Melting the Stone, Repairing the Broken Heart

My Stone-Hearted Husband



"J-j-joesonghamnida" A girl bowed as she uttered sorry's. The people around them stared at her in pity and sent her knowing looks. However, the girl don't understand why they stared at her in pity. It's not like she will die, right?

"What's your name?" The man before her asked, causing her to quickly look up and finally take a look at him. She was amazed at how handsome he is and just stared at him, irritating the said person.

"I will not repeat it again. What's. Your. Name?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I-irene." She stuttered. 

"Are you new here, Ms. Irene?" He asked


"Do you know who I am?" 

Irene shook her head. She only started working here a week ago and she did not have a lot of friends, well maybe a few like Seulgi, Wendy and Joy but those three are sending her nervous glances too. She really didn't understand why the people here are acting as if they saw the grim reaper.

"Well then, hello to you, Ms. Irene. My name is Oh Sehun and I am the CEO of this company, the Oh Enterprises." The man said emotionlessly. Irene stared at him with wide eyes and cursed herself for being so stupid and spilling coffee on his coat.

"I-i... uhh.. j-joesonghamnida seonsaengnim!" Irene bowed repeatedly hoping to have him brush off her mistake. But Sehun had other plans.

"Pack your things. You're fired." Sehun said, face devoid of any emotion. Irene's eyes widened again and she tried to say something but Sehun passed by her wordlessly, with 2 bodyguards and a secretary following him in his office.

Irene dropped on the floor, eyes full of tears. She heard how heartless Oh Sehun is but she can't believe he's that heartless. Wendy, Joy and Seulgi helped her get up and walked her to her cubicle. They helped her pack her things while Irene weeped over the fact that she's fired from her job that she badly needs.

She glared at the office door as she thanked her three friends and bid them goodbye. She glanced back at the office door with a dangerous glint on her eyes.


Luhan sighed as he clicked the remote, flipping through channels until he stopped at a certain channel where they were talking about the youngest and most successful CEO in Seoul. 

"Remember, you only have 1 month."

Luhan suddenly pulled his phone out and searched all about the youngest and most successful CEO. "Oh Sehun, hmm." He dressed up as quickly and prettily handsomely as he can and he went in search of the house of this Oh Sehun.

When Luhan got there, he gaped at how big Sehun's house - no it was a mansion! - is. Just then, a car pulled up and the gates automatically opened and Luhan once again was amazed at Sehun's mansion. 

When the car got inside and the gates closed, that's when Luhan snapped out of his own world and remembered why he went here. He rang the doorbell and waited as a maid approached him and asked him what he needed.

"I need to talk to Oh Sehun-ssi." Luhan said as he smiled charmingly at her. The maid blushed and immediately opened the gates and ushered him in. She then directed him to Sehun's room and told him to just knock. Luhan gave her another smile and she blushed again before excusing herself.

'Tsk, that was too easy. She's such a babo, letting me enter this mansion without thoughroughly inspecting me. Whatever, at least I got in without any problems." Luhan thought as he stared at the double doors of Sehun's room. He knocked without a second thought and when he heard a soft 'Come in!' he entered the room like it was his.

Sehun looked up from the book he's reading and furrowed his brows as an unknown person entered the room. He don't remember hiring someone like him, he's too pretty. He raised a brow at him which gained him the same gesture from the boy. He's definitely not one of his workers if he can act like that in front of Sehun.

"Who are you and what do you need?" Sehun asked, standing up from his bed and walking towards the person. 

"I'm Luhan and I'm your fianceé." The boy said and Sehun's eyes widened, contrary to his usual emotionless and blank face.

"What?!" He shouted at Luhan while staring at him, confused. "Are you one of those people that my mother sent so I can settle down? How much did she pay you? I can pay you triple of what she paid you if you'll leave."

Luhan rolled his eyes. He may need money but he also needed something else. "I can't and even if I can, I won't. And no, she's not the one who sent me. I don't even know her." He stated as he sat on Sehun's bed like he owned it.

"Get off of my bed." Sehun growled, glaring at him but he ignored his statement and even had the audacity to lie down.

"So how about we talk about our wedding? Will it be held in the church or not? Will it be open to anyone or just us? What about our honeymoon? Will we stay here or travel to other countries? If we'd travel, I prefer China. After all, it is my home country." Luhan said

Sehun glared at him. This boy was really shameless. And how old is he? Sehun bets he's around 17-18 years old, way too younger than him.

"No. No marriage is gonna happen. And you're like, what 17, 18 years old? You're just a kid so stop messing around. How did you even get in my house?!" 

"Hey! I'm already 25 years old you brat! I'm older than you, you're what, 21?" Luhan said glaring at him. 

Sehun masked his surprise under a blank stare. He was 25? Are we talking about the same Luhan here?

"Just stop this! What the are you thinking?!" Sehun yelled. He used too much emotions in one day just because of this unexpected boy.

"Why don't you just accept this? I mean, I'd do you a favor. You said your mother kept on arranging marriage meetings right? So if she found out that you're married, she'll stop." Luhan said

Sehun thought about it for a moment. Luhan had a point there but still, he wasn't sure what Luhan's intentions are. He narrowed his eyes, scrutininzing Luhan as he looked him up and down. Luhan isn't bad, in fact he's tall and pretty. 

"What are your real intentions?" Sehun asked, straight-forwardly. He dosen't like beating around the bush.

"To be married and to gain money. You know what, how about we make a deal? Let's get married for 3 months and then after that you can give me 100,000 KRW for helping you and I'll stay out of your life forever." Luhan said. 

But why would Luhan want to be married? He can give him 100,000 KRW or even double the money for him to get out of Sehun's life but why does he keep on insisting that he wants to be married to Sehun? 

"Sehun? Sehun!" Luhan waved a hand in front of Sehun's face, breaking his train of thoughts.

"Go home. We'll talk about this tomorrow." He stated as he shoved Luhan out of the room and locked the door.



"We'll be married for three months. I will pay you 100,000 KRW after this just act as if you ran away. I will send you the annulment papers so give me the address of your house in wherever you wanna run away before you leave. You can do whatever you want here, you don't even have to work, just don't run away with the money. I will deposit 33,333.33 KRW in your bank account every month. You will also have your own room, however, it will be like a secret room inside my room. It's currently in renovation. I want it like that so if my parents suddenly decide to barge in, you can just go in my room. Are you alright with everything?" Sehun asked as he gave the contract to Luhan after he signed it.

Luhan nodded and signed the contract before giving it back to Sehun. "Uhm, Sehun, can you schedule our wedding 2 weeks from now?"

