I'll See You Again



Kyuhyun walks into his and Sungmin’s shared room and found the latter folding a familiar camouflage suit in his hands while staring blankly in space with a big bag to match the uniform. He was surprise by the view and immediately took it from the smaller man, throwing it somewhere at the corner of their shared room and pulls Sungmin by the wrist.
“Hyung…” His voice, shaking and terrified by what he saw the latter was doing earlier.
“Kyu… Don‘t.” Sungmin said in an almost whispering tone.
“No, Sungmin.” He holds Sungmin’s wrist tighter and pulls him into a tight and warm hug,
“Kyu, Can you hold me for the last time before you…” Sungmin slowly looks up into the taller man’s face and stares into Kyuhyun’s dark orbs with a pleading and worried look.
“Sungmin, I’m afraid that I’ll forget how your warmth feels like during those two years of us being away from each other.” He said to him, his voice shaking as tears form in his eyes.
“Don’t say that Kyu. I’m already missing you.” The smaller male’s tears finally fall.
“Baby, don’t cry, I’m missing  you too, I’ll miss you so much.” Kyu said in an attempt to comfort Sungmin, but he quivers under the smaller man’s arms instead.
They both pulled away from each other and looked into each others eyes, slowly soaking in every detail of each others face.
Sungmin’s tears starts falling again, while Kyu looks into his lovers face, still memorizing each line, each curves, each and every detail of Sungmin’s face. 
“Hyung, Just a little bit more.” The younger male whispered.
After what seemed to be like forever, Kyu then cups Sungmin’s face with his left hand and thumbs the tears away from the shorter males face with his right.
He lets go of Sungmin and turns his back at him, leaving the shorter male still standing in oblivion.
Kyuhyun picks the clothes that he threw earlier and stuffed them inside the bag, picked them altogether and stood in front of Sungmin once again.
“It’s time.” He whispered, loud enough for the both of them to hear.
“I know.” Sungmin said, but his eyes told him more. Everything was visible, the pain, the hurt, the longing, everything.
 Sungmin took the bag from Kyuhyun’s hand and shoulders it on him.
“Hyung…” Kyuhyun’s voice echoed in their small room.
Sungmin holds Kyuhyun close, pulls him into his arm and kiss his lips tenderly, as if it was the last. “I love you, and I’ll always will, if this would be the last time I’ll ever hold you, I’m glad I’ve told you how I feel, I love you.” He whispers into Kyu’s ears and walked out the door.
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BABYgiraffe #1
Pg thirteen lol.
pandawriter #2
nice fic!
aww so sad...huhu