Brighter Than Black (But Darker Than White)


They said he was dangerous. That he wasn’t worth my time nor attention, because people like him only left a trail of disappointment and most of all; pain. They pushed you away, they damaged you because they were too obsessed being inside their own walls that they couldn’t step out of them, nor could they let anyone in.

“He is a troubled boy, you can’t help him,” one girl in my chemistry class told me, but for what reason I don’t remember.

Maybe I was staring.

I was just looking at his jacket.

It was black.


"I was born sick, but I love it," - Hoizer (Take Me To Church)

I don't even know myself
I had Take Me To Church on replay, and this was born.
It's MyungYeol; told from Sungyeol's point of view.
But really, it can be any pair you want it to be.
I hope you like it.

This is a rather sad, somber text which involves mentions and light use of , abuse and death. 

This story will not be rated.

You have been warned.

Comment, Subsrcibe... Enjoy.




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ReshmaNair356 #1
Chapter 1: If there's ever a definition of would be this piece.
Magnificent!! Those words..the feelings they brought and longing they left. Kudos to the genius mind of yours!!
RVTlucky07 #2
Chapter 1: Woah, this is so deep and poetic. I'm straight and I'm not support nor against homouality. I learnt from early age that uality doesn't matter w/ love. I'm straight but being betrayed by people that supposed to give the most basic love makes me affectionless and indifferent. Well, I could be the straight version of Myungsoo here. You wrote this so beautifully and it shows how both MyungYeol understand their love but at the same time conflicted w/ their young ages and against prejudice of society. This really bittersweet story just make me sympathize. The way you use black-white and shade of grey connotations just great. Thank you for this wonderful story ^^
Chapter 1: this story is so deep. and so true. love is never a sin. It shouldn't matter if you love a guy or a girl. As long as it makes you happy. And I love your color references, very profound :)
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness. . . I totally agree with your point...because for me love is not a sin..and it shouldn't be a sin to love whoever we want in regards of is not define by a male or a female and it shouldn't be a choise love comes from within the soul not the body <3
Chapter 1: I am so close to tears when i finished reading this story. It was so poetic, I swear. And I somehow agree with whatever you're trying to say here; about society. We're all ed up here. I felt the same like Sungyeol did, the adrenaline, the excitement of doing something so wrong but felt so right. The constant fight between whats in my head and whats in my heart. But then, we can't control our feelings. That's just....what we felt. What our hearts told us to do. Is it wrong, though? Sorry, I'm barely making any sense here. I really enjoyed reading this though, because I can relate to it in many ways. I like your style of writing too. Until then, xx
Matchahisa #6
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful
Thank you !!!!
Chapter 1: ❧↠Wow this is so beautifully written. I really love the way you write, so eloquent. This story is very poetic, having a beautiful and graceful quality and obviously had a lyrical effect on us readers. Thank you author-nim for writing this.↞
hyunseunglover15 #8
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. so poetic and beautiful. this was an awesome fic yet sad at the same time. keep up the excellent work ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: My heart is crying! This is so angsty but beautifully written that's y I can't afford to read the whole story twice!