The perfect gift

The perfect gift

                Christmas was only five day away and Jimin was still lost at what he could get for Yoongi. He had already bought everyone else a present, except for his own boyfriend, the guy in their dorm that he should know the best. It sincerely frustrated him how despite knowing the elder’s interests he was still unable to buy anything decent.


                Photography. That was one of Yoongi’s biggest passions along with music, yet what could he offer him related to that when he barely understood anything about cameras? A memory card? The older had plenty of those, therefore it’d be a useless gift.


                Jimin ruffled his own hair in frustration and sighed heavily as he stared at the cup of cooling caramel macchiato sitting in front of him. He had taken the rest of day off to make his final Christmas purchases and get his lover a gift, but things weren’t going as smoothly as he thought they would. He has spent nearly two hours doing window shopping and yet, nothing he saw caught his attention or made him think it was a good Christmas present for the other. After that much walking he had come to the little café he was currently in and just sat there procrastinating about what he could possibly buy.


                It was already getting late, in less than an hour the stores would close and he was still there, sitting with the now cold cup of caramel macchiato. At this point, Jimin was close to tears. He felt like a terrible boyfriend, a failure, for not being able to come up with something his own boyfriend would enjoy receiving on Christmas. The Christmas day was practically a holiday for couples where they exchanged gifts and spent the whole day being lovey-dovey and yet, he was about to ruin the whole day for not being able to come up with something to give to Yoongi. He really felt useless as he watched the minutes fly by on the screen of his phone. He needed to go back to the dorm, stores were starting to close and he had gotten nothing.


                The next few days, including Christmas eve, were mainly spent inside the studio and practice room as they did their very best to improve themselves for the next album. Thankfully Christmas day and New Year’s were days that had to enjoy themselves. Everyone was in high spirits as the practice on the 24th ended. All the guys were laughing and even singing silly songs, except for Jimin. He was not in a good mood, he was feeling anxious and scared for the next day, because Yoongi had told him he wanted to take him on a date on their day off. But, Jimin had nothing to give the older and that was making him grow extremely nervous and frustrated.


                Yet, the lack of a smile or laughter on his part didn’t go unnoticed by lover that quickly pulled him aside and asked him if there was something wrong. The younger quickly forced a smile upon his lips as he shook his head in denial. “Of course not Yoongi hyung, I’m just tired.” He explained smoothly, relaxing unconsciously as he noticed the older seemed to buy his lie. He didn’t want to think about tomorrow at that moment, all he wanted was to go back to the dorm and rest.


                Once the shorter male got to the dorm he quickly rushed to take a shower, claiming he wanted to rest so he’s be fast. He was glad he didn’t have to share the shower cabin with anyone else at that moment, because all he could think about was tomorrow and how he didn’t have anything. There was no way he could go out to buy anything at that hour of the night, he couldn’t go to the studio and record some random song he wrote, because Yoongi himself said his songs sounded as if they were written by a child and neither could he just use something that belonged to him to gift. He scrubbed his body harshly as he huffed in frustration. Nothing, he had nothing nice he could give his lover neither did he have any special talent for song writing or manual art work.


                Jimin ended up leaving the shower quietly and stepped into his room, which he shared with the youngest male in their dorm, Jungkook. That’s when he saw the younger’s drawing materials out and an idea popped in his mind. He wasn’t terrible at drawing, perhaps he could do some cute sketch of his lover and give it to him as present. Even though that really wasn’t much, it was better than going empty handed to his date. So, Jimin grabbed the younger’s pencils and some sheets of paper before getting down to work.


                When Jungkook returned to his bedroom, he frowned as he noticed as the other was using his things. “Jimin hyung why are you using my pencils?” He asked more curious than upset as he approached the other male. Yet, Jimin waved off saying he couldn’t see it and that he’d return everything once he was done with whatever he was drawing. The younger boy just really couldn’t care with the whole thing, he felt like he was about to pass out from lack of sleep. He mentally cursed himself for wanting to beat Jimin in the fancafe and Yoongi on the damn Timberman game. Instead he only ended up losing hours of sleep and he had beaten none of them. Even though he was still a bit irritated with the whole issue, the only thing his mind could wrap itself around was laying down on his very comfy bed and sleep for the next 24hours.


