The WallFlower's Cry


I was once a Wallflower.

Battered by words of catastrophe.

Pity in the eyes of those who see.

I was a disgrace to my family.

But then a prince came to the rescue who swept me off my feet.

But then betrayal struck and reality appeared right in front of me.

Left to die in the colde sea of my venomous tears.

But then I survived the uncertainty. 

And now I come back to be the better me.

My name is Kim Hyuna and this is my story.

The WallFlower's Cry.


This story is a work of Fictional thoughts of the author

The WallFlowers Cry is about Kim Hyuna, the youngest child of the Kim family

Born with a golden spoon in yet still those were not excused to the cruelty of life that has to offer her

How will she pertain and overcome all these struggles brought by pain, hatred, betrayal and romance

The Story plots itself in the 21st century

The WallFlowers Cry



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