
Pocket Sized

                It was on one late afternoon as he was coming back from classes that Yoongi had found Jimin. He had only taken his headphones off because they suddenly stopped working on him, when he heard a small rustling noise coming from a small corner. He wasn’t quite sure what triggered him to check the source of the sound, maybe fate?


                The only thing that mattered was that he had moved on to the small corner to see what exactly created that sound, maybe a rat? Yet, he looked carefully through the dirty ground what he saw was far more bizarre than some little rodent. For moments he thought he was having hallucinations as he watched a miniature sized human, laying down on the ground, covered with bits of old newspapers to protect him from the harsh cold. Winter was coming and temperatures were starting to plummet, soon the snow would be coming too.


                Yoongi eyed the small boy, wondering he was even real. He couldn’t believe it despite being able to see that he was breathing, because that boy looked like a person in his teens and yet he was smaller than a newborn. In fact, the little boy probably fitted in his heavy coat’s pocket.


                The student was a bit unsure of what to do at that moment, but he knew he couldn’t just leave that boy out there. With the winter quickly approaching and with small he was, he’d die from hypothermia very quickly. Yoongi bit his lower lip and gently scooped up the small male in his hands, only to see him stir from his slumber and looking terrified.


                “L-Let me go! D-Don’t hurt me!” He heard the high pitched voice from the boy scream as he wiggled in his hands, trying to escape his grasp. The sharp eyed male quickly shushed the smaller one as attempted to keep him still. “I’m not going to hurt you! I’m just taking you to my place. Idiot, the winter is approaching and you’ll die before the first day of snow ends.” He stated with a heavy, sigh cringing as he realized how harsh he must’ve sounded. He felt the little boy stop struggling in his hands and carefully eyed him.


                Yoongi felt guilty swell in his chest and constrict his throat, because the pocket sized human was hanging his head low and he swore he could hear sniffling noises. He his chapped lips and gently pulled the boy closer to his face and tried to get him to look at him. “Hey, tell me your name, mine is Yoongi.” He said softly as he waited for the male to look up at him. When the other did raise his head, he was finally able to see the tiny features and hell be damned if the boy wasn’t actually very much pretty. Although it was a shame that his skin and small clothing was dirty and dusty, he certainly needed a bath.


                “I’m Jimin.” He heard the owner of the soft, small voice spoke out and quickly look away from him. He smiled a bit more after knowing the other’s name and gently moved him to the warm pocked of his jacket. “I’m going to take to my place and I hope you don’t mind going there.” He mumbled softly as he gently passed his fingers over the head of matted hair of the male.


                Yoongi was more than curious to know if Jimin had always been that size or if something happened. Not that he believed in magic, but even the possibility of the boy having been always of such a small size was a bit disconcerting. Yet, he pushed his questions off his mind and focused on getting home and finding a way to take of the miniature human.


                Once he got inside his little apartment, he pulled Jimin off his pocket and gently set him down on his bad as he made himself a bit more comfortable. “Okay, I’m going to warm up water and cover the drain in the sink, you are too small for the shower. Uh I’ll take out a small amount of shampoo and shower gel, but for clothing…. I don’t have anything mini…” He mumbled as he tried to think of anything that could fit such a small person. That was when he remembered the stuffed toys his sister had brought him as a gift, claiming they would keep him company. He still found his sister to be delusional to say something like that, but finally those toys would serve for something useful. He grabbed the pieces of clothing off them and threw them besides Jimin. “Pick whatever you want from there, it is the only thing I have that will fit you.” He explained carefully as he saw the boy frowning at some of the overly ‘cute’ clothing.


                One the other had chosen something amongst the small pieces of fabric, he picked him up once more and brought him to the bathroom. Yoongi filled just the floor of the sink with some warm water, before leaving the faucet open so that a slow, constant string of water was falling down. “Okay, you should be able to shower like this. You have body gel on the blue cap of my contacts and on the white one is shampoo. Call me when you’re done.” He said softly before stepping out of the bathroom to leave the other to shower comfortably.


