Daily Prompts


While easing myself off hiatus, I'm working on short daily prompts. Will likely be all wontaek.

Some of the drabbles I like, some I really don't, but this is an attempt to overcome my perfectionism.


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Chapter 5: This...I don't really get... What was Ravi here?? I'm all confused.. :?
Chapter 6: Cute!! I think Taekwoon can sleep anywhere too just like Ravi..Haha
Chapter 4: This is very depressing. Wars never brought any happiness.. ;(((
Chapter 3: This was beautiful! I wish I could actually picture out how they danced. And, I was hoping they'd dance like this in real life maybe... Ugh! WonTaek just brings out the feels in me!!♡♡♡
Chapter 1: I love this!!! Very well written!
Chapter 6: These were so great I'm truly amused and in awe of the way you write. I love it.
Chapter 6: These stories were wonderful, author-nim! Thank you so much for sharing them! Great job and keep writing! Hope to see more updates from you soon! Take care! :) <3
krocket #8
Chapter 3: I really love your story, especially Dec 22. I think that must have a sequel. hihi:3
lollollol005 #9
I love these drabbles. You are such a talented writer, and I hope you know that. I love basically anything you post. Thank you for these lovely drabbles, thank you for your amazing chaptered fics. You are gr8!