Chapter 2

Oh! Baby
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          Soonkyu woke up the next day and rushed to the bathroom to puke her guts out. Thank God that she had her own bathroom, because it'll be a mess if Hyeyeon hears her and asks questions. She hasn't told her family, let alone the freaking father of the child yet, and all the same, Soonkyu has no idea how too.

          After puking 10 pounds and flushing it down the toilet, Soonkyu gargled the disgusting taste of barf and walked back to her bed to wallow in self-pity. But wallowing in self-pity is never Soonkyu's style, so she got out of the bed and walked out to go to the kitchen so she could cook some breakfast.

          Youngmin's shoes are still here, so that means he stayed the night. Soonkyu somehow felt the urge to talk to the both of them about unprotected , but she'll have to do that after breakfast.

          Soonkyu opened the refrigerator and took out some leftovers from the night before. So that's basically, rice and beef stew. Soonkyu took a pan and the gas then their stove. She took the beef stew and dumped it in the pan that made a sizzling sound. She then took the rice and dumped it in the pan, and it made another sizzling noise. Soonkyu used a wooden spoon to mix the two ingredients until they mixed completely. She then turned the stove off the plate the food.

           On cue, Hye Yeon’s room opened and her and Youngmin walked out.

          "Good Morning!" Hyeyeon said when she saw Soonkyu in the kitchen preparing 3 plates and 3 pairs of utensils.

          "Morning." Soonkyu said back to the both of them. She took the food to the table and asked Youngmin to take the plates and utensils out to the dinning table. Then the three of them proceeded to eat normally, until Soonkyu decides to eat like a total dude who hasn’t eaten in 10 days. Hye Yeon and Youngmin watched Soonkyu eat a mountain of rice, only to get more. Soonkyu ate in her little bubble, forgetting her roommate and her roommate’s boyfriend. She would just take a spoon full of rice and smile at herself rubbing her flat stomach. Hye Yeon and Youngmin looked at Soonkyu weirdly, but since they just met her the day before, they didn’t really know if she was acting any different. For all they know, Soonkyu might actually be this passionate while eating. So Hye Yeon didn’t mind anything.

          Not until in the afternoon when the two of them were watching a movie. Youngmin left after breakfast bec

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137 streak #1
Chapter 8: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

I agree with Jongin..she sure is mean to him..

137 streak #2
Chapter 6: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

Aww they are finally together in a single scene!! I wonder what will happen during his two day stay!!

137 streak #3
Chapter 5: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

I am glad he gets to go see her..I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out he is going to be a father..

137 streak #4
Chapter 4: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

Uh this going to cause problems for her??

137 streak #5
Chapter 2: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

Oh..this revealed a lot of far along she is and who she was to the all makes sense now..

137 streak #6
Chapter 1: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author SoBeautifulMyGirl!!

The time notes are kind of funny one second it was 7 and the next it became 6:30 lolzz..but Soonkyu left being their maid because she was pregnant?? With who??

Chapter 23: That was so cute! A boy and a girl.. their names are beautiful! Jongin appa! I love the ending. I hope you can write an epilogue pleaseeee
Chapter 23: This is sweet awhhh ♡ Is it the end? ㅠ.ㅍ
Chapter 22: That was sad :( Jongin should be with her and the twins. They need him so much
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