                Meanwhile Jimin was busy with his little art work off his beloved Min Yoongi. He tried to draw him as cutely as possibly, wanting to make the usually unamused expression to look softer and cuter. He’d show the older that he too was cute in his eyes and he loved him for that and much more. He kept on doodling over and over again, until he had something he was satisfied with. Once he was finished he wrote a small, romantic (well actually more like very cheesy) poem dedicated to the older. He then made sure to wrap it up nicely before heading to bed, to get some much deserved rest.


                The next day almost everyone in dorm had slept through the entire morning, except for Jimin and Jin. Jin was usually the first to wake up, even on their free days, so it wasn’t so surprising, but Jimin was unusual. The boy had woken up rather early to make sure he looked his best for his date and pestered the older member of their group to help him choose the best outfit as well as to apply some light makeup on him. Yes, Jimin was self-conscious about his image, even though when he wasn’t working he didn’t use makeup, the occasion asked for him to be in his best shape. So, he happily decided to go with makeup to hide away any imperfection on his skin and some eyeliner to accentuate his eyes. He laughed as he heard Jin complaining about how much of a ‘girl’ he could be all because of a small date with his own boyfriend.


                The younger dismissed the comment without a care and proceeded to thank the older for his help, before prancing off to Yoongi’s bedroom to wake him up. Once he was inside the room he could hear Namjoon snoring lightly and for some reason that made him laugh. Although he quickly bit his tongue before he could awake anyone in the room and quietly moved to his lover’s bed. “Hyung, wake up. It’s almost lunch time and I thought we had a date.” He said softly as he brushed the now too long bangs away from the other’s eyes. He saw how the other fluttered his eyes open and sleepily stared at him. “I’m not getting up, until you give me a kiss.” Jimin heard Yoongi croak as he displayed a little smile that made him blush in embarrassment. “So demanding.” He mumbled as if he was complaining, but in reality he was more than happy to kiss the older.


                Jimin pressed his lip gently against his lover’s one and smiles softly.  “Now can you please get ready to go?” He murmured quietly and grinned as he felt more pecks being pressed on his face. Yoongi eventually stopped kissing the chubby face of his boyfriend and got up. He was still a bit woozy with sleep, but luckily he had the outfit and accessories he wanted sorted out beforehand. He quickly got himself dressed up and adjusted his hair decently, before topping it off with the hat.


                When Yoongi returned to the living room he saw his lover awaiting him and smiled. “I’m ready let’s go… are you wearing makeup?” He asked curiously as Jimin rushed over to him and grabbed his hand. He saw the younger flush with embarrassment and looking away. “Ah is it too much? Maybe I should remove it.” He mumbled a bit clumsy, but the older quickly pecked the boy’s nose and chuckled. “Don’t. You look perfect, I was just amused that you got so dressed up for this.” He commented with a chuckle and heard Jimin mumble about being their first date in months, which was true.


                Yoongi laughed it off with an apologetic smile and pulled the younger out of their dorm with the promise of taking him on more dates in the future. But, for now he was planning on having both of them enjoying their current one. He took the younger to a nice restaurant first to start off and then he decided they’d have the best of their time on the ice rink. He knew Jimin particularly loved to move around and skating, so he dragged the boy to the icy rink and grinned. “I know you haven’t done this in a while, but please try to grab on to me if you lose your balance.” He said playfully, leaving his lover huffing and whining quietly about how mean he was to him. He laughed as he pulled the younger male into the ice and spent hours in it with him, until they were both exhausted.


                It was too cold for a late picnic, but even so, Yoongi decided to take the younger male to Han River. The scenery there was beautiful and romantic, what better place to give his Christmas present to the younger?

He dragged a shivering Jimin along with him and once he found a good spot, he pulled the male into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Warmer?” He questioned softly as he pressed soft kisses on to the boy’s cheek. “Yes.” He heard the soft reply and felt small hand tugging at his jacket, tugging him closer.


