Chapter 1

Can I have the bill please? (and your number as well)


When Mark walks through the lavish glass doors of the restaurant, he could already tell that something was going to go wrong. It was like there was an abrupt change in the wind direction or maybe that black shadow outside the building wasn’t just some hobo but something more, that triggered some strange gut feeling which told Mark that tonight was probably going to go down in flames.


 And that he was most likely going to be into a vortex of swirling shame, guilt, hopelessness and depression for the next week or so. 


But then a waiter in some fancy black and white tuxedo (it makes him feel underdressed) approaches him and he quickly pushes the feeling of absolute doom away with the wrinkle of a nose and puts on a somewhat polite smile. It comes out more like a grimace but it’s close enough. 


“Sir, do you have a reservation?” He asks and smiles properly unlike Mark’s incapability to show actual facial expressions. 


“Y-yes.” And oh god something about this man’s smooth mellow voice and the curve of his eyes just makes Mark want to sink to the floor and drown in a pool of iness.


But he doesn’t do that. 


He just mutters “Reservation under Park Jinyoung” and follows the waiter through painted doors and keeps his eyes trained on the stained-free carpet underneath his best pair of shoes until they reach something because the waiter stops and Mark almost crashes into him but catches himself only millimetres away. 


And when Mark expects ‘this is your table’ to come out of the open mouth, what he gets instead might have been that one thing that changed the whole night. And maybe his whole life.


“Good luck with your date, sir” he said. Then he smiled. Crinkling eyes and pearly teeth.


Because when he turns to face his extremely handsome blind date, he can’t help but feel that nagging disappointment settled at the bottom of his stomach. 


Mark thinks he wasn’t able to catch himself before he fell. 




He was on a date.


With a very handsome man, might he add. 


Park Jinyoung was like one of those dream guys that appear out of nowhere in almost all romantic films. Easy going and humorous unlike Mark’s awkward personality that always seemed to pop up whenever he decided to have any human interaction. He also happened to be a neurosurgeon which basically rendered Mark’s title as a dance teacher to a fleck of dust. And of course, Jinyoung was awfully cute and most probably had a line of suitors waiting with roses at his door step so Mark wasn’t too sure what he was doing here with him.  


And even though Mark has this million dollar man presented to him on a golden platter, his mind just has to be on someone else not seated at this table. More precisely, someone serving another couple several tables away.


That damn waiter.


Mark almost curses out loud. 


“Are you okay?” Jinyoung ask looking slightly concerned. He must of looked like he was about to throw up but then he pushed it back down.


Mark just wants to cry because he is pretty sure that Jinyoung thinks he escaped a mental asylum. “Oh, I’m fine, like totally good, 100% percent sure that I’m good. Like what even. I’m like 110% percent sure that I’m all good. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” Smooth, really. There goes his final speck of hope for this date’s success. 


And just when he thinks Jinyoung going to chuck his glass of water at his face and peace out, Jinyoung simply laughs and says “Cute.”


Mark freezes. “Thanks… I mean… ummm, you too. Like you are cute too.”


Jinyoung just smiles, charmingly of course and turns to the menu. “ So do you know whats good here?”


Mark freezes again or maybe he just stayed frozen that entire time because he has never stepped foot into this restaurant and heck he hasn’t even heard of this restaurant in the entire 21 years of his existence. 


“ The lobster ravioli with saffron cream sauce sounds good?”


“Yeah, i guess.” Mark has never had ravioli. Barely ever has lobster. And what even is saffron?


“Have you decided what you’re going to order?”


“Whatever you get.”


Jinyoung laughs again. “Not familiar with this menu?”


“How did you guess?” Mark tried hard not to sound defensive but he was pretty sure he face was nice shade of molten rock. 


“How about i order for the two of us?” Jinyoung asks, eyes genuine.  


Mark just hums in agreement and looks at anything except for Jinyoung. I mean, how bout that delicate carpet pattern, am i right?


He is thankful Jinyoung doesn't dwell on his obvious discomfort and just waves the waiter over and start spilling out his choices when Mark lifts his head just in time to make eye contact with the waiter. 


Not just any waiter. 


It’s the waiter.


Oh . 


Mark’s brain is screaming ‘abort mission’ in blazing red letters but in reality his body stiffens as he awkwardly locks eyes with the waiter.  In the distance he can vaguely hear Jinyoung asking him is he okay but all he can see and hear right now is the waiter’s eyes and nose and lips and his breathing and his gaze and his clothes and-


“Yeah, I’m fine. Just spaced out for a moment.” Mark stutters and he feels bad because Jinyoung concerned while he is crushing on the waiter as his date. And when he finally blinks again the waiter is gone and he lets out a sigh.


“You sure?”


“Yeah, just a bit out of it.” And then he wishes he didn’t say that because Jinyoung’s frown deepens and he looks so worried that Marks find himself drowning in a pool of guilt. 


See he told you this was going to happen. 


“Don’t worry, I’m totally fine.” And manages a small smile and reckons it worked as he sees Jinyoung relax a bit and settle back into his chair.


“So Mark, tell me about yourself?"


Mark sighs again. Internally this time. 


He could see a long night ahead of him and he doesn’t even know the waiter’s name yet. 






Sorry if this was disappointing but i had to get the setting and introductions out of the way. And i apologise for the dialouge, i can never seem to write dialouge... :(

Thank you to everyone who subcribed and upvoted!! :D It means a alot.

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Elran49 #1
Chapter 1: I read this now and I really want to know what happens next!
smokedblack #2
Chapter 1: It's so cute! Yay!
Chapter 1: Love it! can't wait to read more
Chapter 1: its his first time in a fancy restaurant and hes already crushing on the waiter lololol xD but awkward mark is total qt <3 the dialouges are okay :) update soon!
I can't wait to
Kayuki #7
Okay, you did it: you got me curious!!
Please update!! <3