Chapter 3

Truth be told, i never was yours

"Ohhh, now everything makes sense." Ilhoon said and pushed the table so he could stand up. "No no, you misunderstood. Deukie is-"

"Never mind." Ilhoon said bitterly and left the cafeteria leaving the girl he came with pay for their drinks quickly and run behind him.

"Deukie why did you say that?" You asked him holding back your tears. Seeing Ilhoon like that made you feel horrible and you just wanted to catch up with him and explain what happened.

"I-i am so sorry. I don't know why i said that, i just felt like it would be better if..." He said but never finished his sentence. "Forgive me." You weren't mad at Deukie because you knew he wanted the best for you. You were hurt for letting this happen. Besides, it was all your fault. You could have explained from the start.

"Deukie, it's fine really. Thank you for being there for me but i really need to explain to him. I may not have understood the situation at first. But now i know that i really like him. No, i love him. I love him..." You said whispering the last sentence proudly. You smiled at Deukie and started running out of the cafeteria.

You were so happy you would tell him how much you need him and how many stories your mind made up so it would stop feeling guilty and how sorry you were for not explaining your feelings from the start as you were confused about them too and-

Your brain stopped working when you saw Ilhoon and the girl kissing not far from the cafeteria and not far from you. Suddenly, those kind of thoughts disappeared in between seconds. Tears were rolling down your chin but you didn't know if they were true tears or some drops from the dark clouds that covered the afternoon sky. Tears or drops, it was just as painful as having a knife between your second and third rib. 

You gulped loudly hoping Ilhoon couldn't see you as you had frozen on the ground. You couldn't even move your gaze. For a second you thought that time had stopped. And you wished you could turn back the time and never had picked up the phone to his call on Christmas Eve or being friends with him this year and you wished he wasn't Sohee's cousin either. 

Ilhoon pushed the girl immediately and you could see his annoyed frown. He said something to her but you couldn't listen. Then, his gaze met your eyes and you read his lips calling for you. However, you couldn't move. 

 Ilhoon started approaching you slowly like a little kid who sees a cat in the middle of the road and desperately wants to touch its fur so it makes small friendly steps towards the cat afraid of scaring it and running away. But you weren't a cat. And Ilhoon wasn't a little kid. You took a step back which made Ilhoon stop a meter away. He looked at you with the look that you could easily read. Regret. 

You glanced at the girl meters behind him who was now smirking evilly and you wondered what was wrong with her all of a sudden. "___.." Ilhoon called you softly but loudly enough for you to hear. "Is it something you want to tell me?" He asked curious which made you feel confused again. What was he talking about?

"There was something..." Your mouth said. You couldn't control your body. Ilhoon raised an eyebrow and bit his lip waiting for you to continue but you were just standing there under the rain in the middle of a pavement with... Ilhoon.

You soon realised that the girl had left minutes ago. "I think she left you..." You said quietly but he didn't even turn to look at the missing girl. He was sitting opposite to you and you noticed he was struggling to hold back his smile. You frowned confused. He looked at the dark clouds then he pulled you to his chest and held you tighter than ever. "Why is it so hard for you to say it?" You tried to pull away but his grip was too tight. 

"I know this guy is not your boyfriend and i also know that you don't have a boyfriend at all. I've been liking you from the moment you told me your name and since then i haven't stopped asking Sohee about you. This girl that kissed me earlier was a friend of mine. I asked her help to make you feel jealous. She's nothing more to me. I know you like me ____-ah, but why is it so hard for you to say it?" He asked still holding you tight. You buried your face in his chest so as to hide your reaction as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 

"I was going to tell you. I was going to explain everything but i saw you kissing with her so..." You said quietly almost whispering. "Ilhoon...i'm cold..." You said with the same tone. "Let's go." He said and pulled away. He lead you to his car and you both got in. "Where are we going?" You asked as you noticed that it was raining harder than earlier.

"Let's go at my place." He said and started driving. You nodded and looked out of the window.


"Jagi! Why do you like sleeping so much?" Ilhoon pouted cutely as he saw you on the couch trying to resist to your heavy eyelids. "Are you serious? It's a free trial of death." You said with your sleeping voice and your eyes completely shut. Ilhoon narrowed his eyes on you.

"Well at least let me do it with you." He said and pulled the blanket slightly like a little kid. You opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow. "I hope you realised how wrong that sounded right?"

"No, i meant the trial!" He said innocently. 

You stared at each other for a while.

"This is not what you meant."

Ilhoon smiled sarcastically. "Oh you know it." He said as he lied next to you and covered both of you with the blanket.

The end~

* * *

Happy new year you guys! I hope you have an amazing year with happiness and health!

Omo i just realised that i reached over 100 subsribers and that made me sooooo happy. Thank you lovelies!

This fan fiction is officially over *lays on the floor*. I'm sorry for the really (really) late update. I'm just really sick :/ my lungs at being lungs!

Gahh comment below if you want to let me know about what you think of the final chapter...? Why not? I'll reply to all of you <3

See you soon, Fox xxx

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Hirnfresser #1
Chapter 3: Aigoo....Ilhoon can be so mean....whatever I still love him xD
Thanks again for writing this for me, I love it <3
Chapter 3: Awww... So cute!!
Molynich #3
Chapter 3: Nice story!! ;D makes me love Ilhoonie more lol <3 author-nim Jjang!
ImThatKiD #4
Chapter 2: i love you so much!!!
Molynich #5
Chapter 2: One word, daebak! Update juseyo lol <3
Chapter 1: Duh, I want a sequel, what kind of question is that?
ImThatKiD #7
Chapter 1: sequel please this was really cute!!
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseeeee.. And can I request for one fix too?
Hirnfresser #9
Chapter 1: Oh gosh, this is soo cute, because she has such an innocent mind and omg Ilhoon is just too much xD and I would really, reaaaallllly like a sequel x3

and again thank you so much for writing this for me , I really appreciate it <3 I followed you on instagram btw (: