He must be a Fallen Angel


Erica is a very shy, danish girl, who has desided to go to high school in Korea for a year. She can't really speak korean and is surrounded by a culture that is very diffrent from her own countrys. So why did she go to Korea? It's a question she won't answer.

All the familymembers of her hostfamily, the Noe family, is open and nice towards her, ecept the nerdy and odd son, who just seem to ignore her. But Micha, the daughter of the family, and Erica soon finds out that they both share a love for SHINee, and emidiatly becomes friends. Micha has won 2 tickest to go see a photo shoot with SHINee, and invites Erica with her.

At the photo shoot an unexpectedaccident happens, and a courageous act from Erica's side changes her life forever,

as she meets a fallen angel.


I rolled the carwindow down, as we drove through the streets Seoul. The weather was nice, and the fresh, slightly warm wind my face, and caressed my my long, red hair. I took a deep breath, and filled my lungs with the fresh air. It tasted diffrent, the air, but it was refreshing, and left me with a feeling of hope to start anew.

"Erica," Mrs. Noe turned around from the front seat, placed next to Mr. Noe who was driving. I turned my head away from the window, and looked at Mrs. Noe. " we need to buy some groceries for tonights dinner. Is it okay with you, if we stop by a grocerystore before we drive home?" she asked me in english, but with a thick korean accent. "No, i'ts fine," I tried to say as sweet as possible. Honestly, I was not in the mood for shopping groceries right now, but I really did'nt have a choice, since I've just met Mr. and Mrs Noe, and I really don't want to leave a bad first empression.

Mr. Noe parked the car, and we all three went into a grocerystore. As soon as we entered, I felt all my energi disapear. Mrs. Noe seemed to notice. "There is a park on the other side of the street. It is a very nice park, and a lot of people spend time there, reading and relaxing. If you want to, you can take a walk over there, while we shop groceries."

I quickly said yes to her offer. "I just need your cellphone number, so I can send you a text when we're done shopping."

When that was done, I walked out out of the store, and just before the doors to the shop closed, I hear Mrs. Noe say :" Be careful when you cross the road sweetheart."

While I walked across the road, I smiled by Mrs. Noe's nice words, and felt a warm feeling weakly growing inside. I walked into the park, and let out a gasp. It was unbelievably beautiful. The sun was high up in the sky, shining down on the trees and flowers in the park, giving them energi to keep their fresh colors and grow strong for the upcoming winter. I took in a deep breath again, closed my eyes, and pretended to be a flower, that absorbed the energi from the sun, so I could grow strong and beautiful.

I wonder how my life is gonna be now. How will this year turn out to be? Will I meet people? Get friends? I wonder.......

As I stood there in the park, wondering about the up-coming year, while waiting for mr. and mrs. Noe to finish their grocery shopping, I had no idea, that I was only a few meters away from the person, who would become the most important person in my life. And that this person was a fallen angel.


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this kinda reminds me of city hunter, when the guy and girl meet infront of a fountain XD<br />