❝ CYPHER - ▲ a soon-to-be snapchat roleplay! ( check us out bc we need your help & admins LOL )


hello earthlings. it is i, kim taehyung yo master. loljk - NOW FOR THE REAL REASON. i am opening a roleplay, ya'll. o u o ; what roleplay? snapchat roleplay! unique ain't it? hopefully i, kim taehyung will be the first to open a snapchat roleplay. OKAY SO FIRST - ya'll may be wondering : wtf a snapchat rp i dont want u to see mi ugly feiss or . but NOOOO, since it's called roleplaying, we shall be our idols and use our idol's face. iF YOU STILL DON'T GET IT WELL WAIT BC I HAVE AN EXAMPLE FOR YA'LL OKAY. so anyways, before i really have a grand opening for this roleplay - i will need some admins. and someone who can make nice layouts bc my layouts are lame. ; n ;  okay you will know more information as you scroll down yes. so yeah - that has been the introduction and if you're wondering, yes - i'll be titling (is that even a word..) the roleplay 'cypher' and i will be kim taehyung - your admin ; u ; xoxo le birthday boi. < 3 

p.s : i thank you guys for opening this thread and lending your time by reading it! if you have any suggestions, you are welcomed to comment down below! i don't mind if it's critics since i'll accept them and you know as they say, critics will make you better! also if you just wanna spare some words of encouragement, i'm okay with that as well! i'll reply to each and every comment if i could. also it would mean a lot - yes A LOT - if you upvoted for this thread. that would be so sweet and i would love you to death. a subscribe to keep the updates coming also is appreciated! ; u ; ♡ 

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ADMINS or layout makers or whatever you wanna be (hEH) well as a head admin, i will be providing a form for you to fill out. you will have to send it to taehyeonf - my account (the author of this thread.) don't forget to subscribe to this thread to keep up w/ the updates & an upvote would mEAN A LOT! here goes the question! 

1 / name : what shall i call you by? 
2 / describe how active you are ( as an admin who will update & promote this roleplay ) : you can describe it like ; "oh i'm mostly active in the weekends but i'm active in weekdays too!" or "hmmm on a scale of 1 to 10 i'm active at a 7" - don't make it complicated, just describe it simply. : ) 
3 / your time zone :
4 / who do you wanna rp as : later when we are finally open, who do you wanna rp as - obv lol. 
5 / have you ever been an admin in a rp : yes or no - be honest jsy. 
6 / what can you give to our rp : layouts / service / etc. 
7 / optional - if you are willing to make the layout, may i see some of your samples please? : just give it in pastebin form or if you have a shop or somethin u can always link me stuff and i'll be sure to open it. 
8 / why do you want to be an admin : tell me why! i don't mind if it's long, i'm a good reader : ) 
9 / who is your bangtan bias : tELL ME TRUTHFULLY!!1! 
10 / promise me you won't be biased towards people, okay? : answer with yes or no pls. 

WELL THERE YA GO!!!!11! i'm really sorry for the lengty form but yeah, i tried to put in the stuff i need. so please send it to me at taehyeonf and i'll be replying to you as soon as i read it! 

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well i, kim taehyung will explain. ( gdi i should stop saying that ) so, you ask how to roleplay here? well it's pretty simple. in snapchat, you are now able to upload photos from your cell and send it to someone, right? well, that's the deal! upload a selca or photo of your face claim and just talk as if you're them! easy, right? oh and i don't force you to make a new snapchat account with a new username like idk "namjooned" or "cyphertaehyung" NO I DON'T. if you wanna join, just use your personal snapchat account! and if you have a my story @ snapchat to post, you can always go to the settings and turn it off if you don't want us, people from the roleplay to see. seriously, there is the setting for that. i'll tell it to you soon ( the next update ) on how you can do that until i get the screenshots done! it's actually your choice if you want to make another account or not. point is, i just want us to escape the world and be our favorite idols and claiming our face as theirs! ; u ; sounds harsh but meh, i'm trying to upgrade the roleplay world heheheh. 
anyways; here are le examples. 

like think about getting these from other roleplayers. it almost feels real right? it makes your heart flutter and makes you smile like an idiot. ; u ; gawd, i'm excited! HHAHAHHAHAH okay so sorry i give only two examples - don't kill me! < / 3 im le birthday boi 

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it is not final but i can tell you that we won't open this year ( 2014 ). maybe i will open it at the beginning of 2015 or like at 1 ~ 10 january, if me and the future admins are ready. for now, you can't reserve on any particular idol and i won't be reserving anyone for you since i'd like to be fair and square hAH so yeah - not gonna reserve for anyone. 

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well so i guess that's all . i don't really ask for much i just want this to hOPEFULLY WORK!!1!! like pls i want to see us being a family and the first snapchat roleplay ever, hopefully. really sorry if this won't be the first snapchat rp tbh. if any of u have opened a snapchat roleplay well. . sorry. o n o ; but ye let's be one of the gr8est roleplay yesh? yesh! 

kim taehyung


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applied as an admin.
ugh im so hot.
oh my gooood you're so adorable like woah i'M MELTING-- sorry i won't be joining because i have a brick ahAHA HA -- but i wish you good luck with this, cutie!!!! <3