                Yoongi moved one hand over to his pocket and grabbed the small box he had in there. He pulled a bit back and rested his forehead against his lover’s one with a soft hum. “Merry Christmas Jiminnie, I hope you like my present.” He mumbled softly as he placed the small blue box in the younger’s hands and kissed his forehead.


                Jimin felt his heard race inside his chest as he felt Yoongi’s warm lips pressing on his forehead and small box passed on to his hands. He wondered about what was inside it, so like a child he hurriedly start undoing the small bow on it and opened it. He gasped as he saw there a small pendant with a turtle and kitten holding a hands and small black and silver ring. He picked the ring, noticing the engraving “Y&J”. Jimin felt a tears welling up in his eyes as he understood they were couple items. His eyes drifted towards Yoongi’s neck and hands and he saw he was wearing both, which only made his heart feel warmer and like it was about to burst. “Couple items? I thought you hated them.” He mumbled in astonishment as he looked at the older with tearful eyes. He saw as the other blushed in embarrassment and looked away.


                “Yah! Don’t cry, you’re supposed to be happy! Besides, I guess I can make an effort for you, since you always bother me to wear something that matches. Two accessories for 2 years of dating, I think it’s fair and good now right? Now you don’t need to ask me to use matching clothes.”


                Yoongi said everything in almost one breath, wanting to make it seem as if he was gifting that to be rid of the hindrance of the younger asking him to use couple clothing. But, he failed miserably. He knew that if Jimin pestered him to use some sort of couple clothing, he’d most likely give in to it. Also, he wanted to make it clear that the younger belonged to him and only him.


                Suddenly, Jimin felt a bit bad that his gift was so simple, so small in comparison to his lover’s gift. He could feel the tears of frustration quickly overflowing his eyes and he was doing his best to try to speak. “Jimin what’s wrong?!” Yoongi asked worriedly as he saw the younger boy’s tears roll down his cheeks. The smaller male sniffled a bit as he tried his best to speak clearly, yet all of his words were coming out choppy and messy in between his sobs. He was trying to explain the older why he only had that to give him, instead of a nice one. “I-I… I didn’t know ­–sniffle– what to get you.” He said weakly as he observed Yoongi open the small sheet of paper with a simple drawing and message.


                Yoongi looked carefully at the ‘chibi’ version of himself, cutely drawn coupled along with a heartwarming message on the paper. Sometimes, he swore Jimin didn’t understand how the most simple and personal things were the best to get. He loved every bit of the small drawing, because he knew it held all the love the boy had for him on the those black of ink. He cursed himself mentally to feel so absolutely enticed and emotionally moved by the gift.


                “Jimin, this is beautiful. I love it so much, you idiot. There is no better Christmas gift than this. Thank you so much, I love you.” He said softly as he tried his hardest not to cry. Yet, Yoongi’s eyes were filled up with unshed tears and his voice was cracking embarrassingly often, so he decided it was best not to talk. Instead, he kissed the younger with as much love and care he had for him.


                Jimin swore his legs would give up on him from the relief and happiness he felt at that very moment. That Christmas day was perfect and he would not change a thing. Theonly thing he cared about at that moment was his boyfriend, lover, Min Yoongi.


                Both mumbled as they parted from their sweet kiss.

                “Merry Christmas.”





The drawing on this fanfiction, the one Jimin gifted to Yoongi, was drawn by the artist, @greasemin.
Here's the link of the original:

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Chapter 1:,i assume..did kitten n turtle was jimin n suga?gosh,so cuteeeee..
Chapter 1: hngh so cuuuute
onepeace #3
Chapter 1: This is so cute and sweet ^^
daddy-jjong #4
eyesmilegyu #5
Chapter 1: That was so cuteeeee
This was amazing, so much sweetness.

Unrelated question: how do you find suga on timberman game?
Chapter 1: I've been reading romantic Yoongi recently and I just can't get enough of it asdfghJeujewewueb
Yoongi is so sweet
Jimin is so cute
How not to ship them tell me T____T
Chapter 1: Awww, this was so cute. Thank you for writing this, it really warmed me up in this cold Winter evening.
Oh, and Merry Christmas!! ^^