Stealer (part 1)

Journey of Love

Song :  Kang Seung Yoon - Stealer (맘도둑)

Cast : Kang Seung Yoon x You

Here's the song, you can listen to it to build up the feel~

Happy reading!


“What?! Yah! That’s my song!!!” Seungyoon rushed into the crowd, pushed people aside. He gave a killing-to-bone glare to the number-one-in-everything boy in YG High School, Song Mino.

“Your song?” Mino gave pressure in each of his words. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. One side of his lips was lifted up, beamed a smirk. “Do you like my song that much till you claimed is as yours?” Mino looked right into Seungyoon’s eyes, tried to intimidate him more. “Pitiful.”

Seungyoon balled his fist and gritted his teeth. He felt his eyes got hotter and reddened. It was only 2 weeks left before the audition. How could me make another song and practiced it in 2 weeks?! He grabbed Mino’s collar in a blink of eye. “You crazy bastard!” Seungyoon shouted right in front of Mino’s face. The tension between them was getting high. Even Seungyoon felt his blood was boiling.

But in the other side, Mino was found laughing annoyingly. “Mworago~ Just punch me if you are really a man.” Mino chuckled; then tilted his head to the right. “Go ahead, sh*t.” Mino smirked.

Seungyoon gritted his teeth and let his fist hit Mino’s face. The crowd, especially the girls screamed. Some boys grabbed Seungyoon and Mino aside. Seungyoon and Mino were struggling and cursing each other. But seems the boys weren’t pretty strong to hold them.

“!” Mino rubbed his bleeding lips with his backhand. In a second, he grabbed Seungyoon’s collar and punched him rapidly. Some boys were overwhelmed for pulling them aside.

Seungyoon kicked Mino and was about to punch Mino when he heard a very familiar voice yelled from behind.

“YAHH YOU BABO PUNK!!!” you screamed your lungs out. The fight stopped suddenly. Seungyoon and Mino stopped and looked at you, stunned.

Babo!!!” you shouted and pulled Mino’s left ear. You pulled it to the left and right, made him screamed in pain. “Yah!!! Let off your hand!!” he grabbed your hand and tried to stop your hand from pulling his ear.

You let off your hand from his ear. “Go away!!!”. Mino, the boy whom people know as a fearless boy ever, was beat by an ordinary girl like you in a knock. But people shouldn’t under-estimate you, the bravest girl in the town. Even Mino, the number-one boy in the school, respects you. Though you don’t really like him, like well, he’s too big-headed, always think that he’s the best and arrogant.

People around you stunned and started to whisper to each other. “Whoaa, (Y/N) is daebak!”. “Cool!”. “Yah, she’s awesome!”

“Haishhh, what did you do, babo?!” you pulled Seungyoon by his right ear and walked away, while people around you were still “whoaaa”ing you. You just couldn’t understand enough about your best-friend-since-in-the-womb, Kang Seungyoon. He’s so childish, even in his age now and reckless.

“Well well!! Just let off our hand first! My ear is numb! Yah! (Y/N)!!” Seungyoon shouted in pain and kept trying to pull out your hand. But you kept holding it, even tighter.




You dragged Seungyoon through the hallway to you two favorite little spot in the park, which is rarely passed by people. You let off hand from Seungyoon’s ear.

Yah! (Y/N)! Neo jinjjaaaa…” Seungyoon kept holding his reddened right ear and whined in pain. “Can’t you be soft to me for just awhile, eoh?! You’re really an evil, you know!”

You rolled your eyes. “How many time I do have to tell you, don’t be reckless, Kang Seungyoon! And try to not making trouble! Why did you fight with Mino?!” you flicked his forehead, near his bruises.

“Akkh!! Yah! He stole my new song! I’ll have the audition in 2 weeks! How can I manage to make and practice a new song in 2 weeks?! I can’t! And he deserves my punches!” Seungyoon blabbered in a breath and hissed in pain while holding his forehead.

“Wait, he stole your song?” You asked him while your mouth was opened wide. Seungyoon nodded angrily. “How can?”