Sehun furrowed his brows, "Wedding preparations take almost a month or two. Why are you rushing anyways?" 


"Whatever." Sehun said as he stood up and motioned for Luhan to follow him. He told Luhan that they were going to meet with their wedding planner. They boarded Sehun's luxurious Cadillac.

"By the way, you'll be in charge of everything. The food, the recception, the church, everything. You'll also be the one to decide whether it would be a small or big event. I don't care if you chose it to be a big event, it wouldn't create any issue. Also, don't worry, I will pay." Sehun said as he drove out of his mansion's garage.

Luhan nodded at this. "Sehunnie, can I invite my friends?"

"Don't call me that. My name's Sehun not Sehunnie."

"Hmpp, you're so cranky."

Sehun rolled his eyes as he swiveled the steering wheel to turn into a corner. "Yes, you can invite your friends. As I said, you'll be in charge."

Luhan was about to say something but they stopped in front of a shop. They got out and walked towards the shop where a girl quickly bowed in greeting to them.

"Annyeonghasaeyo! Im Yoona imnida! Are you perhaps, Oh Sehun and Lu Han-ssi?" She asked

The boys nodded. Yoona lead them to the corner of the shop where a table and four seats were. Sehun sat beside Luhan while Yoona sat in front of them.

"Ah I see. I will be your wedding planner for your wedding. So, when do you want your wedding to be held?" Yoona asked as she took out a notebook and pen.

"Uhm, we want it to be two weeks from now." Luhan answered

Yoona raised a brow but nevertheless scribbled on her notebook. "You seem rushed. But it is possible, if everything you need is ready and available by that time."

The two boys didn't respond and instead answered every question Yoona asked.

"So, you want a small wedding only. Only 13 guests and you want it to be held at the small church near OS Apartments. You want your reception to be in D.O Restaurant. Other necessities like the ring will be discussed this coming days. Is that everything, sir?" Yoona recited

"Neh. Kamsahamnida!" Luhan bowed, pulling an unwilling Sehun with him before exiting the shop.



Luhan was anxiously pacing back and forth in the room, biting his nails and looking at the mirror every minute.

"Luhan, will you calm the down?!" 

Luhan glared at the person sitting on the bed. "If you were on my shoes I bet you would be like me too, Kyungsoo!"

"Well then, I'm glad I'm not in your shoes. Seriously, if it was me getting married I would just sit and try to calm myself unlike you who's jittery." Kyungsoo said as he fixed Luhan's hair.


Luhan picked Kyungsoo as the one who would accompany him as he walked down the aisle while Kyungsoo's boyfriend, Jongin, was Sehun's best man. Luhan knew that the petite male would be able to calm him down and take his mind off the wedding and it seems like he picked the right person.

"Hey. You ready?" Yoona peeked in the room and effectively stopped the two bickering males. Luhan suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach as he wordlessly nodded.

Yoona became Luhan's girl bestfriend when they started planning out the wedding. They found out that they have many similarities and if Luhan wasn't gay and wasn't marrying Sehun, he would seriously go for Yoona.

"Somebody's nervous." Kyungsoo teased and Luhan kicked him recieving an 'ouch!' in response.

"Don't worry. Sehun's nervous too, so you better go down there and meet your prince before he thinks that you ran away." Yoona winked as she and Kyungsoo practically dragged a nervous Luhan to the church.

They stopped in front of the closed church doors and Yoona went inside to tell them to open the church doors, leaving Kyungsoo and Luhan alone.

"Kyungsoo, what if he backed out?" Luhan asked as he clutched onto Kyungsoo's arm.

"Luhan, he wouldn't. Don't be nervous 'kay? If you seriously trip down the aisle, I would laugh at you forever for it." Kyungsoo smirked as he patted his friend's hand.

"Wow, Kyungsoo. With what you said, I can't seem to find out the difference between an encouragement and taunting." Luhan rolled his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Their little banter was interrupted when the church doors opened and Luhan saw his soon-to-be husband. He was in awe as he took in Sehun's appearance. He looks like an angel to Luhan. If Kyungsoo hadn't discreetly nudged him, he would have stayed there for hours just looking at Sehun.

He wished he was gettiing married for real and not just because of a contract but Luhan knew it would be impossible. It was just an unreachable dream.

They walked down the aisle and finally, they were at the altar. Kyungsoo gave Luhan's hand to Sehun with a soft warning, "Take care of him please."

They faced the priest and started listening to his preaching, not noticing that their hands are still tightly clasped together.

"I now pronounce you, man and husband." The priest says and Sehun leaned over and kissed Luhan's cheek. Luhan's friends cheered and they recieved teasing whistles from them.

"Son!" They turned around and found Sehun's parents. Luhan bowed in greeting to which Sehun's parents smiled at. They apologized and said they couldn't stay for the reception for they need to leave for Canada right after the wedding for a business trip. The newly wed waved it off and thanked them for attending.

They drove to the restaurant which Sehun found out was Kyungsoo's family's restaurant and that he didn't have to pay full for the sevices because Kyungsoo's parents treat Luhan as their son.

As they were eating, the Baekyeol couple, or what Luhan and his friends liked to call Baekhyun and Chanyeol, stood up with their glasses and lightly hit it with their spoon. Everyone looked curiously at the couple, even Sehun. 

"Now, now, look here. We want some action from the newly wed. We want them to kiss, right?" Baekhyun loudly said. A series of "yeah!" rang out through the empty restaurant.

Luhan's eyes widened. "W-we kissed when we were in the church! That's enough r-right?" 

"Hyung, it's not! He kissed your cheeks, it's supposed to be your lips!" Chanyeol answered this time.

"Why do we nee--" Luhan was stopped when he felt soft lips on his. It stayed like that for 5 seconds before Sehun pulled away, leaving Luhan breathless and in a daze.

The restaurant is in chaos as some were cheering while some are telling them to get a room and save it later for their honeymoon. However, all noises are blocked by Luhan's ear as he touched his lips, unable to believe that Sehun did kiss him.

Sehun looked at the blushing Luhan and smiled widely for the first time in years, his eyes turning into little crescents.



"Welcome to Beijing, China!"

Luhan and Sehun nodded at the stewardess who welcomed them right after they went out of the plane. They went directly to a man that holds a banner that says, "Oh Sehun and Oh Luhan" and boarded the van that Sehun rented for the whole week of their stay here in China.

Luhan insisted that they spend their honeymoon here in China for unknown reasons. Sehun complied and gave the wellness of the company to the VP of Oh Enterprises and his wife, Kang Gary and Kang Jihyo.

