Chapter 2


On that day,the sky was cloudy.




Kyu was standing up in front of his tomb.


He had been gazing it for long.


Did he really live as a human?

That boy with chocolate curly hair & almond eyes smiling with rosy lips in the picture burried inside the Tomb.

"Cho Kyuhyun

From 1988 Feb 3 to 2007 Dec 25 "


That  boy lying peacefully under that tomb… 

Was it he?

What kind of life did he possesse?

What kind of person was he?

Why did he die?


He never had a memory about it nor interest in it before.

He couldn't remember even his family members like Hae.


Cuz he's been absorbed into something wondeful called 'Love'

It was so amazing…amazing enough to make him forget his past, present & future…

Although he didn't remember things well…all he could say was that he didn't have any enjoyable memory while he was alive.

Happiness was something he knew only afterhe met Siwon.


Now…he was going to be punished by this useless love…

He's going to disappear soon.


He sat down slowly in front of the tomb…curled up himself…

Tears burst out…running heavily over his pale red cheeks.…as he thought about his life.

He was died at his young age.

No memory about his human life…

He found out his first & last love only after his death.

But he couldn't speak him…couldn't even touch…

He couldn't either show his existence…

And now.He's going to disappear forever from the side of his love…


Why life is too cruel for him ??

"Dear god~ Do u hear me? I'm really afraid now.I'm all alone.I don't know what to do. Why r u so cruel to me?"



He cried out loud…until his heart burst out…until the earth shaked up…until the god heard…

He could feel his body trumbled violently due to saddness.

Between the tears, Siwin's wedding image began to appear in his eyes…

By this time in the ballroom, Siwon would be hanging with his beloved groom Jessica…swearing in front of the god that they would love & live together until the world ended.

Then they would wear the rings to each other.

They would kiss in front of the audience…


Stop!!!Please stop!!! I can't feel it anymore.Just let me die again instead!!!! 

He noded his head.…wishing these thoughts were driven away from his thought.

It hurts to think. It really hurts.

Kyu bit his lips tightly.It was a happy ending if one of them was happy.

And of course…that should be Siwon.

"I miss you, Wonnie…"

He mumbled quietly…

Tears went down even more seriously.

"I'm afraid Wonnie.I don't know where they would take me. I'm so lonely. It's so dark & cold without u.Please don't leave me…"


He's been too tired… he didn't want to cry anymore.…His heart was already torn out into pieces.

But he couldn't stop these crazy tears.

He knew he couldn't get Swion back no matter he beg.He couldn't see again no matter he cried.

He couldn't stop the wedding no mattter he tried.

Then why he still demanding him?

So silly Cho Kyuhyun.Why do u still want that guy?? No, U don't have to want him.You're going to forget him anyway.He's going to have a happy life.The groom isn't you. Just congratulate them.


Once, Hae told him that "If u really love someone, you should let him go.If he loves him back, he will come back to u."

No!!Hae. I don't want to let him go.But I can't own him either.What should I do?? 



He wised he would be taken to the hell just now.

Cuz the hell might be a lot more happier than this current life.……



All he could do now was just to wait for the time he would disappear.


"My immature first love ended up like this. You have to be happy as much as my tears."




He didn't know how long he was crying like this.

Until he heard some footsteps coming towards him.


He just slowly looked up his head.…rubbing his full & swelling eyes due to the long cry.




Was he dreaming??


Was it…

Was it really… ???




"U made me really disappointed!!"

Choi Siwon shouted with anger.

Kyu was sitting in front of him…

"Choi Siwon-shi~ Please stop your arrogant behaviour now.U look so disgusting.…"

He bluntly replied with ironic tone.

"Are u making me believe that? We living together..But u're thinking of going away from me as soon as U're gratuated.Then U'll get married with the girl, right?"



Siwon said…trying hardly not to cry.

"Then, are u imagining I would get marry to u? Come on!!Stop day dreaming!! we r both men.How could we get married, huh?Besides, I have no more love for u.I already found someone special for my life.Let me say sorry becuz it's not YOU…Choi Siwon"


Kyu saw tears rosen up into Siwon's eyes.

Siwon was still lost of the words.

He just wearily looked back Kyu.

Those unbelievable eyes with saddness.


Kyu moved his eyes onto the floor as he couldn't face Siwon directly.