Seungyoon recalled his memory from yesterday afternoon one by one, then he clicked his fingers. “I know it! He must be stole it from my flashdisk!”

“Huh?” You raised your eyebrows. Seungyoon widened his eyes suddenly, like he remembered something. “I-I left the flashdisk in the studio y-yesterday…” he scratched his back head.

“Hah, no wonder you reckless Kang Seungyoon.” You rolled your eyes and face-palmed yourself before took a sit on the grass. Seungyoon snuggled beside you.

Y-yah (Y/N) help me to make a new song! Please~” Seungyoon tried his best to plead to you. He showed his best puppy-eyes. All of the sudden, he leaned closer and closer, till your faces were only 2 inches apart from his and you both eyes met. You scanned his perfect features from his forehead to his plump lips. His pretty eye lashes, his perfect nose, his milky skin,… and his tempting lips. Your faces were too close to his until you felt your lungs were out of oxygen and you felt hundreds of butterflies attacked your weak stomach. You tried your best to force your parasympathetic nerve to calm down your beating-like-crazy heart, because you were afraid that he would hear your hard thumping heart. You couldn’t help it but let it always happens when you are… being close to him, like this.

You looked away and coughed, cleared your dry throat. You looked away as you tried your best to hide your pinkies blushing cheeks, because you knew that Seungyoon would tease you all the time if he found this, and prevented yourself to peck his soft lips. “Y-you know I’m in music.”

Seungyoon grabbed both of your arms with both of his hands and turned you around to face him. “Just help me with the idea of the song. Jebal~” he pleaded and blinked his eyes cutely, forced you, in a cute way to help him.

You gulped, “A-arasseo…” you nervously swayed your body forth and back to calm yourself down, then you looked away again, to the bright sunny sky. “What can I help?”

Seungyoon smiled widely, then he quickly took a book and a pen from his backpack. “Just give me inspiration for the song. How about confession to the first love as the theme?” He looked at you, demanded an agreement from you.

‘F-first… love?’ you thought, as the butterflies started to hit your stomach again. “S-sure! Why not?” you tried your best to look normal. “Okay…” he responsed as his thumb clicked the tip of pen and started to write something, left you drowned in your mind. “What do you think about first love?” he knocked his pen into his left cheek rapidly, thinking.

“Shy. That’s the first thing that came out to my mind…” you said as you looked at him.

“Shy? Ah yeap! You’re right!” Seungyoon wrote something on his book. You grabbed your bag and looked for something.

Seungyoon tilted his head. He kept writing words into his book. And all of the sudden, you sticked a little plaster in his bruise on his forehead. He was dumbfounded and stopped his hand from writing. “Eoh?”

Yah, you have bruise in your forehead…”

“Ah! Really?” Seungyoon touched his forehead and accidentally touched the bruise, then hissed in pain. “Aish… But anyway, thanks.” He smiled as he messed your hair. Your heart skipped a beat.

Yah!” you avoided awkwardly, letting off his hand from your head, and soon you felt your cheeks warmer. “You messed my hair!” you busily set up back your hair while hiding your face and looked somewhere else. “Don’t be reckless anymore.”

Seungyoon heaved a really deep sigh, like a depressed man in the drama. “Heol… I got it madam.” He saluted to you.

You couldn’t help but laughing at his silliness. “Yah, don’t act like an old general in the drama!” you punched his arm playfully. Seungyoon chuckled and looked into your eyes, intensely. Slowly, he beamed a smile, a peaceful one. It seemed different for you, Seungyoon who you know never smiled like this. His smile was like… a boy in love’s smile.

You realized it soon and thoughts about his smile popped out in your mind. ‘Was he in love? But, with who? Seungyoon never told me about his crush. Was it… me? Ah, aniya aniya, it can’t be me. So w-with who?’ questions started to attack your mind.

Seungyoon waved his hand in front of your face, took you back to reality from your daydream. “(Y/N) waeyo? Yah, gwaenchana?” Seungyoon asked you worrily.

You came back to your sense right away. “A-ah, g-gwaenchana…” you startled. “I-I need to leave first! I haven’t done my math homework! Yes, math homework!” you stood up quickly and took all of your belongings. “I’m leaving!” you left Seungyoon alone before he even said a word.

