between caramel pie and stolen kisses

Of Latte Macchiato And Warm Hugs
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“Oh, girls. He’s coming. Be ready!”

Jinri whispered with full of enthusiasm and joy at the girls when a manly figure was making his way to their table. The other girls went to giggle and make a quick check on their appearances with the screens of their phones, except for Soojung who could only roll her pretty eyes of unbelievable.

She continued to stare behind the glass window of the café, admiring the snowy streets and lovely couples walking together under the same umbrella. She slightly sighed, feeling jealous seeing the couples spending their romantic times together in such a beautiful winter.

She wishes that her boyfriend, Jongin can spend just a little time together with her but well, he kept giving the same excuse to her whenever she intend to have a date with him. She’s somehow upset when he thinks that his dance practices are way important than her.

“Welcome to Ice Prince, can I take your orders, girls?”

His soothing voice was enough to melt the girls’ hearts along with his sweet sugared smile. Even though he was just wearing a plain white button up which were not really button up, somehow revealing a slight sight of his collarbones and the black skinny ankle-length pants made his slim long legs look much ier, the girls are beyond crazy to see how handsome scratch that, how drop dead handsome he is.

Well, everyone love going to Ice Prince because of their delicious and mouth-watering pastries such as Italian Pancakes, French Cheese Bread and most of all, their American Caramel Pie. But somehow, most of the girls were coming there just to wash their eyes on the waiters.

Soojung couldn’t doubt about how handsome and cute the waiters. I repeat WAITERS; the café is well-known for its rareness in just having male waiters. So, it’s not strange to see more than a half of the customers are teenage girls. Soojung likes how the café know how to attract customer to gain a better high profit.

And this waiter is a very famous one, Soojung could see how tall and pretty he is with just a neat tousled golden brown hair and a simple black apron wrapped around his waist perfectly. But she said no one can beat my Jonginnie.

The sweet smile still lingered on his thin pinky lips, waiting patiently for the girls to take their orders. Soojung thought how he could manage to work here without getting annoyed for being harassed by the fangirls. Well, yeah, Jinri and Seulgi told her that at least 5 to 10 girls would confess their love for him. Crazy, right?

“I’ll have two slices of caramel pies and hot macchiato. Oh, make the macchiato less sugar, okay? Thank you.”

Soojung decided to order first before her friends could make a move on the guy. The handsome waiter scribbles Soojung’s order on a notepad while he murmured back her orders. Then, she threw back her sight at the street. Her friends were starting to flirt with the waiter and she heard that Wendy was desperately making her order to go out with him.

Oh, poor guy.

She seems to ignore the waiter and her friends when she kept observing everyone on the snowy streets. Her friends seem to ignore her too when they were too busy hitting on the waiter. Soojung somehow feels pity for the waiter because she guesses that he is facing the same every single day of his life working here.

As soon as the guy finished taking their orders, he went away with the same sweet melting smile. The girls squeal of giddiness as they start talking about how cute he was. Jinri was acting a bit crazy when she tried her hard to take a deep breath after fangirling too much.

“Yah, Soojung. Don’t you think that Sehun guy is hot?”

Wendy elbowed her arm which made her fly back to reality and she suddenly retorted her face of surprised at them with a ‘huh?’. The girls laughed to see how Soojung was so engrossed with her ‘street-viewing’. She looked at her friends’ faces of puzzle and confound.

“We were asking you about what do you think about Sehun.”

Soojung scrunched her nose when she heard Wendy’s repeated question at her.

“Sehun? Who’s that guy?”

Her friends laughed even more when they saw her confused cute look when she heard the name.

“The hot waiter, silly! The one that just take our order. The one that Jinri had been crushing like forever, Soojung!”

Seulgi earns a smack on the arm from Jinri when she teases her about her so-called crush. Soojung rolled her eyes again, unwillingly not to answer the dumb question. So, she was dragged in a stupid conversation about the hot waiter.

“Oh, that guy has a name? Hm, Sehun looks fine, I guess.”

She answered nonchalantly while trying to go out of the topic. Her girls could only shake their heads of unbelievable. Wendy seems to be astounded with her useless remarks. She placed both of her own hands at the side of Soojung’s head, making her head forcefully turned at the Sehun guy who was diligently brewing some coffees behind the counter.

“I just don’t get it why you’re not interest with him, at all. Look at him, he’s not just freaking fine. He’s freaking hot, Jung.”

Wendy exclaimed with a serious dead one. Soojung then slapped Wendy’s hands away, hard. Soojung glares at Wendy with a what-are-you-talking-about one. Wendy yelped of pain because the slap was a y one.

“What do you want me to do? I have a freaking boyfriend, Wen! You want me to drool at him like you guys? Hell no, I won’t cheat on Jongin.”

The girls make a ‘blurgh’ face at her. She knew how the girls dislike him so much from the first time they date. They said that they have a bad instinct about Kim Jongin. Soojung knew that he’s a bad boy but then, he’s not that badass. He’s sweet and adorable.

“I just don’t know why you still into with him even though we all clearly see that he refuse to go date with you because he wants to flirt with the girls in his dancing class.”

Soojung wanted to talk back about what Seulgi talk about her beloved boyfriend, but her tongue was like being tied by a devil. Her words were actually real and Soojung couldn’t deny any of it. Her eyes stared on the table with despair.

She knew that Jongin flirts with the pretty girls in his class. She sometimes caught Jongin being lovey dovey with some random girls at the practice room of their campus. It’s like hundreds of times that her friends caught him being ‘just friend’ with some girls.

It was just her who tried her best to deny the dirty truth about her boyfriend. She just still can’t believe that Jongin was cheating behind her back or maybe in front of her. She loves him and maybe Jongin only likes her. She couldn’t really classify her relationship with Jongin as love because their feelings aren’t mutual.

She just wishes that Jongin will change and be serious with her, soon.



Soojung was on her way, walking to see her lovely boyfriend, Jongin at the practice room. Well, she decides to make a surprise for him by coming to the practice room. In her hand, a paper bag full of his favorite healthy snacks. She purposely didn’t want to call him because she knew that he won’t pick up it anyway.

She hummed her favorite song of delight as she paced to his practice room. She glances at her wristwatch, almost nine pm. She knew how Jongin likes to spend most of the nights at the practice room. She just worried that he would over practicing himself and she doesn’t like the sight of sick Jongin.

She loves him even how much that could hurt her. She simply deafens her ears whenever she heard her friends persuading her in breaking up with him. Not even once she thought about leaving him. Although he’s busy with his own, Soojung still being a very loyal girlfriend to him.

For her, he’s too precious for her. Jongin is nice and gentle, where he’ll always take care of her when she’s having a fever and sing her a sweet lullaby before she sleeps across the phone. He never forces her in doing something she doesn’t want something in a ual way.

He seems to understand her well. Still, it breaks her heart to see he smile or laugh whenever he is with another girl. He seems to be enjoying other girls’ presence more than his own girlfriend. However, she can’t simply back off that easily; she needs to be patient with him.

She stopped in front of the practice room. The door was sealed close. She hopes that Jongin will be so pleased with her coming to see him. She somehow misses him dearly. She pushed open the door widely. Abruptly, her heart breaks into trillions of pieces to see the heart-wrenching scene.

Her boyfriend, Kim Jongin is kissing another girl that is clearly not her!

The grip on the paper bag slowly getting loose which made her drop the bag and its content scattered out of it with a loud thud. It made Jongin and the girl surprised and he is even more surprised to see her girlfriend, Soojung standing and staring at him kissing another girl.

They quickly back off from each other as the flabbergasted Jongin pacing towards her and leaving the girl behind. Soojung’s tears were already drenching her cheeks. She placed her hand on , avoiding her from screaming at him. Her knees seem to be too weak to bear the horrible pain.

“Soojung, this is not what you think! Let me explain,”

Soojung hastily takes a few steps back when the flustering Jongin was getting close to her. She rapidly shook her head; try to deny everything that she saw. Her heart was having an ultimate stabbing straight on it. She couldn’t utter any words because it was something much hurt than anything she ever felt before.

Before Jongin could reach to her somehow he was going to embrace her, she take a speed runaway from him. Her legs seem to gain some strength making thousands of steps from him. She doesn’t know why she chose to run away from him.

Maybe, she should stay and hear what he actually tried to explain. No, maybe this is a better way. Jongin seems to let her go like that. It hurts her even worse when Jongin appears to not chasing her back. She lets her legs bring her out of the building.

Her blurry mind controls her broken heart wherever it leads her. Her mind was just too crowded with the sights of the shattering pictures of Jongin kissing another girl. Her tears are endlessly soaking her face and making her eyes hazy to see the actual surrounding.

 She recklessly wipes off the tears from her face but still, it doesn’t help her a bit when tears keep coming out from her eyes. She was just too confused and wounded to think anything. Her legs are still roaming in a lonely and cold night.

She ran her fingers into her hair, pulling them and disrupting them into messy waves. Eyeliners were smeared under her swollen eyes. She was completely lost and stranded alone in a taciturn wander.



“Sehun! Kyungsoo, I’ll go home first, okay! See you tomorrow, kiddos. Goodbye!”

Chanyeol patted Sehun’s shoulder as he walked passes him who was busy mopping the floor of the café. It’s almost the closing hour of Ice Prince Café, but there are still a few customers taking out their orders.

“Okay, hyung! Be careful on your way home, okay! Bye.”

Sehun happily waves a goodbye at his co-worker, Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol let out his wide smile before walking out of the café leaving him and Kyungsoo. He then continues cleaning the stained floor, making it shiny with the soapy mop.

His other co-workery, Kyungsoo was busy cleaning the counter right after he bid a goodbye to a customer. His round eyes roamed around the café and suddenly, they get wider than usual when something caught his eyes. Suddenly, he called Sehun to the counter panicky. Sehun then put aside the mop stick and walked to the counter.

“Ssup, hyung. Why did you call me?”

Sehun asked as he fidgeting his pretty fingers on the marble counter. Kyungsoo leaned on Sehun, somehow wanted to whisper something into his ears.

“Hey, Hun. Did you realize that pretty lady at the corner had been sitting here for almost 2 hours doing nothing but just staring at her drink? She’s giving me goosebumps with her pale skin and long black hair. Look at her, she looks scary like Ju-on.”

Sehun looked at the corner of the café where Kyungsoo pointed out about a pretty customer that freaked him out. It’s true that she doing nothing but just looking at her drink, emotionless. Sehun squint his eyes for a better view and he realized that she’s one of their frequent customers.

He didn’t realize that she came here earlier or maybe that he’s too busy doing his duty washing the dishes and practically, Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were in charge in taking orders today. Somehow, a glimpse of sorrowfulness attached at the end of his heart to see her swollen eyes and visible dried tears on her cheeks.

“Oh, I remember her. Why? Do you want me to tell her that the café is closing or what?”

“No, maybe it’s okay if we let her for a while. Look at her, she looks so sad and distress. I just remember that she came here with fresh tears on the face.”

Sehun nodded at him gradually as a sudden idea popped out from his mind. He whispered something at Kyungsoo and the older boy let out a teasing smile at him. Sehun denied him something and Kyungsoo casually shrugged at his words carelessly as he allowed the boy to use the kitchen for a while.

Sehun went to brew a cup of hot macchiato and Kyungsoo was preparing a slice of caramel pie on a plate and heated them inside the microwave. After that, Sehun’s hands were occupied with a plate of caramel pie and a mug of hot macchiato in each side. He tried to balance his walk and making his way towards the pretty lady at the corner of the café.

“Here, miss.”

His presence was making her a bit startled when his voice suddenly interrupted her gaze on the empty paper cup of macchiato. He gently places the mug and plate on the table. She broke the stare and look at Sehun. He realized how puffy her eyes were, making him feel want to break down.

“I am sorry. I guess that I didn’t order another macchiato or any caramel pie.”

She politely told Sehun with a meek smile. His heart sank to see her painful smile and he desperately wanted to wipe her dried tears with his thumb.

“No, of course. This is a special one for you, for being our loyal and very last customer for today. I hope you’ll enjoy these.”

Sehun proclaimed with a sincere smile plastering on his good-looking face. She seems to be heartened with his words and she tried to reply his smile but something making her smile looks so fragile.

“Oh, really? Why, thank you so much.”

Sehun lets a small bow at her and walks back to his work. Before he could make a step away from her, an unexpected small tug on his shirt making him turned back on his heels.

“Can you please stay here for a while? I need company right now if you’re not busy,”

Sehun’s brow rose of astonished with her odd request.



A faint stillness between them with the sound of Sehun’s fiddling fingers on the table. Sehun agreed without a word as he sat across the table with her. Soojung doesn’t know why she simply request for something odd. It’s been a 40-second of awkward silence between them.

Soojung was quietly chewing her caramel pie as her eyes didn’t move away from the plate while Sehun was uneasily looking around but not her eyes. Sehun didn’t dare to talk first at her, waiting tolerantly for her to say a word at him.

It’s not really awkward when Sehun finds it a bit amusing to have a silent conversation with a beautiful stranger. His eyes peek at the clock, 11.15pm. He knows that it’s late, but he has no class for tomorrow and he decides to let that go. Well, Kyungsoo didn’t really mind him for spending sometimes with a customer. A pretty one too.

“I am sorry for disturbing your time. It just that I badly need someone right now and in some way that I could only find you.”

Her appeasing sweet voice rang inside Sehun’s head like a melodious piano. He could trace some trembling in her voice. It’s like that she was controlling her voice from cracking or even worse, cry. Her eyes still didn’t break away from the stare on the pie.

“It’s okay. I understand that. Sometimes, when we’re alone or sad, we tend to search for someone to be there without any precise reason. I am also like that, miss-“

“Jung Soojung. Just call me Soojung. I believe that you always see my face in this café, Sehun-ssi.”

Sehun pretended to make a shocked face at her. Well, of course, it doesn’t fail to amuse him for her to know his name. He’s aware with his popularity as the best-looking waiter at Ice Prince Café but somehow, he really doesn’t care about all of it.

“Jung Soojung. What a very beautiful name. Of course, I remember seeing you here often. You always came here with your best friends and one of them is Jinri, right? By the way, let’s be comfortable with each other, okay?”

Soojung somehow tries to smile unforceful as long as she’s with him because she’s the one that call him for a little help and maybe a little good time with him will get her better soon. She tried to comforting herself with his presence. She likes the way he’s been kind and supportive to brighten her tense acts.

“Oh, you know her?”

“Of course, she’s one of my favorite fangirls. Well, I know that because she claimed to be the president of my fanclub.”

Soojung let out a gracious laugh to hear how braggy and diva he was when he mentioned about his own fanclub with his girly hand gestures. Sehun wasn’t in his actual self. He doesn’t actually boast or do anything such that. He just purposely acts like a y guy, just to make her cheer a bit.

“You’re so funny, Sehun. I thought you didn’t realize about the whole thing. I guess that you really know about that and just act cool. How sneaky.”

It was Sehun’s turn to chuckle with her hilarious remarks. The bigger part of his heart was glad that she actually smiles and brightens up with his presence. The rest of the part is waiting for her to tell him about the story behind her stained tears so she could mourn and feel much better.

Soojung somehow could forget the heartbreak for a while when she is being comfortable with Sehun. The pain still lingered in her heart, but Sehun’s smile made it less painful than it supposed to be. She sipped her su

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should i make a sequel?


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Tammyy #1
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!
yoonhun07 #2
Chapter 1: So nice!!!!!! Sequel please! This is so sweet and DAEBAK!!!!
yep u should make a squel!! xD
Chapter 1: Drop dead sweeeeeeetttt!! Oh my god
Yesssss sequel please :3
Yeash yeash, make a sequel!!~
zeroknot13 #7
Chapter 1: lisa-ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is so dead sweet~~~
zaaannggg!!!!! thumbs up!!!!!
krystalshipper #8
great job author-nim :D
Chapter 1: kai such a brat :( sehun is just so sweet <3
awhhhh cuteness overload!