Ms. Bestfriend Forever


A/N: Enjoy.


“Jane! Wake up! You’re going to be late for school!”

I pulled off my blanket as soon as I heard my mom yelling at me from the backyard and aside from that my alarm clock starts to ring. She never fails to amuse me with her timing when waking me up. My alarm clock and her yell are always in sync.

Before she can go to my room and wake me up again by her yelling, I stand up at get ready for school even though I’m so sleepy. I did my projects and assignments last night, you know, cramming.

I’m a crammer and I want to change that.


After 45 minutes of fixing myself  and getting ready, I headed downstairs to eat my breakfast only to find out that my best friend Luhan is there and he’s eating his kimchi pancake with milk deliciously that my mother prepared for our breakfast. Even though he is so rich and he has a delicious food to eat in his home, he always chose to eat breakfast with us because he said that he didn’t like the food on their house.

I was like, hello?! If I were him, I think my baby fats will be an adult fats if I were to live in their house.

I seated on the chair next to him which on his left side to eat breakfast also.

“Good Morning Je-in!” Luhan greeted me while he was eating his toasted bread with jam.

“I told you not to speak when your mouth is full” I said to him.

He just pouted while eating and that makes him cute.

What did I just  say?

No, erase that!

“Good morning baby Jane! I thought I need to splash a bucket of water on you for you to wake up” mom said as soon as she sits on the chair with her newspaper.


She called me baby in front of this boy. For sure, he will tease me again while walking to school.

I pouted and start to speak “Mom, I’m not a baby anymore and besides, I’m sick of always changing my bed sheet because it’s always wet”

I pity our maids who are always changing my bed sheets.

She smiled while reading “then be good and wake up when your alarm clock rings”

I ate my bacon and say “I’m trying to wake up early mom but I’m working on it”

Luhan looked at me “Did you do the project that needed to be passed today last night?”

“Really Luhan?”  my mom asked.

I looked at him and have my eyes widened. He knows that my mom don’t like a crammer and she knew that I did that project earlier not last night!

I kicked his right foot and he looked at me. I think he knows what I’m talking about so he just laughed and he answere “Haha I was teasing her Mrs. Kim, you know that she’s so hot headed and that’s kinda cute” and then he grabbed my neck and jokingly killing me.


Psh, he really wants me to get in trouble.

My mom fixed her glasses and smiled while she’s reading. “Make sure you’re following the rules baby Jane, you know the consequences”

“Yeah, I know.” My allowance will be cut for a whole year.

When my mom cuts my allowance, it’s not a month or weeks. She will cut my allowance for a whole year for me to give me a lesson. I have experienced that and it was so hard. Luhan was there and he has a good heart to treat me lunch at school and I need to get a part time job because even though I’m like this, I’m getting embarrassed because he was always treating me.

Where did I work?

The restaurant owned by Luhan, I don’t want to work on our hotel. I don’t want to get train by the staffs of my mom, maybe when I’m ready to be trained by them. I’ll go to the hotel to work there.

“Ahm, Luhan do you have a soccer game this weekend?” my mom asked Luhan.

“None. Mrs. Kim”

My mom smiled and looked at me. Okay? What’s with that smile?

“Mrs. Kim, I’m getting scared with your smile” Luhan said while looking at my mom.

My mom smile widen. “Can you accompany Jane to her date?”

“What?!” Luhan and me blurted out.

“Why?” and she looked to the both of us confused.

Luhan seated properly in the chair. “I’m sorry Mrs. Kim, I yelled but a date?”

My mom nodded, “I want baby Jane to date the son of my business partner. I’m not rooting for an arranged marriage, I just want her to have a boyfriend, I’m worried that she might not get married when she turn into the right age”


“Mom, I’m  just 18 years old, not 30”

“Yeah, I know and until now you’re not telling me about your crushes, you always tell me about the guns that you saw in the movie that you have watched. I’m just worried that you might be a lesbian”


Me? A lesbian?

I awkwardly laugh on what she has said. “Mom, I’m not ready yet on what you call dates. I’m not sure if he is a good person, he might be pretending to be kind”

Luhan was not saying anything and he was thinking something. Is he not going to help me?

“That’s why you’re going with Luhan, chaperon baby”

I looked at Luhan when he was about to speak. He also looked at me and say “Well, I have also thought of that Je-in, I think you’re a lesbian sometimes”


“Ouch! Mrs. Kim, your daughter hit me!” Luhan said while holding his head.

I hit him when he said that things to me. He called me lesbian? Okay, I know I’m not into girly stuffs but I’m not a lesbian! Sometime I want to wear a dress but not always! SOMETIMES I’m a girl also.

I really love jeans over skirts.

What is wrong about that?

Is it normal for an 18 year old lady like me?

