Over the Edge

Over the Edge
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"Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that's the one that's going to help you grow."














I blink, scrutinizing my surroundings. Looking down, I painfully close my eyes, trying to forget what I’ve been doing for the past thirty minutes or so. I unclench my fist as my eyes land on my phone, reflecting a tear-stained face.

I can’t believe I stooped so low.




I grunt as I struggle to stand, staggering to the bathroom to clean up, and, for the first time, thanking my lucky stars that no one is home. Dabbing the towel on my legs and hands, I quickly change out of my soiled clothes and into new ones as I grab my phone, absentmindedly unlocking it to check the time. My eyes widen as I throw my phone over my shoulder and hurriedly take the nearest clothes near me and wiggled in jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. It’s almost 2 pm and my favorite café is closing at 3 pm. I slip on fuzzy socks and comfy boots, I grab my keys and hop in my car.

I walk in, immersing myself in the wonderful aroma of the café before lining up to order.


“Hi, what can I help you with?” The person in front of the cashier arranges the cups behind him before turning around. “Ah, Miss Park! The usual?”

A small smile emerges as I nod.


Kwon Jiyong always has a beautiful smile that tugs my heart, making my day a bit brighter than usual, which is probably something I need 24/7. He’s always talking to me and doesn’t pressure me to open up, but always being there for me whenever I needs him.


A perfect gentleman.


“Alright! Anything else?”

“Ah,” I contemplated, before relenting. “I would love a piece of the marble cake, please.”

“Is there any special occasion? Meeting up with someone, perhaps?” He gives me a lopsided smile as he punched in my order.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” I playfully wink, leaning forward. “It’s actually my birthday, but I kind of want to just celebrate it alone.”

Well, I wasn’t fully lying. It is my birthday today, but honestly, I had no one to spend it with, and there is no way I’m going to tell someone as handsome as him about my lonesome life. That’s a big no-no.

Will mock gasps before calling out to the people in the kitchen, “Guys! Don’t take this order! I’ll do it myself!”

“You don’t have to!” My eyes widen as I blush furiously.

“Oh, but I must,” He winks as he hands me my cup of coffee. “I especially prepared this, knowing you might be stopping by for a visit.”

“Why,” I look down on my cup before looking at him, bashfully smiling. “It seems as if you know me really well, yeah?”

“Hey, my shift ends in five to ten minutes, so do you mind waiting for me so I can spend this very specia

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 1: wow, change place jiyong and donghae? hehehe interesting
wenkie0414 #2
update please?