♥♥♥♥♥♥♥New Girl Group 'The Flaming Star' Application (HIATUS!) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


KYAAAA!!! It is only 4 days left! The APPLY is going to CLOSE on Oct 26. Oct 26 is the deadline. So, you can request till Oct 25. Other apply after Oct 25 will not accept. I hope you guys understand!

And you guys, I am going to choose only 7 people from the group. 1 is chosen and I've already thought one girl to choose. So, please make your application neat and nice. I don't mean some of the people are bad. All the people who apply are great. Some history makes me cry. Well done! But you know I hate rejecting people. I don't like or I never reject people who request me but this is a apply so if I don't like I will have to reject. Sorry for that. And I hope you guys understand me. If you're not chosen I am really sorry for that. I've suffer for choosing people but I'll try to add your characters. If there are not yours. I'll make a cameo. Don't be sad or upset. And don't make unsubsribe because I don't choose you. I'll try to make the cameo as their friend. And I'll try to make another new apply. Hope you like my apply! KYAAA!! I love my reader! I hope you don't hate me. Kamsaimida! Everybody for requesting and commenting!  And I am going to start the story at Oct 27.  If I've problem I'll start at Oct 28. Thanks you! I'm going to make a story of the idollife. And thanks to all who comment, all the reader and the people who apply.

I, Author wants to say KAMSAIMIDA, Jinjja, jinjja, Gomawo.

 SchoolGirls.jpg(A/N: Not including me.)
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cherrypooch #1
Get Well soon unnie! I hope you'll be fine! Fighting! and Hwaiting!
Yay for the two groups meeting~!!
MalarKEY #3
Sorry for the late comment!<br />
I'm so happy that the midnight flames got to meet the flaming stars!<br />
I can't wait for the next update!
WAH~!!!<br />
srry for the late comment my comp died on me OTL<br />
But yay~!!!! flaming stars and the flames met YAYYYYYYYYY<br />
and the dorm AWESOME
cherrypooch #5
Unnie, you wrote my past very well! I even cried about it... huhhuhu :'(<br />
The Flaming Stars, Fighting! and Hwaiting!! ^_^
Yay for debuting!! *celebrates* I love the Modnight Flame's dorm (But ours is better XD Just Joking!)
i wan look at midnight flames dorm ^^
Horray for double update!! :D I'm so excited for the next update!