❤ 至福ロールプレイ/ Béatitude roleplay ー : YAAS JOIN THE FRIENDLY WARM FAMILY NOW!! ♥ HIRING ADMINS ➷ New & Accepting. ☆◕‿-。 WE ARE BACK!! ಥ‿ಥ






Welcome to Béatitude Roleplay!


About Us

Béatitude means life, happiness, joy, fun time and much more, here we express our feelings, being crazy and fun is our speciality! We are addicted in making new friends and creating a fun life, We think that you have to enjoy life wait a sec... we don't think it. WE want it to be! every hour has 60 minutes, every week has 7 days including the weekends, every year has 12 months and what do we do? enjoy it, Cherish it! So why join? cuz we are the fun gamily of all time!!


Roleplay Status


We are officially open!


Moved & a lil revamped!








Admin Name


Admin Name


Admin Name



1. Roleplay Name

2. Roleplay Name

3. Roleplay Name

4. Roleplay Name

Rules and Guidelines

Rule 1. Be active- seriously, Naeun will be looking at yall 24/7. no joke. Rule 2. Subcribe & upvote! Rule 3. This is a Non-AU roleplay which means yes you are a idol :P. Rule 4. & yuri is allowed. Rule 5. dating ban is up to 3 days. Rule 6. for the cute newbies. 3 days of inactivity is a result in a kickout. Rule 7. Yes we have a password. eue Rule 8. Choose your desired character by going to the masterlist. Rule 9. Apply with the form. Rule 10. Make your acc within 3 days and pm your link to us through AFF. Rule 11. Make your alt name béatitude + idols name eg: Amazing naeun. Rule 12. The password is what you find important in a roleplay. Rule 13. Have fun and remember to be active! also, we prefer 3rd POV but just be yourself we love that as well okay? < 3.


1. Name of Idol: 

2. Group:  

3. Timezone: 

4. Password:

 Quote of the day: 

"The first 10 memebers will recieve a welcoming HOTPOT \o/."



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tdawg730 #1
Chapter 1: 1. Name of Idol: Byun Baekhyun
2. Group: Exo-K
3. Timezone: GMT -8
4. Password: Activity
1. Name of Idol: Huang Zitao
2. Group: EXO
3. Timezone: GMT - 6
4. Password: Active members.
1. Name of Idol: luhan
2. Group: exo
3. Timezone: gmt -8
4. Password: making sure the members are being active