Chapter two: After the concert

Guardian angel

The rest of the night passed quickly, they didn't do a meet and greet so you where a little disappointed, but they made up for it by letting the two of you backstage.


"OMG that was so awesome guys." you said while walking backstage. "Ounnie how did we get backstage with SHINee?" your best friend whispered in your ear. "Did you forget what I told you yesterday?" "No but I just thought he had forgotten you". You raised her hand and was about to slap your best friend in the face, but Jonghyun stopped you with a death in his now silver eyes. "Don't you dare" he growled. You slowly pulled your hand back afraid of making a wrong move. "Wow easy dino what's wrong with you" Onew said shocked over the fact that Jonghyun's eyes changed color. "What? oh sorry I kind of lost control" he said. "Kind of lost control, your eyes are silver hyung" Key said. "What?" "you might want to look in the mirror" Minho said. Jonghyun walked over to the mirror and his sliver eyes grew wider in shock and fear, he shook his head and his eyes turned back to its normal brown color. "Is that what they call the change?" Taemin asked. "It might be, I mean we don't really know what it is" Onew said. You where just about to say something, but your best friend spoke up "Would someone please tell me what's going on? What is that change thing? And why did jonghyun's eyes suddenly turn silver?”  All of you looked at your best friend and then each other like silently debating if they should tell her or not. "Guys its okay she is my... you know what" jonghyun said and looked at your best friend as if he was in love with her.


Right after jonghyun said that you began to smile because you knew how much it means to your best friend and then you looked at Onew and thought about what happened yesterday and then you blushed. Onew looked down at you and smiled at you as if he was thinking of the thing as you. You felt an elbow on your left arm, you saw Minho smirking at you like if he could laugh any minute. You blushed hard when you found out that the others had been looking at you for about 2 minutes. Key faked a cough and said "so you still want to know about the change and so on?" "YES... I mean yes please" your best friend said blushing a little because of her bad manners. You broke out in a laugh right after your best friend had said that.


After the explanation there was still one question left. "So guys, what is the change?" you asked. ”‘The change', is something that happens to us after we have found our special person, we don't really know what 'the change' is, because it's different for each person. Although we know that we get very possessive over the special person, and it'll be easier to lose control" Taemin said. "Oh and apparently Jonghyun's eyes changes color" Key said. "What about Onew? What happens to him?" you asked. "We don't know yet" Minho said looking at Onew. "Guys do you know what time it is? We should probably get going" Jonghyun said. "Yeah you're probably right" your best friend said looking down with a sad smile on her face. "We'll walk you home" Onew said looking at Jonghyun who just nodded.


 "OK, see you back at the dorm" Minho said as they walked out of the door, and parted ways. As you walked down the road to your hotel, your hand and Onew's brushed each other's and you blushed slightly, Onew took this as a sign to grab your hand in his, and you smiled. You looked over at your best friend and saw her and Jonghyun walking silently hand in hand. 'This is defiantly the best night of my life' you thought. What you didn't know thou was that something was luring in the shadows silently following you.


As you came closer to the hotel you kept feeling that you where being watched, but you just shrug it off, thinking it was nothing. "I guess it's time to say goodbye" Onew said when you where in front of the hotel. You just nodded thou you wished it wasn't true. "You'll call me right?" you asked scared that you might not get to see him again. "Of course" Onew said as he slowly leaned in and closed the space between you. The kiss was soft, warm and filled with passion. "I love you" you said when you broke apart. Onew looked happy, at you and said "saranghae". Smiling you looked into his eyes and it felt like you could drown in them. "Good bye" you said as he walked away.  


*3 days later*

It had been three days since the concert and you hadn't seen Onew since then. You had talked a lot through texting, but he was very busy with his schedule so he hadn't really had time to see you. Your stomach growled impatiently as you stood in the lobby of the hotel waiting for your donsaeng to come down, so you could go out eating. Finally your donsaeng came and you where just about to leave when the receptionist came running towards you. "Here" he said as he handed you a piece of paper. "Some guys came in early this morning and asked if I would give this to you and your friend". "Thanks.... I guess" you said as you took the paper and read it through. "What does it say ounnie? Who's it from?" your donsaeng asked. "It's from Onew and Jonghyun. They want to meet us at a cafe 12'o clock" you said after you had read the letter. "OMG, That sounds fun, let's do it" your donsaeng shrieked out. "I agree but we still got four hours before we are going to meet them, and I'm quite hungry, let's go eat something first". "Okay..." your donsaeng said pouting.


*after breakfast*

"Ahh, that tasted so good, I'll just go to the bathroom before we leave" you said as you stood up and left for the bathroom. Unfortunately you had to go through this dark empty hall, that seemed like it would go on forever. This place gave you the creeps. You sighed in relief when you finally came to the bathroom door, it felt like it had taken an hour to get there. However before you could grab the door handle and go in you felt something being pressed at your face, and your vision became darker. You tried to scream but inhaled something weird which made see black the moment after. You passed out... again.



'Why is ounnie taking so long?' your donsaeng thought. 'Maybe I should go check on her… Yeah I got to go check on her'. And with that she went to the bathroom. But just she reached the bathroom, she heard a strange voice saying "target in sight". After she had heard that, she felt a poke somewhere on her neck and it all went black.

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