I miss you.


"And there I was, looking for a cappuccino cup in front of me waiting for the moment when you would come. My hands were sweating and I was feeling a weird goose bump. I rubbed my nails in the failed attempt to remove the nervousness that filled me. Therefore, I heard the bell of the coffee shop rang, warning that someone came. I move my head and I saw you wearing a black coat and a white scarf, you had a blank stare, you did not seem the boy who I used to know.

"JungKook? I am so glad that you finally came. I was worried." I said while I get up and put my hand in your shoulder, but you put it away.

"Please..." You asked. I gave you a confused look. "Do not approach of me anymore."

"JungKook? I do not understand."

"I ordered you for do not stay beside me. Do not look into my face. Do not look for me. It’s over."

"H-hey... What are you doing?"

"It’s over, Park Jimin." You repeat and get of the coffee shop. I look into the door without any reaction. Before I could notice, the tears came to my face. I sit down in the chair looking for the fume, which the still warm cappuccino exhaled. I inspired the aroma of the beverage and I finally got it.

You left me."

Now my life had changed.

For worst.

After you left me, I knew the notice that you would trip with your parents to Los Angeles, in the United States. A place so far, which someday we could promise that we would trip together for see the sunset in Laguna Beach. I remembered of the day before the day where you left me, you came to my home at the middle of the night asking for a hug. I gave to you and you made me promise that I would follow with my life, and you always would love me.

Taehyung, your neighbor, told me that you had a bad argument with your parents before you went for my home. He told me that you left your home crying. Oh, honey. I have to apologize. You said for I never look for you again, but I could not resist. I send many letters in the address, which some people told me that you were. Hundreds of e-mails e and texts. I never had an answer, I did not know if you received them or not, but I continued for a long time. I called for your old number phone just for hear you voice recorded in the voice mail.

I torture myself everyday thinking about you. Thinking that in this moment, while I am in the old coffee shop feeling the aroma of the cappuccino who you love, you could be in someone's arm. The idea of imagine you making vows of love to someone else; to see you in the arms of someone else hurt me. Make my heart hurt and want again; even for just one night, you could be mine again. Mine and of no one else.

Bittersweet memories is all I have when I remember of you. Every day I feel the empty beside me on the bed and cry when I think that maybe you will never come back. I remember of the nights when we were just one, I hugged you and after we used to made infinites vows of love.

I was the first to touch you, I will always carry this burden with all my proud, I will always carry the sensations to touch your skin, the amazing sensation that is taste your lips, the sensation to have you just for me.

My life stopped when you gone. It was as if you took a part of me with you, Jeon JungKook. You are, always was, and always will be my biggest love. The person who I most love in the entire world and the person who I will always love. Now I have not straight to keep going on, I have not straight to live without your presence. I cannot take care of myself, I cannot do anything. You left and took my heart with you; you took a part of me.

Now I am in the cooffe shop where we used to meet each other, where we meet for the first time. Me, a waiter, and you, my client. I brought you a cappuccino cup while you cried because of your school's test. I asked for your cellphone number and we started our friendship. Day by day, I thought for myself how beautiful you were, and I was scared with my own feelings. But one day, I at least asked you for date with me.

In addition, finally I can claim that one of the best days of my life were when you accepted me. I keep the memory fresh in my mind.

"Jeon JungKook. I love you with all my straights, and is not like a friend. But I feel an incredible love. I feel that I just want to stay beside you and no one else, I feel that I lose all my fears, and now I just have one more that is lose you. I cannot take this anymore just for myself. Do you accept to be mine? Do you wanna date me?" Your eyes were fell of tears. Some people had a bad look for us, some ignoreted, but you laughted and cried.

"I accept, I want to be yours, your love, friend, and boyfriend. I want to be in your arms and never get away from them again; I want to spend the rest of my life beside you."

Incredibly, since you left me, even if I get fired for dating a client, I keep coming to this same coffee shop, I keep asking for two cappuccino cups, I keep feeling the same sweet aroma which in my sense of smell looks bitter for all the memories.

Now I heard the coffee shop's bell rang warning that someone new came. I look into the door with the hope that I will see you, because I have not lose all my hope that I will find you again someday. However, is not you. I put my head now feeling like I am a fool for believe that you could pass through that door again

The bell rang again, but now I dare not look for the damn door who that fills me with hope and then shatters my heart already broken. But this time I have a different feeling, I feel a goose bump into all my body and a sensation almost nostalgic.

I dare to move my head and I am faced who the one who I love. I am faced with your open arms and with your tears falling for you beauty face. The tears starts to fall down into my own face and I ask for myself if not all of this is one more dream. I breathe the aroma of the cappuccino and I realize that I am wake up. I gave a big smile in the middle of my tears and I heard your sweet voice.

"I came back, Park Jimin."

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blueffect #1
Chapter 1: I liked it....it makes me feel sad....U did well...I wish it wasn't an oneshot cause i want to read more about this fic :((
hanjeonmin #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god ;A; this story is amazing ❤
Chapter 1: It was so sadd i criedddddddd
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 1: oh my god,.the stories is so cool!!
keep up the good work^.^