“Shut up” I said to him  then I turned to my mom “Mom, I’m not going to that date, studies is my priority”

Mom smiled “I know, I was just testing you and I’m curious on your reaction about this besides it’s just a date. You’re not going to be his girlfriend”


“So you have plans on making him my boyfriend?” I asked.

Luhan continued eating until he chokes that’s why me and my mom looked at him. What happened to him?

“Mrs. Choi, water please!” mom yelled

I tapped his back who was coughing because he choked. “You’re really hungry, are you not eating in your house?”

My mom gives the water to Luhan and he drinks it.

“What happened?” I asked after he drank the water.

“I choked while eating the pancake”

“Next time, eat slowly”

“Okay, okay” and he looked at his wrist watch Je-in, we’re late!”

I also looked at his wrist watch and !

“Mom! I’m late!”

“Okay, go now. Call me later” she said and I kissed her on the cheeks for a good bye.

We stood up and run out of the house to go to school. Our school was so near in our house and we were just walking but if we’re late we’re running and this is what we are doing right now.

“Je-in, hurry!” he yelled

“Okay,okay wait!”

“Tss.. slow poke”

Psh, just because he’s a soccer player that’s why he could run fast as he can.

He held my right hand with his left hand and we continue running to school. When we reach the gate, I put away my hand. I stared at my hand which Luhan was holding awhile ago.

Why am I staring at my hand?

Why I want to hold his hand again?

After he got his ID from his bag, he holds my hand again and we enter the school gate. Students and his fan girls were looking at us so I put away my hand and he looked at me.

“Why?” he asked

I looked at the guard who was waiting to check his bag that’s why I push him “Your bag needs to be checked”

After his bag is checked, he waited for me.

Why is he always waiting for me?

I think he wants to talk about random things again while going to the field.

After we got into the entrance, we we’re surprised by her fan girls who were holding placards and yelling at him.

He’s a soccer player at school so everybody knows him. He also know a lot of sports besides soccer, he was also a math wizard. He’s my tutor sometimes when I don’t know some of the topics on that subject.

“GOOD MORNING LUHAN!” they greeted him,

Luhan just smiled at them but the others we’re about to collapse.

“You must answer them, every morning they we’re there. You should greet them”

“they don’t need to be always there to greet me. The weather is cold and I’m worried that they might catch a cold” he answered while looking at his fangirls.

“That’s because they want to see you”

In the end, he greeted his fangirls and bowed his head to them. “Good Morning! You don’t need to be here to greet me every morning, the weather is cold you all might catch a cold. Thank you!” and he waved.

In 3,2,1…




That was the things I heard when his fangirls we’re yelling and I’m surprised that his fangirls came running to have his pictures and autograph who were there in the side a while ago. A while ago I was beside him but right now, I can’t see him.

Where is he?

I tried to look for him but I didn’t saw him that’s why I chose to go to my room, I’ll just text him that I’m here in my room. I pity him, I think he’s full of kiss marks and his uniform was damaged.

When I got into our room I received a text from luhan. He was asking me if I was in our class room and he was telling me to eat lunch with him in the soccer field later. He cooked the food that we are going to eat later.

I think, I need to be prepared for his food?

“Ya Jane-ah!”

I looked at the person who called my name and it was Lily, my classmate and Luhan and I’s friend.

 “Hi! How are you?” I put my cellphone in my bag and seated on my chair.

 “I’m fine, Jane-ah”

I think she needed something again, “What do you want?”

She looked surprised but she just smiled “What? I’m not saying anything”

 “What do you want, hurry our teacher is going to be here soon”

She seated right next to me and pouted. “Help me, I need to escape on a blind date”

Woah, Lily and I are in the same situation.

 “You know what? We’re on the same situation”

She looked at me. “What are you saying?”

 “I have a blind date also and my mom’s  scared that I would not get married when I turned 30” I answered.

She just laughed on what I said and I looked at her. “Why are you laughing?”

 “Je-in ah, I’m not surprised when your mom was worried about you getting married”



Is it because of how I carry myself?

I looked at myself. There’s nothing wrong on how I dressed, I’m comfortable on wearing our uniform and rubber shoes.

 “I think this is alright? I’m beautiful, and someone will court me someday”

She laugh again, why is she laughing?

I think she’s crazy?

 “And when is that? I think even if you’re old that someone will never be there to court you”

 “Psh, Just shut up, you don’t have anything good to say”

She stop laughing and talk about what we are talking about a while ago. “As I was saying, help me please, I don't want to date that guy I didn't het to see the face”

 “What type of guy you like?”

 “I like the guys like Luhan” she confidently said.

The guys like Luhan, why not Luhan instead but wait why do I feel this way?

