
This isn't Right.

August 2011

I can’t believe that I’m leaving home for college, for finally fulfilling my dreams to be an English Literature student of that university, the one that I’ve been dreaming of these past years. After all the efforts that I’ve been done for the sake of reaching my dreams and making my parents be proud of me for getting into prestigious university. I feel sad, well who wouldn’t? I have to leave home to live alone out of town. I’m looking forward to every new experience that I might found in new places with new people. Sitting in the backseat of the car with my parents at the front and my sister beside me, hearing them talking and laughing , without plugging my earphones to my ear like I used to, looking around the neighborhood that we passed, I want to enjoy every tiny bit of this city because I’ll miss this city for sure.


I’m trying so hard not to cry, saying goodbye to my family, while every new student in my dorm are still with their parents, my parents need to go back home soon because of my father’s job. At least I have my two best friends with me and they’re living in the room next to mine. I’m trying so hard to close my eyes, to sleep, because I have opening ceremony next morning. I’m ready; I’m ready to welcoming what’s coming ahead. I’m excited, but trying not to be too excited, because I hate disappointment.


September 2011

It has been a month and I’m getting used living here. I have few new friends beside my two best friends. We’re so cope up with tons of assignment as fresh student that we often stay up late together at the dorm lobby. We’re pretty much like brothers and sisters. Some may say that high school friends will lasts the most, but actually close friends that you have during college time are friends for life, because we really through the tough time together, tougher than what we have faced before.

I find it pretty cute how some of us falling in love with one another. I’m sure it’s because the amount of time we’ve spent together. We’re like glued to each other except when we’re having classes because some of us didn’t happen to be in the same department. Seeing them fall in love with each other got me thinking, what if one day I fell in love with one of them? I feel sad just thinking about it. I think of them like brothers, why do I fall in love with my own brother? Well at least for now, I’d like to cherish my time with them.


Mid September 2011

“Don’t you think Jongin is cute?” Ask my best friend, Sulli when we’re on our way to finally head back home for the very first time.

“Well I think he has a pretty smile.” No, I’m just stating a fact without any intention to indicate something behind it.





It was Tuesday and raining. I like how I spent my cold-rainy-afternoon under the blanket reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece for my prose class with my speaker on playing Norah Jones’ songs, it feels so warm and beautiful, until laughter was heard from the next room. It’s like inviting me to come out of my room and find the crowd. I make myself went to Sulli’s room only to find Chanyeol and Baekhyun are there with her, telling the stories about the stupidity they made that day in public speaking class.

“Soojung-ah, do you have a boyfriend?” I don’t know why but suddenly Chanyeol is starting to make this kind of conversation.

“I’m not. I’m cool going solo for now. Well at least for these past two years.”

“I thought you have one!” Seriously, Baekhyun’s surprised face is so cute, no wonder Taengoo is under his spell.

“You need one, Soojung-ah. It’s been two years since you broke up with him.” I know Sulli is really eager to see me having a new boyfriend.

“I don’t have any intention to find one here at the beginning tho’. Sul, you’re the one looking for someone.”

“Yes, I am but I think I couldn’t find one since almost everyday I’ve been spending my time with you guys and I’m pretty sure I don’t have any crush on any of you because we’re like brothers and sisters right.”

“Ewww.. Suddenly my hands feel so itchy hearing those words, Sul.” Jokester Baekhyun, pardon him. Who wouldn’t laugh to Baekhyun’s joke?!

“I think so too, Sul.”

“No, you’re lying! You said Jongin has pretty smile before.” I keep myself calm hearing Sulli spits the words, since I was saying the truth last time and I really am didn’t mean anything than stating a truth.

“Yeah, I did. But it doesn’t mean the I--”

“Jongin! Yes! Okay Sul, our next project is found!” Chanyeol talks to Sulli as if it was a brilliant idea. Look at his excited face, look at those eyes, and look at that goofy smile, Park Chanyeol.

I won’t take their intention seriously, because among the guys, Jongin is the one that I rarely talk to. Not like he’s not a talkative person neither do I, it’s just like we don’t have anything in common to talk about. Well I’m an introvert person. So I’m sure that their plan won’t work out.

We’re still in Sul room, chatting, and laughing so hard that I’m sure people at the lobby heard us. This is a co-ed dorm, three stories building, with strict rules ofcourse. We have a little garden full of flowers in the middle of the building, so this building is like a rectangular donut. With two boys in Sulli’s room, we need to keep the door open if we didn’t want to make ourselves get in trouble and to avoid any suspicion. Out of nowhere, Jongin finally showed up in Sul’s door, drenched from head to toe. He must be got drenched because of the heavy rain outside, he loves his scooter so much that maybe he will still riding his scooter under the rain.

“Hi Jongin! Come in!” Sulli and Chanyeol exchange glare, I know what is that mean, but I’m just keeping myself cool. Folding my legs and keep it close to my chest.

“I heard you guys laughing from the lobby and Sul, you’re the loudest.” I’m just giving a not-too-loud-almost-like-a-silent chuckle to what Jongin said.

“Jongin come here, here, sit here.” Chanyeol taps the empty space between me and him and Jongin follows his word. I’m just being a silent listener while they’re making fun of each other. Unlike me, Sul is pretty close to most of the guys, which is including Jongin. So I’m not feeling belittled for only listening to what they’re talking about. After quite long time chatting and joking, Chanyeol excuse himself to go to his room to get something.

“Wait, I want to take a look who’s at the garden.” Baekhyun runs out of the room and as fast as the flash of light Sulli joins Baekhyun run out of the room and close the door leaving me and Jongin alone in her room. They’re too fast that I couldn’t even move or even get up. The silent in the room is so awkward. I can’t believe they’re serious about making me and Jongin as their next project, and yes those friends of mine falling in love with each other has something to do with Chanyeol-Sulli-Baekhyun as well. I can hear they’re having a devilish laugh out of the room.

“Jongin, what should we do. They lock us up.” I get up in panic and bang the door asking them to open the door. I’m not afraid of being together in a room with Jongin, I’m just afraid I might get in trouble if the dorm keeper has a misunderstanding over this situation. I don’t even know why Jongin seems so calm and just smiling looking at my panic face. Then I realize, there’s no use. The more I make a sound, the more they lock us up here. So me and Jongin just talk about anything we could to erase away the awkward atmosphere between us. And since that day, everything is not the same anymore.




I think I'll make this story with only three or four chapter. Hope you guys like it and let me know at the comment section! :)


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Jenniangelia #1
Chapter 2: I LOVE UR STORY :)))) seriously jongin-soojung very sweet aaaaaaaw >.<
Please update soon, can't wait for next chap
redlightape #2
omggggtgtt. i live this story somuch <3333
author nim. keep updating. and please do not make it sad ending. or smth like that -_-
Chapter 2: Wah... i love their moment... ♥♥
So sweet and smoothly...from friend to be not boyfriend and girlfriend but a couple I think without an officially status hehe *^O^*
Chapter 2: I really like it. I wonder what makes jongin and soojung not just go to be in a relationship?
Dont say its because a best friend thing because clearly they didnt stand in that bestfriend circle..