Meanwhile he decided to try and research about miniature sized humans, but he didn’t find much. All he found was the Guiness world record holder of the smallest human title, but he stood at 54.6cm while Jimin probably didn’t even make it to 30cm. He sighed as he tried to think how someone could possibly be so small, smaller than a newborn, but his line of thought was interrupted as he heard a high pitched voice call out his name. Yoongi went back to the bathroom, to find Jimin already dressed up and picked him up once more in his hands. “Okay, I’m going to get you and me some food outside. You wait here and make yourself comfortable.” He said calmly as he placed the male back on his bed and gently patted the top of his head. He saw the shy smile the other gave him and chuckled. “I’ll be back in

a few minutes.” He mumbled as he grabbed his shoes and went to get some takeout for dinner.


Yoongi tried to be as quick as possible with his outing for food, because he wasn’t sure just how okay Jimin would be by himself. All he could think about was how everything must’ve looked gigantic to the pocket sized human, so he did his best to hurry getting back home.


Once he was back, he rushed to his bedroom, where he had left Jimin, and sighed in relief when he saw him cuddled up in his sweater, sleeping quietly. He almost felt bad about waking the poor boy up, yet he needed to eat something. So, with soft pats on the boy’s sides he woke him up. “Hey, let’s get you something to eat first, okay? You can sleep after.” Yoongi spoke in the gentlest way he has ever spoken to anyone. He attributed it to the fact that Jimin was so small and vulnerable as well as he looked so young.


He opened his hands and let the small male scramble to him, before raising him up to his chest and taking him to the living room.

Feeding Jimin was a bit complicated, but he managed. He had to cut everything especially in smaller portions for the boy, but it was a joy to see him eat so heartily. He ate his own food slower than usual, because he spent so much time distracted by the little human. He couldn’t even describe it, but Jimin was simply adorable and he warmed his heard. For once in over 2 years, he had someone with him and it felt oddly nice.


               When both males were done with their meals, the tallest of the two, grabbed the other and brought him back to his bed. He knew that perhaps he should make a little bed for Jimin, but at that moment his bed would have to do. The only fear he had, was crushing the other during his sleep. But, he tried to be confident that he wouldn’t just roll over the small being like that and pulled him under the covers with him. A small appeared on his lips as he felt the boy snuggled closer to him, seeking the warmth of his body and he just felt the feeling of needing to protect him growing on his chest.




Weeks had passed since Jimin was living with Yoongi and he would always be brought everywhere by the older male. He loved the attention he got from him and how he always kept him so close. Although he found it curious that Yoongi didn’t question him about his size, he was happy he didn’t. As time moved along both of them became more and more attached to each other. Jimin was always read to help the other in math, which apparently is he was horrible at, even though he made up for it on his talent for literary arts. In that specific department Jimin was the one to severely lack. When he attempted to write a song just like the pale skinned male did so often, the comment he received was that it seemed to have been written by a child.

Jimin had felt his hoped being crushed and had not even noticed how tears almost immediately started rolling down his cheeks. That night Yoongi had been especially sweet to him and told him to ignore him, that he didn’t have to take him seriously.


It didn’t take long for both to realize that they were best friends that they shared their lives with one another and they were happy with it. Jimin needed Yoongi to survive and Yoongi needed Jimin so not to feel so lonely and help him out when he was distressed with anything. They were a great double, they functioned together seamlessly and shared every little moment together. Their arguments never lasted and they could never stay mad at one another for more than a few minutes.


Jimin had never spoken much about his past to him, but he didn’t care about his past, because as long as he had his future that was all he needed to be happy.

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Chapter 1: Awww...i wanna pocket sizes jiminie too *pout* mini yoongi too will be perfect *sighed dreamily*
vvvvvvvk #3
Chapter 1: Awww this was so cute!!!! Do you think you could make a sequel? I wanna know how Jimin got like that and if they get together ><
Chapter 1: cute!!
but I need a sequel please!!!
is jimin cursed????? can he go back to his normal size???
can yoomin be together??? jajajajaja
Chapter 1: This was super cute! But I'm actually kind of curious as to what happened to Jimin. Nevertheless, I loved it so much!
Chapter 1: I'm still curious you know, like, what the heck is going on with jimin?
This is oddly cute lol and I (we) will be happy if you make a sequel hehehe :3
Chapter 1: Waaaah this story is so cuuute! But a sequel about Jimin's past and Yoonmin's future would be nice. :)
hk_taoris #8
This needs a sequel coz it's adorably written! Yoonmin is so cute ~
Chapter 1: a cute atory!!! perhaps a sequel???