I’m kind of getting frustrated when she said she liked guys like Luhan?

I think I’m just tired.

 “Why? You don’t want? Ayiiiiiiiie! Don’t tell me you’re jealous?!” here she goes again, teasing me with Luhan.

 “What jealous?! No.”

Why do I feel like my face is getting red like a tomato?

 “Don’t worry, I don’t like guys like Luhan. My ideal type of guy is…” and she scan the whole room looking for her ideal type.

I also looked but I can’t see anyone.

The boys was not normal, they look like a monkey, I think it’s just girls who were normal in our class.

 “Omona!” and she turned behind me like playing hide and seek.

What is she doing?

 “Hey, you’re weird”

 “Just stay there, Tristan is coming” Tristan?

Wait! He’s the guy who got hit by Ella the great last time.

He still has his black eye on the left side of his face.

 “Lily, do you have a crush on this coward?” I asked her but she hit me on the back.

Ouch =_=

 “Don’t call him a coward! I’m getting hurt!” psh.

 “Tsk, he’s a bully but when a person tries to defend him or herself he immediately walks away that’s why he’s a coward” I explained.

 “Just shut up and talk to him, I’ll stay behind your back”

I just kept quiet and smiled when Tristan came. I think he will bully me.

 Just try it.

I’ll have his right black eye on the right side of his face.

 “How are you Jane” he stated.

 “I’m fine” I answered getting bored.

 “Do you have something..” he says while looking at my bag.

What is he?

An elementary bully?

I laugh at the thought of him being an elementary bully that’s why he looked at me. “Why are you laughing?” he asked in a scary tone.

 “Nothing, you look like an elementary bully. I don’t have cupcake and juice, go to next building and bully those elementary students” I received a pinch from Lily because of what I’ve said to his coward crush.

Our building is right next to the preschool up to Elementary.

“I’m not talking about food”

“Then what?”

 “Your allowance” I smirk when he said that.

 “Do you want to die?” I’ll let him get every material things that I have but not my allowance.

My mom confiscated my skateboards so I have to buy a new one that’s why  I needed my allowance.

 “Are you going to give it to me or not?” he asked and his friends stand up so that they will scare me more.

 “Do you want a black eye on the right side of your face?” I asked him while my hands are in my pocket.

 “What’s that?!” we all looked at the door and saw our teacher standing there looking intently at us.

Tristan and the others went on their seat and Lily seated right next to me. Does anyone answer her question?

 “They we’re just asking about our project on the other subject ma’am”

I think she believe on what I said so she started the lesson.

While listening, I whispered to Lily “How can you be so into Tristan, he’s a bully and I think he will just get your allowance?”

She smiled at me while looking at Tristan who was picking his nose. “He’s kind and I know, he’s the perfect guy for me”


Picking his nose in public?

I can’t imagine that.

 “I think he cast a spell on you” I said.

She looked at me with disgust on her face that’s why I kept quiet and smiled at her. “Love is really blind” I whispered to myself.

“Ms. Kim!”

 “Omo, Love is blind!” I blurted out because of the sudden call of my teacher so my classmates laugh.


 “What are you saying?” my teacher asked.

 “Nothing ma’am. Why?” I said as I stand up.

“Read the paragraph no.3 then explain”

I get the book and started to read. I don’t know how to explain this, what am I going to do?


After reading the book, I paused for a moment. I hope someone comes so that the explanation will be interrupted. I didn’t study last night.

 “What are you waiting for Ms. Kim? Explain the paragraph”

 “Yes ma’am” I tightened my grip on the book. “Ah..-“ I was about to speak when someone opened the door and my girl classmates yelled.

Thank you whoever you are!

I put down the book and seated on the chair.

 “You’re lucky” Lily whispered to me, I just smiled and winked at her.

Who opened the door and my classmates are yelling?

 “QUIET!” our teacher said while going to the door. “What do you want Mr. Kim Jongin?”


Kim Jongin?

He’s one of the soccer players in our school.

 “Omona, Kai’s so hot” Lily whispered that’s why I looked at her “but Tristan is hotter than him” she looked at me also and smiled.

Kai is the hottie in our school. Actually they’re 13 on a soccer team and all of them are freaking handsome. Luhan is also included on EXO soccer team in our school but  I didn’t get to see any one of them because I don’t want to see them.


Luhan said that they we’re nice but they are trolls, derp and there is a panda and many more.

I think they we’re whining like a child and play like a 5 year old kids.

 “Ma’am I just want to talk to Ms. Jane Kim?” Kai asked while looking at me.

How can he know me when we didn’t see each other yet?

Everybody looked at me as if I murdered someone. I’m not a murderer classmate.

 “Ms. Kim” our teacher said so I stood up.

What does this guy want from me?



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