
Free Fall

He could feel himself drifting away from happiness. The invisible greedy hands that pull him down further into the black hole, eating away at his energy. His smiles start to be limited, a new darkness proceeds under his eyes.


He’s tired.


He stands up from his bed, and glances around the room. His eyes set onto every photograph, every memory. He hasn’t thought much about them, but after multiple filmings and many flights within the same week, he was exhausted. It was the only thing he had strength to do right now.


His eyes caught a familiar picture of his mother. She stood there, a huge smile on her face. Next to her, stood a young Bobby, holding up his first award, grinning ear to ear with missing teeth. Oh how the memory returned to him as if it had just happened yesterday.


He lets his hand reach out and set on the old photograph of his mother, offering it a lopsided smile. She’s never looked so beautiful and graceful in his eyes as of now. Oh how much he missed her.


He shakes his head as he loses his strength in his arm to continue. He lowers it and stares out the window. How lovely the streets looked. Would they look nicer if I get closer? He thought, trudging his way towards the window.


“Jiwon,” A voice calls from behind, “Don’t you dare.”


He turns and locks eyes with the other before settling to look at the chair. He knew the other was very well aware of what went through his mind.


“I’m sorry,” He whispered, afraid that the other members would hear.


“Don’t be,” Yunhyeong said, shuffling near him silently.


He allowed himself to be pulled into a longing embrace, resting his head onto the reliable shoulder. He felt himself fully relax when a thin but muscular arm reached up and thread it’s fingers through his hair.


He felt himself be rocked into a calming rhythm, once a while a pause and the resumption. He closed his eyes and imagined a world where everything was free to fall. Would I be free to fall as well? He wondered.


He felt a sudden shift as he was laid on his bed. He peeked through half lidded eyes to see Yunhyeong look down at him with a timid smile.


“Feeling a bit okay?” He asked, worried hidden by a smile.


“A bit more okay since you’re here.” Bobby replied, reaching out to pull the boy next to him.


It’ll always be okay with you here. He kept to himself as he pulled the covers over their cold figures. He shuffled into position that allowed him to comfortably wrap a protective arm around the smaller male. He felt a movement and was happy when an arm laid itself on his.

Yes, maybe a free fall isn’t too bad, but it was definitely better for him that there was always someone willing to wait and catch him on his way down. He’d feel much safer, and a lot more secure.


Busy schedules and late night practices were alright if there was Yunhyeong. He’ll be immune to them and it all else fails, he has his black knight to be there for him, and that was more than enough for him.


“Goodnight Yun,” He whispered into the top of the boy’s hair.


“Sweet dreams Jiwon,” Yunhyeong whispered back. Bobby loved it when Yunhyeong called him his real name. It shows how close they both were and Bobby wouldn’t ever tell him otherwise.


He doesn’t mind a free fall if the other was going to be there to catch him.


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HunieMineNahLuluis #1
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!!
This perfect,like i ship this two but when am try search they fanfic its really hard and meanly Bobyun fanfic on Thailand league soo i can't read it #Sad , thank you for making this beautiful fanfic hope many author write fanfic bout this two cutie too
junseunggirl #2
ahjummaaa #3
Chapter 1: ooh! finally someone wwrite bobby×yoyo fanfic! i love u authornim!! ♡great story tho
Chapter 1: short but sweet... keke...
i love yunhyeong...