Sweet Dark Night.

Midnight blue.

It was dark, midnight blue rather than pitch black, or navy blue. As they sit on the cold sandy ground. Swoosh goes the cool breeze, it feels as if they could understand the surroundings, the nature, the ghosts wandering around, the beautiful crying souls, the dark shadows and hollows, every little thing they can and can not see nor feel.




"Hey, Yoongi, you know what? I feel free, free from stress and every pathethic little ing thing. It feels good."



"Yeah. I know. It's as if I can feel the spirit which have long trapped itself inside me. The spirit who would not care about the world and stupid little things. It's like we can cut everything out and just be ourselves. Something I have not felt before."



"I try taking each day as it comes, but it's hard. I tend to not try, it's pathethic. To have feelings like those, to have depressing nights at home, work, everywhere."



"Come off it, Jimin. Come off it. For years to come, you will come up with the world. I swear."




All they could hear is each other's breath, and the sound of nature crying. It was silent for a moment, they probably felt empty and upset, but come to think of it, it was worth it. Not all of the secrets have been revealed but at least one. One which made them understand, made them know that they have each other.




Jimin breaks the silence.




"Thinking negatively is not good and I know that. It just hits in at night. And I feel useless, with no power because I can't help it but to break down and cry. So ing useless. When I tuck myself in bed, I know that I have not yet come a long way but you know, the thoughts about life. It strikes me like lightning."



"I can literally not care about any ing thing but you deserve every good ing thing on this Earth. At times like these, I would just want to make out so hard, with you. To make sure you feel alright. Cuddle you. To make sure you feel safe. Hug you and lend my shoulders to you. Just to let you know that you're amazing. And you are. Don't do yourself down."



"I could really do with those. I would sometimes want a cuddle partner, want to make out with someone who loves me, cry, laugh, be mad at someone who would always be there for me."



"What the ? Then I'm done for. I'm here for you." "Yeah, thanks, I ing love you."



"I ing love you too. No, more. Are you alright?"






"Don't ing lie."



"I didn't."



" this. I want to ing make out with you. Kiss you so ing hard. ing taste you. Wrap you so tight in my arms."



"Then do it passionately."



"Jimin, the ?"




Yoongi stares at Jimin with a serious face. Staring right into his beautiful shiny eyes, as if it'll hit him like a spark. More like a shooting star. Without a doubt, he pushes Jimin against the sandy ground. As he goes closer, they could feel and smell each other's breath. It smelled like cotton candy.  He ing kissed Jimin so ing hard, you could see.


Along the seaside, all you see is the sandy ground, the sea waves, the palm trees, both of them making out. Yoongi wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist and pushed Jimin so hard against himself.


Feeling his soft body, as soft and smooth as milk, or soy bean milk, his soft lips, it was sweet, more like honey-kind of sweet rather than bubblegum. Jimin kind of just held Yoongi even tighter. Pulled Yoongi towards him, towards the ground. He could almost feel his . What the ?


It felt like a world where no one would be in, just both of them. Having each other and giving their best. It was beautiful. Passionate enough. They held each other even tighter than they would normally do. 




"So..." Yoongi hesitates.



"Yeah?" Jimin mumbles.



"Let's hit the sack. Let's go. Thank you. For every tiny little thing."



"Don't thank me. I thank you."




Looking back at the tiny footsteps on the sandy ground, their shadows under the dark night, the sound of waves, the smell of the sea, the night breeze, the cold ground which is as cold as ice, the sound of palm trees swaying its leaves, the breath of each other, admiring the scenery as they walk, listening to the sound of of nature, the most importantly, they met Jimin's long trapped feelings which haunts him constantly. They understood each other more. 

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Chapter 1: it was good, the plot was refreshing