They arrived at the hotel they would be staying at and Luhan gaped at the whole room. The bed was covered in petals forming a heart and the words, "Congratulations!" and "Have a happy marriage!". The whole room was covered in hearts, petals and other things that Luhan felt happy seeing.

On the other hand, Sehun couldn't understand the words as it was written in mandarin. "Luhan do you understand those?" He asked as he pointed at the words on the bed.

Luhan nodded, "It says 'Congratulations!' and 'Have a happy marriage!'."

"You know Mandarin?"

To say Luhan was shocked is an understatement. Hadn't he mentioned his nationality to Sehun before? "Sehun.... I'm Chinese. China is my home country and Mandarin is my mother tongue."

Sehun blinked. "What?"

"I said I'm Chinese." 

"But your eyes are big."

"Wow, Sehun. You're such a discriminator. Not all Chinese people have small eyes!" Luhan rolled his eyes, plopping down on the bed.

"Whatever. Let's just unpack." Sehun said as he dragged Luhan to their luggage. Luhan whined cutely but complied with Sehun.

After an hour of unpacking, Sehun put his last set of clothes on the closet and turned around only to find Luhan slumped on the bed, fast asleep. Sehun chuckled while walking towards the sleeping male. He took off the boy's shoes and coat with much difficulty before covering him with the blanket.

He took off his shoes and coat himself and lied down beside Luhan. He brushed the fringe out of Luhan's eyes and put his hands around his waist. Luhan's head was on his chest while he rested his head on top of Luhan. 

"What are you doing to me, Luhan?" He whispered before succumbing into the darkness.



"Come on Sehunnie! It's our last day here, let's get the best of it!" Luhan enthusiastically told Sehun as he tugged the younger to a park.

Sehun sighed and just went along with him. He stopped trying to tell Luhan to stop calling him Sehunnie the second day they were here. Luhan wouldn't listen to him after all, so why bother?

It wasn't a park like Sehun thought. It was a cemetery and it confused Sehun why Luhan would bring him to a place like this.

"Luhan?" Sehun lightly tapped Luhan's arm after noticing that the bubbly boy was extremely quiet. Luhan looked up at him and smiled although his smile ahd a hint of sadness in it.

It wasn't like a cemetery at all. He expected it to be eerily quiet and mysterious like in those horror movies but it was just like a park, except it had tombs in it. Children were running around everywhere and the atmoshpere was very lively.

"This is one of the liveliest cemeteries here in China. You see, we don't let it affect us if someone important passed away. We would act normal here because even though we're not with them physically, we know they're with us in our hearts." Luhan explained, as though he read Sehun's mind.

They stopped in front of two tombs and Sehun looked at it before glancing back at Luhan worriedly. 


Lu Jin

A loving husband and father.


Lu Mei

A beautiful wife and caring mother


"They died when I was 12 years old. I was a mere child and I didn't know anything about working. My mother's sister took me in until I was 18 years old but after I turned 18, she threw me out saying that I was just someone who would weight her down. I looked for a work and I found one but I... I worked as a e." Luhan bit back a sob as Sehun pulled him into his chest and rubbing soothing circles on the crying boy's back.

"Luhan, you don't need to continue." Sehun said as he could see how this was hurting Luhan.

Luhan shook his head and continued. "When they deemed me the most beautiful one in the club I was working on, they decided to ship me to South Korea. But I didn't know your language, your culture, your beliefs or anything. I spent two years there trying to learn everything about South Korea."

Luhan calmed down a bit and asked Sehun to sit down on the grass with him in front of Luhan's parents' tomb. It was a bit weird for Sehun because it felt like Luhan was introducing him to his parents.

"When I was 22, I found out that the cause of my parents' death was not an accident. I always thought it was a normal car accident but then I found out that it was intentional. My father had a debt of 500,000 CNY and he didn't pay it in time. They planned to kill just him but unluckily when they did, my mother was with him. She was caught in the accident too and they were both announced dead on arrival when they got in the hospital."

They were both silent for a moment before Luhan stood up and told him that they couldn't spend all day here and they have to go to other places.

Luhan brought him to an orphanage and Sehun once again wondered why Luhan would bring him to a place like this. Luhan really was and will always be a puzzle to Sehun but for once in his life, he wanted to solve the puzzle happily and enthusiastically.

"Luhan gege!" A boy around 5 years old came running towards Luhan when they entered the orphanage. Sehun saw Luhan smile gently before engulfing the boy into a hug.

"Hey, Lei. How are you?" Luhan asked, standing up while carrying the young boy. Sehun stood beside him and the boy, who Luhan called as Lei, looked at him curiously.

"I'm fine gege! Why didn't you visit me here anymore? Gege, who is he?" Lei pointed at an unsuspecting Sehun who was confused. Luhan remembered Sehun didn't know mandarin.

"He's Sehun gege. But he dosen't understand our language because he's Korean. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you anymore, you know I'm working in some place faraway right?" He answered the boy who nodded.

"Sehun gege!" Lei called out and although Sehun dosen't understand much, he knew that the boy was calling him so he went closer to the two boys.

Luhan whispered something to Lei before the boy turned to him, "A-annyeonghasaeeyoo, Lei i-imnida" He stuttered as he tried speaking in Korean. His words coming out with an accent.

Sehun smiled at Lei before responding to him, "Nî hâo. Wô de míngzi shì Sehun." Luhan stifled his laugh at the cute way Sehun tried to speak in Mandarin and Sehun glared at him.

Lei beamed and he stretched out his arms for Sehun to take him. Sehun carried him while Luhan pouted while muttering something about being abandoned.

They spent the whole day in the orphanage and Sehun saw how Luhan's eyes sparkled every time he was around the kids. He felt something stir inside of him. Unfortunately, it was time to say goodbye to the kids and Lei cried, clutching into Luhan's and Sehun's legs begging them not to leave him.

They crouched down so they can be eye level with the kid. "We'll visit you again, hmm? Before you know it, we'll be here again." Luhan Lei's cheeks, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Lei lunged into Luhan's arms, hugging him tightly. Sehun decided to join the hug and he tightened his arms around the two boys. After a while, he let go of them and Sehun bid goodbye to Lei and promised him that they will visit him as soon as they can.

"Y-yaksuk?" Lei asked him while holding out his pinky finger.

Sehun smiled at him and ruffled his hair before tying his pinky finger with the boy's little one. "Yaksuk."



"Joohyun, please tell Ms. Sunkyu to bring the files here." Sehun ordered his secretary who nodded before exiting the room.

Sunkyu, also known as Sunny, entered the room and placed the folders she was holding on the desk. "Here are the files you asked for, sajangnim."

"Thank you, Ms Sunkyu. You can go now but please call in Ms. Seulgi." Sehun emotionlessly said while examining the files that Sunny brought.

He heard the door open and close and heard a timid voice greet him. "Y-you called for me, sajangnim?"

Sehun sighed and put down the files he was holding before facing the girl. "Please take a seat, Ms. Seulgi."

Seulgi obeyed his order and sat down, nervously playing with her fingers. "So... I heard you've been in contact with Ms. Wendy and Ms. Joy from the accounting department. You're from the promotion department so why would you contact them every minute?" Sehun said as he analyzed every move the girl tried to make.

"Uhm, we.... the three of us uh, we're childhood friends! Yeah and w-were planning on m-making a reunion with o-our other f-friends. Yeah, haha." Seulgi squirmed under the intese stare her boss was giving her and she let out an awkward laugh.

"I see. Well then, please be professional. You are in your workplace and you have to do your job not pester each other every minute possible. You can plan your reunion after work hours but please prioritize your work especially if you're here. I will let this slip but if I hear that you're not going to do your work properly then, you know what'll happen to the three of you. We don't want that to happen, hmm?" Sehun said as he leaned on the table to let the employee know that he was dead serious.


"Good. You may go now, Ms. Seulgi. Have a good day!" He smirked as the said girl bowed nervously at him and almost ran out the door.

"Well, aren't you a little kind today?" He looked up to see Joohyun looking at him. 

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brows, trying to comprehend what his secretary meant.

"I mean, look at that girl. If it were any other day, she would have been fired already along with her two companions but you decided to give her another chance. So, spill."

Sehun thought about it and found out that his secretary was right but he didn't let it show. "Whatever Joohyun. Get back to work, will you?" His voice held irritation but his secretary just gave him a playful look.

"Stop calling me Joohyun! I told you to call me Seohyun, seiously!" Seohyun said, playfully glaring at him.

Sehun shook his head in amusement before muttering, "If you weren't my childhood friend, I would have fired you a long time ago."

"I heard that! If you fired me, no one would have lasted as your secretary you workaholic bastard."

Sehun stared in shock as he heard his friend cuss. He swore Seohyun was the most innocent person he ever knew and hearing her cuss just sounded plain weird to him.

"What? People change and grow up, Sehun." Seohyun raised a brow before actually going back to her work.

Sehun looked at her in amusement before getting back to his work. After a long, stressful day, with Seohyun constantly bugging him he finally arrived at his house.

"Good evening, young master Sehun." The maids bowed after they took off Sehun's coat and shoes. Sehun nodded in greeting and asked, "Where's Luhan?"

"Young master Luhan is at the garden. He insisted on taking care of the flowers because he said he felt bored inside the house."

"I see." Sehun started walking towards the back door which leads to the garden and there he saw a dirty and muddy Luhan. Said boy looked up at him and waved a hand before turning his attention back to the flower he was watering.

"Luhan... we have gardeners for a reason."

"I was bored! Plus, I like taking care of the plants and flowers here. You have a big garden, Sehunnie!" Luhan was still full of energy after the hard work of taking care of the neglected garden of the mansion. "Besides, I can see that the garden is totally neglected! Have you seen it before this? It's just plain ... horryifying."

Sehun frowned. He admits he dosen't go to the garden but he didn't thought it wasn't taken care of properly. "I should fire those gardeners, then. Tsk." He mumbled

"Sehunnie! That's bad! Those people have families they needed to feed too and if you fire them so suddenly, it'll be hard for them to look for a job, nowadays." Luhan slightly scolded him making Sehun roll his eyes. 

"Fine I won't. Come back in and clean yourself, you stink." 

Luhan let out a gasp as he stared at Sehun with fire in his eyes. "You didn't just say that!"

"Oops." Sehun mumbled before running inside the house with an angry Luhan chasing behind him, screaming death threaths.






Luhan jolted awake in his bed after he heard that agonizing scream. He heard it again and he quickly ran to the door separating his and Sehun's bedroom and hastily pushed it open. He was met with a sweaty Sehun as he writhed in bed, grabbing the bedsheets hard.

"Sehun! Sehun, wake up! Sehun!" Luhan continued on shaking Sehun to wake him up from a nightmare.

Sehun quickly sat up in bed and wildly looked around. His eyes found Luhan's and he immediately lunged into the boy's arms, tears uncontrollably running down his face.

Luhan rubbed his back and tried to calm the poor boy down. "Sehunnie? Calm down. Shh, it's gonna be fine. Trust me, okay? Everything's gonna be alright, yeobo." The nickname for his husband slipped out of his mouth accidentally but he was relieved when the younger didn't take notice of it.

The sobs came to a halt and when Luhan lifted Sehun's head a little, he chuckled when he saw that the latter was fast asleep. He laid him down on the bed and kissed his forehead before turning to walk back to his bedroom but a hand stopped him from doing so.

"Don't go." It was so faint and Luhan barely heard it but Sehun's grip on him got tighter. Luhan decided that Sehun wouldn't let him go any sooner so he climbed up the bed and lied down beside Sehun. Sehun pulled his waist a little closer, resulting in him being trapped inside Sehun's arms.

He looked up at Sehun's peaceful face before deciding this was more comfortable than sleeping alone in his own bed. He reached out a hand to sroke Sehun's cheeks before whispering, "I think I love you."  

He drifted off to sleep thinking of how Sehun was slowly becoming more of a human being than a robot. He smiled fondly at the thought and succumbed into the darkness.

As soon as Luhan's eyes closed, Sehun's eyes fluttered opened and he stared at the figure next to him. His gaze softened and his heart felt warm when the boy decided to stay with him. After everything, the boy stayed with him unlike people who tried to shut him out.


"Appa! Umma! Kajimaa!" 

"I'm sorry, boy."



"But who is he?! How can you do this to me?"

"Didn't you know? I was only toying with you."


His body trembled as he remembered bits of his past. He dosen't know why he suddenly dreamt of that incident again but he hopes it's not a sign that something bad will happen.

A warm hand covered his trembling hand and he looked down to see an asleep Luhan with his hand unconsciously on Sehun's hand. Sehun immediately felt better just by the touch of the older boy. He felt safe, and protected.

Luhan awoke to the sound of water running. He groggily rubbed his eyes as he looked up at the bathroom door, momentarily forgetting where he was.

The sound stopped and Sehun walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Luhan felt his face flush before looking away, not wanting to look at Sehun's attractive and y body.

"I-i'll just go to my r-room!" Luhan stuttered out before rushing towards his room, missing the confused look Sehun gave him.

He slammed the door and locked it before leaning on it. He slapped himself twice mumbling, "Get ahold of yourself, Luhan!"

He showered quickly and went to the dining room only to find Sehun seated there and eating breakfast. "Oh, let's eat." The younger invited. Luhan sat down in front of him and silently ate his breakfast. They were silent for a moment before Sehun broke the ice.

"I was 18 years old when I experienced my first love." Sehun started and hearing this, Luhan can't help the pang in his chest when Sehun mentioned his his first love. Luhan waved it off and decided to listen to Sehun's story. "She was my first in everything. First love, first girlfriend, first kiss, first hands to hold, first date, first make out, and the list goes on."

Luhan looks away. It hurts him to know this. He knew he wasn't Sehun's firsts but even though, the green monster in him is starting to make his heart more painful by the passing seconds.

"When I was 19, my parents died when they went to a cruise ship. I remember telling them not to go until the very last second but they just waved at me happily." Sehun's voice began to falter as he relieved the memories in his head.



"Appa! Umma! Kajimaa!" A 19 year old Sehun shouted as the ship was preparing to sail. They untied the chains and many people waved goodbye to the people aboard the ship.

He is an only child, hence he was very close to his parents. He is a kid that was always spoiled showered with love and he loves his parents to the moon and back. He dosen't want them to be away for a month and leave him alone with his other relatives.

Sehun shouted at his parents who were standing in the deck of the ship, waving happily at him. Sehun didn't care about the strange looks he got from everyone but he cried in a very unmanly way as he begged his parents not to join the cruise.. But he couldn't do anything in the end as the chains were untied and the ship slowly sailed to the north, leaving everyone in the port.

He remembered dejectedly leaving and running to his girlfriend's arms. She told him not to worry beccause they would be back a month later. Not even 2 days later though, he recieved news that the ship sank and very few survived. He ran to the port where they would bring in the survivors and the found bodies.

"Excuse me! " He shoved people aside trying to see all the survivors. Sadly, he couldn't find his parents among them but that didn't stop him from searching for them. He couldn't and didn't wanna lose hope.

"I-i that a-all of them?" He asked shakily at the rescuers. The rescuer nodded and asked him who he was looking for. "O-oh Sunghun and Oh S-seeun." The rescuer looked through a list for a moment before shaking his head and pointing to the dead bodies. 

"They're somewhere there. Please just look for them. They didn't make it. I'm sorry, boy." The rescuer patted his shoulder while giving him a pitiful look before walking away.

"T-theyre d-dead." He whispered brokenly

Sehun slowly and carefully searched for his parents in the sea of dead bodies. When he finally found them, he dropped on his knees while the tears slowly fell."U-umma. A-appa." He sobbed while looking at the couple that was lying in front of him, hand clasps in a tight manner.

After crying and mourning for his parents' loss, he called his grandmother to tell her that he found their bodies and they should claim them soon. After telling the authorities that he would claim the bodies tomorrow, Sehun left the port and went directly into his girlfriend's house.

He knocked but no one answered. "Namjoo?" He called out but stillonly silence answered him so Sehun twisted the door knob and opened the door to the house.

He went upstairs and he heard horrifying noises. "Joo-yah?"

He opened the door to see his girlfriend making out with someone. He banged the door making the couple look up from their previous activity. Namjoo's eyes widened and she pushed the guy off of her. "S-sehun!"

Sehun glared at the guy and emotionlessly said, "Get out." The man ran out of the house in high speed, afraid that Sehun will do something unlikeable to him.

"I-it's not what y-you think, Sehun!" Namjoo stuttered, extremely scared of him right now.

"Then what is!?" Sehun yelled, slamming his hand on the door.

Namjoo flinched but unexpectedly, she smirks. "You know what? I don't have any time for you. You already scared off my playmate. I can't keep this game any longer after a year." 

"W-what?" He asked, surprised.

"Psh. Leave." Namjoo didn't even glanced at him. She kept on focusing her attention to her nails.

"But who is he?! How can you do this to me?

"Didn't you know? I was only toying with you." She smirked once again before slamming the door on his face.

Shortly after that day, he strived hard to be a very successful bussinessman. He's gonna prove Namjoo that she made a mistake of playing with him. He's gonna prove himself to his parents that he can finally grow up to be a mature boy and not a spoiled brat.

He was also very thankful for the Kim family who adopted him and treated him as if he's their very own child. They funded his business until it grew into a very successful and famous one. Now, he was paying back his foster parents the love and care they gave him.

It was hard at first, no one wanted to trust him for he's very new to the industry but Sehun continued to prove himself to everyone. In just a year, Sehun was known to be be the youngest and most successful CEO. He was very good at dealing with people and advertising his products to everybody. 

However, he wasn't known just for that. Oh Sehun? He's known as the cold and tryant boss to his employees. He had to hire a secretary every week for he either fired them or they resigned because they couldn't handle working with such a cruel boss. That is until he re-acquainted with Seo Joohyun, or known as Seohyun, who is his childhood friend. She was the only one who lasted with him and his snarky personality and replies.

/End of Flashback/


"That was the day I swore to myself I'll never feel anything again." Sehun mumbled. He can't believe he just narrated his whole story to someone he's known for what? A month? Not even Seohyun knows why he's turn out to be the one he is now.

Pain makes a person change. And trust Sehun, it isn't for the better. 

Luhan said nothing and just hugged him, trying to calm him down. Sehun's body was shaking from sobbing and crying too hard. He felt thankful that Sehun wanted and trusted him to know his story. The story why he became a stone-hearted CEO of Oh Enterprises. However, there's a tinge of guilt that he's feeling right now. Sure, he told Sehun his past but he wasn't exactly truthful. He didn't lie, he just didn't tell the whole story to the young CEO.

They were interrupted when the doorbell rang and shortly after, a maid came running to them. "Y-young master Sehun. S-someone's outside and he's equipped with a gun. He demands for young master Luhan to go with him or he'll call backup." She panted.

Luhan's and Sehun's eyes widened. "Close all the windows and doors. Call the police and tell security to secure every passageways to get into the house." Sehun ordered before standing up and making phone calls.

The maid nodded and Luhan called out to her, "T-thank you Yuri." Yuri only smiled encouragingly at him before rushing out of the room. Luhan looked at Sehun who was furiously barking out orders to the other line of the phone.

"Yeah. I want them here now, Seohyun." Sehun said as he hung up. He then took the confused boy beside him upstairs so they could be more safe. He closed all the windows of his bedroom and proceeded to do the same to Luhan's room before going back to his room. "Luhan, do you know these people?" He asked as he crouched down so he can be eye-level with Luhan who was sitting on his bed.

The two of them peeked out the window before closing it again. Sehun noticed that Luhan seem to shake when he saw the people surrounding Sehun's mansion. Sehun took ahold of Luhan's shoulders to try to calm him down before repeating the question, "Luhan, do you know these people?" His voice held more authority as he demanded answers from the shaking boy. Luhan looked up at him before nodding scaredly.

Sehun cocked his head to the side, silently questioning him who they were. "I-i told you t-that the cause of my p-parents death was i-intentional right? T-they were the reason for my parent's d-death. The c-caused the car crash." Luhan's eyes were blurred with tears as Sehun gently wiped them away.

"What?! Why?"

"T-those people are loan sharks. My father loaned 200,000 CNY from them to pay for my tuition fees. They demanded to be paid 500,000 CNY in the next two years and even though my father thought it is very high, he agreed because he wanted me to go to school so much. My father tried hard to save 500,000 in just two years but it wasn't enough. He only saved 450,000 from working in multiple part-time jobs. On the day they died, my father was supposed to be going to their 'office' to beg for another year to make up for the 50,000 CNY and give them the money he earned and saved. He's actually supposed to drop my mother off to the grocery before going to their office but the leader of these loan sharks found out that my father did not save up to 500,000 CNY in two years so he sent people to kill them. It just so happened that before my parents got into the grocery parking lot, t-they.... they got c-caught in the car c-crash." Luhan said, breaking down.

It was quite absurd in Luhan's opinion. Earlier, Sehun was the one breaking down but now he's the one telling his past to Sehun. This day is full of flashbacks and retelling of painful stories they do not have the courage to share to others.

These people are also the reaon why he needed the money from Sehun. He also married Sehun because he hoped that if he gets married and lived in another house, they wouldn't find him until they got tired of searching for him and then he can finally run away.

"It's fine, ok? Everything's gonna be fine and I want you to trust me. Do you trust me Luhan?" Sehun asked, cupping Luhan's face to make him look directly into the CEO's eyes. 

Luhan nodded and tried to calm himself down. Sehun's with him and he knows that Sehun's gonna do everything to keep the both of them safe.



"Hello?" Luhan picked up his phone when it rang, ruining the moment between Sehun and him. Sehun told him to put it into speaker mode if ever it's the police, so Luhan complied.

{L-luhan g-gege} A trembling voice greeted him

Luhan's eyes widened when he recognized the voice. "L-lei?"

{Luhan gege, h-help me} 

"W-where are you Lei? What happened?"

When he recieved an answer from the other line though, he shivered. It wasn't Lei's sweet voice anymore, it was a scary and raspy voice. {Luhan. Sweet, sweet Luhan. How are you, you ?}

"H-himchan... L-let go of Lei!"

{Now why would I? I wanna spend some more time with....... your son}

"S-son?" Luhan's eyes drifted off to Sehun and met the younger's confused gaze. He nervously looked away.

{Tsk, tsk. You know it's not good to deny your own child. You're such a bad father, Luhan.}

"W-what do you w-want?!" 

{I want you to come here with the 50,000 CNY your father lack today at 7:00 PM. I will text you the adress. Be sure to come without cops, Luhan or you'll know what happens to your son.}

Luhan couldn't utter a reply when Himchan hung up on him. He shakily put the phone down. He was panicking, how could he get 50,000 CNY within 7:00 PM today? How?!

"Lu, look at me. I'll give you your 50,000 CNY okay? Now, calm down and let me call the authority to warn them. Have you got the text message about the whereabouts of Lei and his kidnappers?" Sehun put a hand on Luhan's shoulder making the older relieved that he didn't ask any questions regarding the conversation of Luhan and Himchan

He looked at his phone for any messages and nodded when he saw it. "They're at ... the border of Seoul and Incheon" 

Sehun nodded and called the police to let them know about Lei's whereabouts. Luhan couldn't help but shed a few tears as he saw how dedicated Luhan is in saving his son. He felt really thankful he met Sehun.

"Come on. Let's go fetch Lei." Sehun held Luhan's hand and said it like they're just fetching Lei from the kindergarten. They boarded Sehun's car and drove to the place where Himchan texted him.

They went inside the abandoned warehouse and called out, "Lei! Lei where are you?!"

They heard someone chuckle and they turned around to find Himchan holding Lei at gunpoint. " have come."

"You bastard! Let go of my son!" Luhan almost ran to where Himchan and Lei were if not for Sehun. 

"Follow my orders or you're son's going to be dead." He said and Luhan and Sehun nodded reluctantly. A few men suddenly came out of nowhere and took ahold of their hands. At first, they struggled but after hearing Lei cry out, they gave up and led the men bind their arms and mouth.

"Take the kid." Himchan shoved Lei to the men. "Noo! Gegee!" Lei struggled and squirmed under the hands of the man but they simply put on a cloth on Lei mouth and drag him to a room.

"Leshidjksdh!" Luhan tried to call out but because of his mouth gag, he couldn't be heard by the kid.

Himchan went closer to the tied couple and took ahold of his face. "My lovely Luhan, did you brought the money?" Luhan nodded and gestured to the money beside Sehun. Himchan smirked before standing up and walking away.

No sooner than that, 4 girls appeared and walked into the room. Sehun furrowed his brows. "They look familiar." He thought.

"Hello Mr. CEO" The girl in the middle said, her tone mocking. Sehun remembered one of them, Ms. Sunji from the promotion department whom he threathened to fire from her job. The other two seems familiar and since they're with Sunji, he figured out that this must be Wendell and Joey. The one who spoke though, he really can't remember her.

They instructed one of the men to untie Sehun's gag. "Ms. Sunji, I assume this is Ms. Wendell and Ms. Joey from the accounting department. And, is that the friend you were telling me about the reunion thing? And wait, why are you here? How are you related to these thugs?" 

Luhan wanted to facepalm at Sehun's stupidity. Sure, he was the most brilliant and smartest entrepreneur out there but he sure is the stupidest person when it comes to unfavorable situations. These girls are somehow related to Himchan, and anything or anyone related to Himchan brings trouble.

The three girls Sehun mentioned nervously looks at the girl in the middle, it was obvious to Luhan that this girl is their leader. The leader seemed pissed off that Sehun knows the other three but not her, and Luhan briefly wonders how Sehun is related to the leader.

"You really don't know me?" The leader asked Sehun, her anger and hatred towards the CEO rising fast.

Sehun shook his head and tried to remember. It's not his fault he didn't remember the faces and names of people he deemed was irrelevant and unimportant to him.

"I'm Irene, you dumb . You fired me almost a month ago." She said angrily before adding, "Her name is Seulgi not Sunji. Hers is Wendy not Wendell. While this girl's name is Joy not Joey. You can't even remember our names right, ."' 

Sehun shrugged, still not able to understand why they're here. "So?"

Luhan really wanted to strangle Sehun if not for their tied arms. If this Irene girl was fired from her job by Sehun, it obviously meant that she's come back for revenge. He nudged Sehun's arm and glared at him, hoping he would understand the message but he didn't.

"I would like to tell you a story." Irene said as they pulled out 4 chairs from the side and sat down on it in front of them.

"I don't want to he--" Sehun was about to retort but Luhan nudged his arm a little too hard for his comfort, cutting his sentence off.

"There was a girl who lives with her grandmother. Her parents died when she was in Grade 4 so she had to live with her grandmother until she graduated college. When she graduated, her grandmother fell ill so she had to find a job quickly so she can pay for her grandmother's visits to the hospital. She was so happy when she got accepted to the largest and most successful company in the country. After one week of working in the company, she still didn't see the face of the company's CEO so when she went out of the cafeteria and accidentally spilled coffee on a stranger's suit, she thought it was nothing." She paused when she saw some kind of recognition on the CEO's face. "She was so shocked to find out that the handsome man in front of her was the CEO and she cursed herself for being so stupid and spilling some coffee on the man's suit. She apologized a lot of times but her efforts went down the drain when she heard two words that made her life change for the worst, "You're fired.". She tried finding other jobs but after they found out that she's been fired from the most successful company, they didn't want to take her in. They believed that the best workers are from that company and if she's been fired from there,  it must mean that she's a bad worker. In the end, she could not find a job in the right time and her grandmother died, leaving the girl alone if not for her three friends."

"Then, she heard that the CEO married. Driven by raged and bitterness, she researched everything about the CEO's wife and found out that he was being chased by loan sharks. She also found out that his wife had a child that he's hiding from his husband. Poor husband, didn't know that his wife had a child to someone else before him. So this girl got in contact with the loan sharks and told them about her plan. To kidnap the child to lure in the CEO and his wife. There, the loan sharks would get the remaining money the CEO's wife owes them and the girl could get her revenge on the heartless CEO."

Luhan shivered when he heard the story. The girl that Irene was telling in her story was her. It was Irene's story and she was very scared for the girl had a look of hunger in her eyes. Hunger to kill.

"So... I'm guessing you aren't dumb enough to know who I'm talking about, right?" Irene asked, earning scared looks from the two boys on the floor.

Wendy and Joy stood up and yanked Luhan from sitting on the floor. Then Seulgi got a seat and made Luhan sit down on it. 

"Do you know the saying an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?" Irene smirked. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life."

Sehun's eyes widened when Irene pulled out a gun and pointed it at Luhan's temples. They didn't even realize when Joy came into the room with Himchan carrying Lei. They put down Lei beside Luhan at a chair and that's when Sehun noticed he was held at gunpoint too. 

"Hmm, how about two lives? Yeah, that would suffice for the death of my grandmother." Irene chuckled darkly.

She loaded the gun and pulled the trigger without a second thought. 


The sound echoed in the empty warehouse before Lei cried out, "Luhan gegeee!"

It sounds cliché but that's when the cops arrived.



"He did not!" Baekhyun gasped, slamming his hands on the table. 

"Baek, shut up. I wanna hear the rest of the story!" Zitao shushed him earning a pout from Baekhyun.

"Okay. So as I said, after a year of working as a courtesan in a club in China, they transferred me here in Korea after having many demands from Korean men. What I didn't know though, I impregnated a girl back there in China. I only knew it when I opened the door to my apartment and there was a baby there with a note that said, 'It's yours. Don't doubt it.' and somehow, when I looked at him, I knew that he's mine." Luhan finished, feeding Lei with Kyungsoo's delicious kimchi spaghetti.

"I can see that. He has your eyes." Yixing said, staring intently at Lei.

"I can't believe you hid this from us for a long time Luhan." Kyungsoo clicked his tongue, disappointed that they had to force Luhan to tell them his past.

"I'm sure he meant well, Kyungie." Minseok rubbed Kyungsoo's back in an attempt to comfort him and at the same time calm him down.

"Yeah, why did you hide this from us?" Zitao asked the older

"I was afraid you'd judge me for being a young parent." Luhan answered softly

"Baba, can I go to appa?" Lei asked cutely making the older guys coo at him. Lei had been learning Korean and he's very great at learning it.

"Sure baobei. But what if you don't understand them or you can't say what you want because you don't know how to?" Luhan asked worriedly

"Shuu Shuu Yifan is there. I know appa will get him to translate if I don't know." Lei insisted making Luhan nod. Lei beamed and kissed Luhan's cheeks before running to the other side of the restaurant where the 'dominant' males are discussing something.

Luhan pouted, "I think he likes Sehun more than me."

Kyungsoo shrugged, "Well, Sehun spoils him more than you." 

On the other side, Lei tugged on Sehun's pants making the older look at him. "What is it, aegi?" Sehun asked as he brought Lei on his lap.

"Nothing. I was just bored with baba's conversation there with my other samchons." Lei said as he played with Sehun's fingers. "Appa, what are you talking about?"

"I was talking about how Lei and I saved Baba from the bad guys. Would you like to continue?" Sehun smiled, making the others gape at him.

"Who are you and what have you done to Oh Sehun?!" Jongin asked earning a jab in the ribs from Sehun. Lei ignored the two adults and enthusiastically nodded before clearing his throat. It didn't escape the others' eyes when Yifan's usual face softened and Chanyeol and Jongdae snickered.



The sound echoed in the empty warehouse before Lei cried out, "Luhan gegeeee!"

The cops entered as they saw the happenings inside the warehouse. Lei was there, crying as he held onto Luhan. The elder was staring at Sehun with a look of fear.

"S-sehunnie." He croaked out as he hastily tried to stop the blood flowing from Sehun's chest.

The cops took ahold of the four girls along with Himchan and the other loan sharks. Irene was confusedly staring at the three boys on the floor. She knew it was Luhan whom she pointed the gun to but how come it was Sehun who was hurt?

What they didn't know is, when they were talking, Sehun was trying to undo the rope that was fastened unto him. When Irene pushed the gun at Luhan's forehead, he had already removed the ropes and when she loaded the gun, Sehun immediately bolted from his seat and pushed Luhan out of the way.

Unfortunately, the bullet hit him in his chest and he slumped to the floor just as the police arrived.

An ambulance arrived and they let Luhan and Lei accompany Sehun inside the ambulance. When they arrived at the hospital, they immediately pulled him into the ER and Lei and Luhan had to wait outside the Emergency Room for 6 hours before a doctor came out.

"Doc, how is my husband?" Luhan frantically asked as he held a sleeping Lei on his arms.

"You are Mr. Oh? I see. Your husband is fine. He just needs to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks so we can check him further. Fortunately, the bullet missed his heart by a little but we still needed to check if some veins are fine and functioning well."

Luhan thanked the doctor who bowed and excused himself before sighing in relief. His Sehunnie is fine. Moments later, he was in the room with Sehun on the hospital bed. He couldn't help but cry as he saw a lot of tubes attached to Sehun's body. He's got no one to blame but himself and he feared the moment that Sehun might hate him. That Sehun might throw him out of his life.

Luhan was snapped out of his reverie when a hand clasped onto his own hand. He traced the owner of the hand and found Sehun giving him a warm smile. He didn't care if he looked ugly while crying, he just cried shamelessly as he held Sehun's body close to his. Lei was forgotten as he continued on sleeping beside Sehun.

"I love you." Sehun whispered. Luhan smiled through his tears and replied, "I love you too." before smashing his lips on Sehun's warm ones.

/End of Flashback/

"Then, Baba told me that I was his son and we are now going to live with appa!" Lei finished cutely, melting the hearts of the adults present around the table.

After Sehun was discharged from the hospital, they made sure that the contract was already void. But no one needed to know that. Not their friends, not Sehun's parents, and definitely not Lei.

"Kyungsoo, let's make babies!" Jongin blurted out loud causing everyone in the restaurant to turn their heads at Jongin and Kyungsoo who was now blushing furiously. The blushing male stood up and walked over to his boyfriend before smacking his head.

Luhan and the others walked over to Sehun's table before laughing at the bickering couple. Chanyeol and Jongdae were laughing their asses off while Junmyeon and Yifan were shaking their head and mumbling something along the lines of "Keep your ertedness to yourself."

The six 'submissive' males went to their own husbands' side but Luhan noticed Baekhyun sitting on a chair next to Chanyeol instead of sitting on his lap like usual. The chair Baekhyun's also sittting at has an approximately 5 cm distance from Chanyeol's chair.

He furrowed his bows at that. The Baekyeol couple is the couple who would choose to be lovey dovey in front of everybody without a care in the world so why are they acting like this now?

Luhan was pulled out of his trance when his son asked him a question.

"Baba, how do you make babies?" Lei asked, gaining more laughters around the table. Luhan spluttered as he tried to explain to Lei how he was still so young to think about it.

"Lei, making babies is not a simple procedure. You'd need a lot of effort and ... love?" Junmyeon said, unsure of what to tell the young boy.

"Like a cake?" 

"Err.. yes, like a cake" Yifan answered.

"Appa, can I make babies?" 

The reaction of the 12 adults were quite funny. Half of them choked on their drinks while the others gaped at the young innocent kid. 

Sehun glared at his so-called best fiend for trying to taint his son's innocence. Luhan just told Lei that they can talk about making babies when Lei was older.

"Of course you can, Lei. You can make babies when you're older" Chanyeol answered instead.

"CHANYEOL!" The whole group yelled at the poor giant. 



"Come on, Sehun. Lei's asleep."

Luhan latched himself onto Sehun, wrapping his legs around the younger's waist. They went to their bedroom and locked the door. They don't want another incident where they're in the middle of something and Lei suddenly walks into the room wailing that his appa was hurting his baba.

They kissed passionately while trying to get rid of the others' clothing. They stumbled backwards until they tripped on the bed, Luhan on top of Sehun.

Sehun rolled them over so he was on top and began kissing Luhan's neck. He bit and and kissed it until there were purple marks all over Luhan's neck.

He went back to Luhan's lips and he Luhan's bottom lip, asking for entrance. When Luhan opened his mouth, he darted his tongue inside, their tongues fighting for dominance. Eventually, Sehun won and he explored Luhan's wet cavern.

They were about to remove their boxers when a cry interrupted them. "Appa! Baba!"

They both scrambled to get into their clothes and Luhan rushed out of the room to see what Lei needs. Sehun plopped on top of the bed and hid his face on a pillow. He groaned when he felt his manhood standing straight and tall. 

Well, he guessed their alone time would have to wait then.





Hi~ Finally finished My Stone-Hearted Husband! Hoped I lived up to your expectations.

I was a bit reluctant to write the end part because I have no experience and no, I am not doing that again. Ever.



[150412 UPDATE] Thank you @ramadhan for pointing out a mistake I made. At the start, Sehun was complaining about how his mother were arranging marriage meetings for him and at Hunhan's wedding, they were also there. Then, on the angsty part (Could you even call it angsty omg), I mentioned there that Sehun's parents died on a shipwreck. I was so stupid because I forgot to put there that what I meant by Sehun's parents is his foster parents that's with him in the wedding and it was Sehun's foster mother who kept on forcing Sehun to attend marriage interviews. Sorry for not clearing it up! :c I already edited some of the parts there. Aaaaaand, Happy Birthdaay Sehuuun! I love you baby! Thank you for the blessed instagram update where you put out Suho's shirtless photo on your own birthdaay. We're the one supposed to gift you something but you gifted us instead. As a Suho-biased I'm gonna have to excuse myself to go and scream at Suho's perfection.

(Oh and EXO Next Door is amazing. I love Chanyeol's personality there and that Baekhun scene xD)

#HappySehunDay #ThankYouSehunnieForRevealingSuhosPerfection

P.S: Who wants an angsty Baekyeol spinoff?























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Chapter 1: Wait, isn't that at beginning there is sehun's parents then why suddenly at the middle of story they died when sehun 19 yrs old?
Chapter 1: it's cute like really cute
but i wished it was in chapters and maybe a bit longer
bbh-yoneLay #3
Chapter 1: Poor Sehunnie. Thank you for not making a sad ending.
Chapter 1: Hahahha poor sehun..
Congrat authornim!!^~<
GIRLbeto #5
Chapter 1: I love it sooo much ^^
xyxy60 #6
Chapter 1: haha i wonder how luhan got lei
faithlu #7
Chapter 1: This waa great!!!:-)
Chapter 1: This is like wow! Really daebak!! HunHan forever!
How does it say Jongin when it's Hunhan ? Is there KaiLu?