He knew he was also going to cry if he kept on looking Siwon's face.


Cho Kyuhyun u're acting well. Just endure more. Don't cry!


Drive that man away from your pathetic life…let him live happily by himself.

Don't drag him into the troublesome life of you.

He's too good for u.You aren't deserved for him.


"What's the reason of being like this,Kyu? Tell me. I can't believe u've changed so much.I know u love me.But why?"


Siwon couldn't continue his his speech.

He's drawn into anger, disappointment & most over saddness.

Kyu walked towards him…looked up him bluntly…

"Ok!U say we're lovers! Then, how many dates do u spend for me? Have u ever remember our anniversary? How about my birthday? Do u call me once daily like the other couples do? Do u eat dinner with me? Do u ever say "I love u" or kiss before u go to work?"

"Kyu-ah, I have said that it's becuz I was so busy. I've been trying to live together with u soon.I would like to fullfill what u want in futurer.Why r u blaming such small matter??" 


"So let's break up! It's the way to solve it. U thought it was small matter.Yup! right. They're no longer important. Cuz I found someone more important.To love with all my life."


You r lier Cho Kyuhyun!


No! I must do this.


Siwon! I'm sorry but…It can't be helped.…


"I think we need time to think about it~"

Siwon just stood up from the table &walked out.

Kyu's tears fell down as if they got permission from their owner.

Kyu took out his phone…looked at the SMS message that Siwon's mother sent him 2days ago.

>>Hello ! 

I'm Siwon's Mom.

I heard my son is in love with u.I heard he's also supporting finance for your study.

We don't want our son loving a man… especially like u.What can we expect from u for the future of our son?Nothing, right? 

Here! I'm not saying about money but…u know our family is well-known in Korea.We can't let somebody without good family background. So plz watch out your condition that is so much lower than us.Know yourself & get away from my son…

If u can't, we'll have nothing to do but to stop him from being our son! Choose one! Will u get out alone or let Siwon into your messy life? <<


I'm sorry Hyung! Don't forgive me…

Hate me througjout your life & live happily without me.…

It's a happy ending if one of us is happy……



Siwon still standing outside the coffee-shop when Kyu came out of the shop.

He was waiting to cross the road.…


Ohh No!! What the hell Siwon's doing??

Kyu's eyes got widened! He almost shouted!!

 Siwon suddenly crossed the road while the light turned red!…


There! A car was coming towards him with high speed!


Hyung!! No please!! Don't do that!!



Kyu's heart started to beat so fast.It was like going to vomit out of his stomach………

His eyes got blurred ! His brain stopped working suddenly…


His body was unconsciously moving towards Siwon.

All he could see was nothing but Siwon!


"BUMMMMM!!!!! "


All he knew was that his body being threw up into the sky…



After a loud noise, the car suddenly stopped. 

All people on the road could see a person was flew upwards & threw onto the ground with high velocity after being hit by the car.






Siwon could feel someone was suddey pushing him away onto the road side.


Then he heard the loud noise.…saw a body tainted with bright red


blood all over it, lying over the road.…


It wasn't moving at all.



Siwon forced to stand up…walking dizzily towards it.


He saw the familiar chocolate brown curly hairs…


The milky white skin…now staimed with all blood.…





He whispered…hoping he would be wrong…



He approached slowly…


Kyu was lying immobile…his puppy eyes still closed.…



Siwon's was speechless.



God!! It was Kyu who pushed him.…


He picked up his lover quickly…holding him inside his arms…



striking his pale cheeks gently…trying to make him conscious.…



""No No!! U must be joking right? WhyWhy?? Why it's u? "


Siwon shouted loud…hugging Kyu's bloody body… tightly in his chest…



He was wrong…He should believed that Kyu's still loving him…



Kyu's eyes slowly open… his face became paler & paler due to blood loss…



His rosy lips opened slowly to say something… but he didn't have enough strength to speak…



Tears rolling down from his wearily puppy eyes…




All of his body was hurt… but seeing Wonnie's crying face made him hurt most…



I'm afraid hyung…Now I have to leave u…I can feel my soul starting to leave my body very slowly……I can't breathe well too…




Are u crying? I can't see u or hear u clearly…




My eyes…they get so heavy… My heart starting to beat slowly…




Believe that…it will beat only for u…until the last minute…


Don't cry… If one of us is happy…then it'd be a happy ending…right?"



Kyu's teary eyes started to close… his pale lips just opened still…




 breathing became shallow & shallow ……


Siwon knew… he cried out for someone to help them.


But suddenly, he felt Kyu …flabby

within his arms…




Goodbye…Siwon hyung…I will always love u…












"Now can u recall your memory?" 


Angel Teuk, with mischievous smile, asked Kyu , who still sitting near his tomb.



Kyu nodded his head…smiling brightly back to Teuk…




Now!! His puzzle was solved out.



It was becuz of Siwon…


While Kyu was sitting & sobbing lonely near his tomb…



Siwon came there.…



Today was the Christmas day…


So it meane that,



It was the 10th anniversary that Kyu had left him alone…






From that time Kyu had passed away…he couldn't forget him even a day…living guilty along his life…


He wasn't happy at all.


Today was his wedding day… 


He believed Jessica would cure him from his wound.



But …




Today he founf out that tthe answer was 'NO'


Since that morning before wedding, he felt something bad & sad the whole time…



The wedding just reminded him his chocolate brown hair, almond eyes.…pouting rosy lips lover…


He dreamt of Kyu last night…crying beside him…



And he felt something strange… magnetizing him from far…


He suddenly missed Kyu a lot.



So he decided to see him before the wedding…






"Why u're late to let me remember my past life??"



Kyu asked Angel Teuk, pouing with unsatisfaction.



"We didn't do anything~~ Might be becuz your inner mind doesn't want to remember it.~Or may u're lower IQ than other ghosts~~ Who knows~~ ^^ "




"Yah!! Why am I stupid?I'm smarter compared to u^^"


"This spoiled kid! Who do u think u r? Angels r higher than u!!. Don't insult me.I'm coming here to take u to heaven.If u're rude, I won't take u!!"





Kyu laughed out loud watching Teuki's funny face.



"C-Can I-I bring him near me?"


Kyu afraidly asked him lookin with his innocent puppy eyes…




Teukie blinked one of his eyes…smiling him back.



"Depending on that person…"



"The heaven said if u stopped loving a human…they would re-consider about taking u to them…"


"So! if he was no longer a human, I would be no more guilty for loving him…right? Like Hae & Hyuk??"


Kyu anxiouly asked…his eyes got brighter with happiness…



"Well…Sort of… ^^ "


Angel Teuk replied with smile…






Then…both shifted their looks to Siwon…


who was still standing in front of Kyu's tomb like a statue…gazing it.







How many X'mas I've passed without u? 



I tried to live without u…tried really hard…



But u know? It's so difficult…



I guess I can't live without u…


Remember this…


You r my first & last love…




Are u listening to me?


Are u looking at me from somewhere? 



If so, u'd know how much I miss u…


It's like a part of me dying…





let me follow u…


I'd be a lot more happier than now.





Merry Christmas…





TV report


>>Last night on Christmas eve, a person committed suicide by jumping into Han River…


He was a 30 years old man. According to the report, yesterday was his wedding day & he ran out of his wedding… After being lost for 5 hours , he was found dead in the river… 


He left all his possession & his family said he had been suffering from psychiatric problem like depression for 10 years<<







"Pabo!! I knew u 've been around me for ten years…I can't see u but I can definitely feel u… "



"Jinja!! I thought u didn't know my existence…"



"U r such a kid.U also thought I hated u becuz of your words ten years ago, right?"



"U didn't??"


Kyu looked at Siwon blinking his sparkled eyes with curiosity…


"I know u'r acting…I saw Mom's message the day before…"


Siwon replied laughing out loud how much his lover was innocent…


"Arrr…U knew it… I thought I acted well.…huuuuuu… Choi Siwon!Why r so smart?? ~~ I really envy u"


Kyu said pouting his rosy lips…


"Becuz I'm Choi Siwon…hahaha…And u're just an innocent pure white kid~~ " 


Siwon embraced his cute lover inside his arms.


"I love u…Kyu"


Kyu kissed Wonnie's forehead back.



"I love u…too…"






A/N Kyaaaa!!! I have written my love story finally…I don't have a heartnroken experience actually ~kkk… Merry Christmas ^^ "





















































































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