. They started to sing. In the beginning they were standing far from each other, at the end they were staring at each other. She was looking up at him and he was looking down at her. Jonghyun slowly started to lean down. Gently their lips met. He s his arms around her. Wendy reached up and put her arms around his neck. They kissed for a few more seconds before pulling away to breathe.

    “I know you are about to debut, but do want to be my girlfriend?” Jonghyun asked. Wendy nodded. Jonghyun kissed her again before letting her go.

    “I better go back to the dorm before they start to wonder where I am,” Wendy said. Jonghyun nodded.

    “I should to, you go first and I will leave later,” Jonghyun said. She smiled. Before she left she went over to him. She kissed him on the cheek and smiled.

    “Bye oppa,” She waved. An hour she left, Jonghyun walked out of the building and walked home.


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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 1: Lmao! Thanks so much <3 <3 <3 Tweaked so badly.