Yah, she’s strange… Do we have math homework?” Seungyoon tilted his head while was looking at your back. He shrugged and beamed a light smile. “Ah, but it’s only a little more to go, wait for it, ne?”




Today’s class was over, and the bell had rung 5 minutes ago. You were still busily packing your books and stuffs. Some of the students passed you and greeted you. You greeted them back and smiled, as usual. They left only you with Seungyoon in the classroom.

Yah, we don’t have math homework, do we?” Seungyoon reached your table in front of his table.

You were taken aback. “Math homework? Sure we don’t have it. We just had biology quiz for today and physics homework for tomorrow. Why?” you stood up and hanged your backpack trap on your shoulder, then you started to walk away.

“Wait!” Seungyoon grabbed your arm and spun you to face him. He looked right into your eyes, make your body shivered. “You lied to me? Why?” he asked you in disbelief and blinked rapidly.

Suddenly you realized that you just confessed that you lied to him before indirectly. Your face turned red. ‘H-how could he know it?’ you busily tought. “Ah! Gotcha! You lied!” Seungyoon laughed loudly. “Waeyo? You don’t want to help me with my song? Or what? Malhaebwa~

A-ani… It’s not like that!” you waved panickly to him.

“Then why?” Seungyoon looked at you, confused. You looked away. “Yah, we’re gonna miss the bus!” you ran out from the class. Seungyoon tailed you.

“Hey (Y/N)! Yah! Gosh, how can a girl run fast like that…”

You arrived at the bus stop in front of your school first, then Seungyoon reached you while panting.

“Hosh hosh, hey, you haven’t told me the reason you lied to me!” Seungyoon confronted.

You pretended not to hear and looked at the other direction. “Yah! (Y/N)!” Seungyoon shook your shoulder. But you kept pretending that you were deaf.

“Th-the bus is coming, let’s g-go…” you hoped inside the bus which had just stopped in front of you. Seungyoon clicked his tongue then followed you to the bus. “Heishh jinjja…”

You took your usual seat with Seungyoon. Seungyoon took the seat beside the window, and you took the side beside him, beside the aisle. Seungyoon was about to open his mouth but you stopped him. “Okay okay! I’ll explain it!” Seungyoon blinked and nodded.

“I went to the canteen to buy snacks, I was hungry.” You tried to look calm.

“Canteen? Why didn’t you ask me to go with you?”

Yah, you need to concentrate to your song, and I don’t want to treat you again, my money is lacking…”

“But-…”. You closed Seungyoon’s mouth with your handpalm. “No but. Understand, Kang Seungyoon-ssi?” you said as you blinked cutely. You know that Seungyoon will never resist your cuteness. Seungyoon sighed deeply and finally nodded. You grinned widely at his act. “Good boy~” you patted Seungyoon’s head as if he was a puppy. Seungyoon looked away, and pretended to angry at you. But you just chuckled, because you know that Seungyoon would never really be mad to you.

Arasseo arasseo, I forgive you this. But hey, you know-…” Seungyoon words was cut as he looked at the sleeping you. Your head was swaying to the left and to the right. He chuckled at you, ‘She’s really a sleepyhead. She sleeps everywhere.’

Suddenly, the bus turned to the left, made your body swayed to the left. Seungyoon pulled your arm, made your body fell to his embrace, but it didn’t even wake you up. Your head fitted perfectly upon his neck’s slope. Seungyoon gulped. His face was so closed with your face. His heart almost popped out from its place when his eyes met your soft pinkies lips.

He whispered. “You know how to kill me, really. You want me to have heart attack, huh?” he chuckled softly before poked your nose tip. Seungyoon intertwined your fingers into his, and it fitted perfectly.

He giggled again. ‘This is the happiest bus ride ever with you, (Y/N). Do you know? I’m smiling like an idiot now, people must think I’m crazy.’




Seungyoon opened his music book again, and giggled. He began to write some words on it. His lips formed into a thin smile. He had made one verse of his new song, based on what he experienced today. He took his guitar and started to try some chords for his new song.

His phone buzzed all of the sudden. A chat from you.

‘Hey babo, don’t forget to do your homework for tomorrow.’ -_-

He giggled. That’s the typical of you. You seemed tough outside, but actually you’re soft and affectionate.

‘I’m making my song, how can I make my homework?’ U,U

You rolled your eyes and giggled. ‘It’s just an excuse.’ You thought.

‘Okay, I’ll lend you mine this time.’

Seungyoon balled his fist in the air and smiled. He clicked his fingers and giggle, he got a brilliant idea!

\o/ ‘Gomawo, hihi. Anyway, start from tomorrow, we have to do things as couples do. I need more inspirations about my song. You know the theme, right? You have to help me and I don’t accept “no”~ I’ll pick you at 7.00 am in your house tomorrow, see you!’ u,u

Your adrenaline rushed in every vein in your body rapidly. Butterflies attacked your tummy again.  You felt like you were away in the seventh sky. ‘Do you want to kill me, Kang Seungyoon?’ you thought. You giggled and replied him.

‘Heol, you use me, Kang Seungyoon. And you have to pay me with something expensive.’ -_-




Days after days passed. It had been 4 days since you both started to do things like a couple. Everything was awkward at first. Well, like holding hands whenever you go, feeding each other, having simple skin ship, and so on. But now, you two were starting to get used to it. even having his arm in your waist wasn’t awkward anymore.

Yah, how’s your song? Have you finished it?” you said as you looked  at Seungyoon.

He nodded. “I have already made a half of that, don’t worry!” he said then laughed. He put his arm on your shoulder.

Today you two had much fun in Lotte World. You two played extreme rides, took many silly selcas, even… romantic selcas. You even always blushed whenever you looked at those selcas.

You two were heading to the exit gates when you two passed a fortune-telling booth. Suddenly, Seungyoon held your hand. “Let’s go there!”

You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue. “You know I don’t believe in those things.”

“Come on, just for fun~ Ne?” Seungyoon started to use his killing aegyo.

You couldn’t help but let Seungyoon dragged you to the booth.

“Excuse me, Madam. Could you tell our-…”

“You two have chosen it right. you two are a kind of couple which will always fight for the littlest things, but you two will always have sweet reconciliations. Though you two always fight, it won’t even make your love fades, it’ll always strengthen your love’s bonds.”

You both looked shocked and looked at each other. What did she just say?

The fortune-teller smiled. “Go home, young kids. Your bus will leave in 10 minutes.”

You looked into your watch. “S-seungyoon, we need to go home now!” you grabbed Seungyoon’s arm and ran.

“Who-whoaaa! Th-thanks, Madam!” Seungyoon waved panickly to the fortune-teller.




You two were having your usual seat again after hoped inside the bus. There were only some people in the bus. You panted hardly. “Heol, how can she know our bus schedule?”

Seungyoon rolled his eyes. “Well, she’s a fortune-teller! She knows everything!”

“I told you I don’t believe in that kind of things!” you confronted.

Seungyoon continued to blabber about how fortune-teller can’t be under-estimated, and blah blah. But your mind were busily swallowing each of the fortune-teller’s words. Love? Couple? Love’s bonds?

You were still deep down in your thoughts, and didn’t realize what Seungyoon planned beside you. All of the sudden, he stood up and walked to the front. You blinked confusedly. ‘Where would he go? We haven’t reached our bus stop yet!’ you thought. “Seungyoon?”

He grabbed the driver’s mic, made the driver glared at him, confused. “Test…” Seungyoon said then knocked the mic, to gain people’s attention.

You widened your eyes and mouthed ‘what are you doing’ to Seungyoon, but he pretended not to see.

Annyeonghaseyo, Kang Seungyoon imnida! First, I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I have to say something really important.” he said. People started to stare at him. He inhaled deeply.

“(Y/N)! I love you!” Seungyoon shouted.

The bus driver stepped on the brake. All of the people’s eyes immediately spotted you. Death-silence took control the atmosphere.


SO how was it? is it boring? lame? ?

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minbee10 #1
Ahh this sounds interesting ^^. Update pleasee