Chapter 5

Red and Violet

“You have got to be kidding me.”


The group at the table continued to stare blankly at the Class President, eventually breaking out into a round of laughter. This caused irritation to surge through the well-intentioned boy, and a frown soon found itself situated on his face.


“I don’t see what I said that was amusing.”


The group’s laughter eventually died down, smiles fading into smirks. One of the boys, Kris, Suho noted in his mind, still trying to match the names with the faces, spoke up.


“I think it’s amusing that you are concerned about our grades, or anything about us in general really. Even if we got kicked out of school, would you care? Don’t sound so concerned.”


“It’s not that I am concerned about you personally, like you said I don’t really have a reason to be, however, I am concerned because I believe that every student should have a positive and beneficial school experience. Plus, just because you don’t care about how your behavior affects your own life, doesn’t mean you can disregard the effect it has on others!”


Kris’ glare intensified, causing Suho to tense up slightly.


“You’re right, we don’t care about how our behavior affects our life, but you are incorrect in assuming that we should take others into consideration when thinking about our actions. For starters, other people shouldn’t be so absorbed in our lives that our attendance affects them. Secondly, what makes you think that we are going to listen to you? You have no impact on our lives whatsoever, and I doubt that you ever will. Some of us have reasons why we can’t come to school everyday, and it’s none of your business whether we attend classes or not. Another thing—“


Before he could finish his rant, Kyung Mi interrupted him.


“We are very sorry that we may have affected anyone else’s life negatively through our actions, however, Kris is correct. Some of us have very good reasons to not attend school all the time. That being said, we will try to limit the number of days we miss so as not to disrupt the class more than necessary. I am also sure that we will all be on our best behavior while here. Right?”


She shot a glare at the boys when she asked the question causing them to widen their eyes before reluctantly nodding their heads. With the boys confirmation she turned back to Suho and continued to speak.


“I am sorry if our actions have caused you any trouble, Suho-ssi.”


Taken aback by the apology of the girl, and the acceptance of the boys, he stood in a stunned silence for a moment before clearing his throat and responding.


“Umm, don’t worry about it. It really wasn’t that much trouble, and I appreciate the cooperation.”


With this he bowed his head and walked back to his table.


“What was that?”


“Does she have some kind of superpower?”


The other boys stared at Suho in anticipation upon his return to the table. They had been observing the encounter closely and were curious as to what had happened that had caused the sudden agreement of the boys.


“I’m not really sure what happened, one second they were glaring at me and trying to disprove by point, and the next they’re agreeing to try and limit their absences and behave well.”


“How did that happen?”


“That girl, Kyung Mi, she just broke into the conversation and made them agree to it. She seems so different from them.”


“Yeah, she seems really nice, I wonder why she hangs out with them.”


“I’m not sure, but she said something about having reasons to not attend school all the time.”


“What could they have to do that prevents them from coming to school?”


“I don’t know, but I kind of want to find out.”


All of the boys nodded in agreement, their curiosity soaring at the limited information about the new students.



A week passed, and the group of boys had miraculously attended school every single day, Kyung Mi however, had not. Since she made sure she was always caught up on her work and didn’t disturb the class when she did show up, people didn’t really mind.


A different problem was bothering the teacher’s though: the separation between those from Abdicio and those from Agnitio. So the teachers devised a plan to bring them together and unite them at least a little bit.


“Joonmyun, could I please speak to you for a moment?”


“Of course.”


He rose swiftly from his seat and followed the teacher out into the hallway, curious stares followed him the whole way. Class had yet to start so the students were left to wonder what it was about for the next ten minutes. Some were more curious than others.


Out in the hallway Suho was waiting for the teacher to speak, finally after almost a minute of silence he began.


“The other teacher’s and I have noticed the clear division between the students from each school and were hoping to get rid of it. This is a great opportunity to bring you all together, after all you are the future of our country and it would be a shame if you all carried silly grudges and stereotypes from High School on into the real world.”


At this he paused, making sure Suho was following along. Suho nodded back at him in understanding, although in his mind he thought that this was going to be a bad idea, and the teacher continued.


“So the teachers came together and made a plan to bring all of the students together. It’s a kind of project, about anything you want. There will have to be a paper and a presentation. The groups will be comprised of six people, seven or five if the numbers in the class are off slightly, and each group will have at least two students from each school. The teacher will assign the groups though. I’m telling you this because I think you know that our most problematic group is made up of these six boys in the back of the room, the girl too. So I was hoping you would agree to letting me put three of them in your group and the other three with some of your friends. You all are good kids and I was hoping that you would not only be able to get rid of the animosity but also help them to understand that they have to try in their classes.”


Suho was frozen. He knew the idea was going to be terrible, but this? This was almost too much. However, he knew that it was his duty to try and help his teachers, so with a sigh he nodded his head in agreement.


“Of course, we’ll try our best sir.”


The teacher showed him an appreciative smile and made his way back into the classroom, Suho following closely behind.


Sorry guys.



I know that I was gone for a long time, but I was sick and ended up moving as well. I hope this chapter was interesting enough and I hope you're having a nice day so far! Feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made and thank you for reading this!

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marshmellow10 #1
Chapter 4: I love ur story so far but can she end up with all twelve of them pleassseee