snow // 2jae

we're young (and careless)

a/n: This is late since it's spring but I just couldn't stop myself. So here you go a winter fic in mid-spring.


Jaebum was not a fan of snow. It was cold and wet and cold. He was never one of those kids who would build snowmen or get into snowball fights. He preferred snow from a distance, looking at a white landscape from the castle windows was enough for him.

And yet, he'd never seen anything more beautiful than Youngjae standing in the snow. A classical painter couldn't have asked for a better scene. Youngjae with his cheeks and ears painted soft pink from the cold his nose and mouth hidden behind his black and gold scarf his eyes curved into two perfect crescent moons as he watched the snow falling around him.

Jaebum watched him for a while before finally drawing attention to himself with a slight cough. "Aren't you cold, Youngjae?" He asked as he walked closer.

The smaller boy just shrugged his words too muffled by the thick barrier of his scarf for Jaebum to understand. It still made him smile though, Youngjae was adorable (not that you'd hear the Slytherin admitting that to anyone any time soon). Jaebum reached up and brushed some accumulated snow out of his hair fondly.

He felt his heart squeeze painfully as he looked down at the younger. He was so beautiful and he wasn't even aware of it. It seemed like such a crime. If Jaebum had a little more courage he might've told Youngjae that. But he knew for a fact he wasn't the boy's only admirer.

There was a sweet charm about the younger that effortlessly drew people to him. He was awkward but generally kind-hearted and open-minded. A person like Youngjae should have only the best.

Jaebum knew he was a total mismatch for the Hufflepuff. He was too sarcastic, too hot-headed, too cruel to really deserve Youngjae. He didn't even have a chance compared to the others.

Maybe it was a bit overdramatic of him. But he just couldn't see his feelings for Youngjae ever being reciprocated. It was hopeless for him.

Youngjae looked like he was contemplating something for a moment, then he pulled his scarf away from his mouth and leaned up to kiss Jaebum's cheek. The feeling was gone too quickly and Youngjae had an entirely different kind of blush painting his face now. Jaebum smiled to himself.

Maybe snow wasn't so bad after all.

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WolfGang #1
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from all the cuteness omfg 2jae is life TT TT TT TT brb crying
Chapter 2: u w u
This is too cute, I love it.
Chapter 1: I can't wait for more!!
Chapter 1: orz jackie xD you're so ing adorable and intimately an idiot . update more ! /huggles authornimeu